Mar 26, 2024
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
waffleIron(d, {
squareSize: 5,
squareBuffer: 1,
color: data(year).map((d) => Object.values(d)[1]),
animation: false,
xAxis: 5,
xAxisEnabled: false,
waffleBufferRow: 5,
waffleBufferCol: 5,
marginXaxisTop: 10,
sumWaffleAxis: false,
scaling: 1,
scaleHundredTo: 50,
suffix: "GWh",
ticks: 5,
fontSize: 12,
cornerRadius: 0
Insert cell
Insert cell
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
Coal (Brown) - GWh
Coal (Brown) - GWh
Facet X
Facet Y
Type Chart, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
waffleIron([90, 10, 20, 30, 100], {
animation: true,
delay: 0.4,
squareSize: 15
Insert cell
Insert cell
waffleIron([100, 100, 1000], { animation: true, xAxis: true, squareSize: 5 })
Insert cell
Insert cell
waffleIron([50, 30, 1], {
color: ["#a543ae", "#000", "#00bb"],
bgcolor: "#af1", //beautiful,
squareSize: 8,
waffleStacks: 2, // how many columns of waffles
squareBuffer: 10, //space between squares
waffleBufferRow: 45, //space between waffles
waffleBufferCol: 40, //space between waffles
numberOfRows: 5, //# of rows in a waffle
numberOfColumns: 5, //# of columns in a waffle
delay: 50,
xaxis: true
Insert cell
waffleIron([31, 48, 7], {
bgcolor: "#fff", //set to white for no bg colour
numberOfRows: 5, //# of rows in a waffle
scaleHundredto: 79, //if you want to break the space-time continuum a value of 79 will now fill 100% of a waffle
squareSize: 2,
squareBuffer: 7,
delay: 1,
xAxis: true,
scaling: 100,
suffix: "MW"
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
opennem = FileAttachment("19981201 OpenNEM.csv").csv({ typed: true })
Insert cell
function data(year) {
var yearly = opennem.filter((d) => d3.timeFormat("%Y")( == year);
var tmp = [];
var ret = [];
var cols = Object.keys(yearly[0]);

cols.forEach((x, i) =>
[x.split(" ", 1)]: d3.sum( => d[x])),
color: colors[x.split(" ", 1)]

return tmp.slice(3, 17);
Insert cell
Insert cell
years = d3.range(1999, 2023)
Insert cell
colors = Object.assign({
Coal: "#ABDDF3",
Bioenergy: "#FE6A97",
Distillate: "#E9B4E6",
Gas: "#B536AF",
Battery: "#12ffaa",
Hydro: "#384651",
Wind: "#F6B27B",
Solar: "#A90235"
Insert cell
f = d3.format(".1f")
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
import { Swatches } from "@d3/color-legend"
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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