Jan 6, 2024
1 fork
5 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
function g2(options) {
const chart = new G2.Chart();
invalidation.then((chart) => chart.render());
return chart.getContainer();
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "point",
data, // Bind abstract dataset for the point mark.
encode: {
x: "GDP", // X-position encodes GDP column.
y: "LifeExpectancy", // Y-position encodes LifeExpectancy column.
color: "Continent", // Color encodes column derived from Population column.
shape: "hollow" // Shape encodes constant hollowPoint.
style: { lineWidth: 2 } // LineWidth fixed to 2.
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "point",
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
color: (d) => (d.Population > 600e6 ? true : false),
shape: "hollow"
style: { lineWidth: 2 },
axis: { x: { labelFormatter: "~s" } }, // Format labels of axisX.
legend: { color: { labelFormatter: (d) => (d ? "High" : "Low") } }
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "interval",
encode: { x: "Continent" },
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "count" }],
axis: { x: { title: "country" } }
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "view",
children: [
type: "point",
encode: { x: "GDP", y: "LifeExpectancy", color: "Continent" },
style: { fillOpacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 1 }
type: "text",
encode: {
series: "Continent",
size: "Population",
text: "Country",
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy"
// Select a shape for each series with specified selector.
transform: [{ type: "select", x: selector }],
style: {
fontSize: 14,
fill: "black",
stroke: "none",
fontWeight: "bold",
dy: -11
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "point",
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
color: "Continent",
size: "Population",
shape: "point"
scale: { size: { type: scale, range: [4, 20] } },
legend: { size: false },
style: { fillOpacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 1 }
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "interval",
encode: { x: "Continent" },
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "count" }],
coordinate: { transform: [{ type: "transpose" }] } // Apply coordinate transformation
Insert cell
Insert cell
const axisOptions = {
zIndex: 1,
line: true,
titleTransform: "translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-90)",
titlePosition: "right"
return g2({
type: "line",
paddingLeft: 40,
encode: {
// Position encode multiple data columns, each columns corresponding an axis.
position: ["Continent", "LifeExpectancy", "Population", "GDP"],
color: "Continent"
coordinate: { type: "parallel" }, // Specify parallel coordinate transformation.
style: { strokeOpacity: 0.8 },
axis: {
position: axisOptions, // Set the first axis to top.
position1: axisOptions, // Set the second axis to top.
position2: { ...axisOptions, labelFormatter: "~s" }, // Set the third axis to the top and format it.
position3: { ...axisOptions, labelFormatter: "~s" } // Set the fourth axis to the top and format it.
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "spaceFlex", // Create a flex node and add to chart.
data, // Bind data and pass it to child.
width: 840,
height: 320,
children: [
type: "point", // Create a view with a point mark and add it to the flex node.
encode: { x: "GDP", y: "LifeExpectancy" },
axis: { x: { labelFormatter: "~s" } }
type: "interval", // Create a view with a interval mark and add it to the flex node.
encode: { x: "Continent" },
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "count" }]
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "facetRect",
width: 840,
height: 290,
paddingLeft: 40,
paddingBottom: 40,
data, // Data will be divided and pass.
encode: { x: "Continent" }, // Data is grouped by Continent column and space is placed horizontally.
children: [
type: "point",
encode: { x: "GDP", y: "LifeExpectancy" },
axis: { x: { labelFormatter: "~s" } }
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "facetRect",
width: 700,
height: 280,
shareSize: +shareSize,
shareData: +shareData,
encode: { x: "Continent" },
scale: { x: { domain: ["Europe", "Americas", "Asia", "Oceania"] } },
children: [
type: "point",
encode: {
title: "Country",
shape: "point",
tooltip: ["LifeExpectancy", "GDP", "Population"]
transform: [{ type: "pack" }]
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "point",
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
size: "Population",
color: "Continent",
shape: "point",
enterDuration: 1000
transform: [{ type: "stackEnter", groupBy: ["color"] }],
scale: { size: { type: "log", range: [4, 20] } },
legend: { size: false },
style: { fillOpacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 1 }
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "timingKeyframe",
direction: "alternate",
iterationCount: "infinite",
children: [
type: "point",
class: "point",
paddingLeft: 50,
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
color: "Continent",
key: "Country",
shape: "point",
groupKey: "Continent"
legend: false
type: "interval",
class: "point",
paddingLeft: 50,
encode: { x: "Continent", key: "Continent", color: "Continent" },
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "count" }],
axis: { y: { title: "count" } },
legend: false
Insert cell
Insert cell
type: "point",
data: {
type: "fetch",
value: ""
encode: { x: "weight", y: "height", color: "gender", shape: "point" },
style: {
fillOpacity: 0.7,
transform: "scale(1, 1)",
transformOrigin: "center center"
state: {
inactive: { fill: "black", fillOpacity: 0.5, transform: "scale(0.5, 0.5)" }
interaction: { brushXHighlight: true }
Insert cell
type: "point",
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
size: "Population",
color: "Continent",
shape: "point"
scale: { size: { type: "log", range: [4, 20] } },
legend: { size: false },
style: { fillOpacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 1 },
interaction: { fisheye: true }
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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