Nov 24, 2020
14 stars
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draw_loop = {while(true) {
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dates = => new Date(Date.parse(d)))
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viewof zoom = slider({title: "zoom (square root)", min: .5, max: 15, value: 1, step: .1})
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md`## Some scales

Not sure if I still use them all!
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rate_of_change = d3.scaleDivergingLog().domain([5,1, .2]).interpolator(d3.interpolatePiYG).clamp(true)
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incidence_color = d3.scaleDivergingLog().domain([1e-2, 1e-3,1e-4 ]).interpolator(d3.interpolateRdBu).clamp(true)
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date = ddate.toISOString().slice(0, 10)
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distortion = d3.scaleSqrt().domain([0, 1/1000]).range([0, 1])
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size_scale = d3.scaleSqrt().domain([0, 50]).range([0, 10])
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delta_scale = d3.scaleDivergingLog().domain([.2, 1, 10]).clamp(true).range([0, 0, 1])
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md`## Draw command`
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draw_frame = function(date) {
const overall_radius = jitter_radius / 100 * (Math.sin( + 1)/2
const prop_list = []
let ix = -1

for (let feature of hi_res_counties) {
ix += 1
if (feature.vertices === null) {continue}
if (feature.coordinates === null) {continue}
if (handler.element_handler.get(ix) === undefined) {
handler.element_handler.set(ix, gl.elements({
primitive: 'triangles',
usage: 'static',
data: feature.vertices,
type: "uint" + feature.coord_resolution,
length: feature.vertices.length, // in bytes
count: feature.vertices.length / feature.coord_resolution * 8
handler.coord_handler.post_data(ix, feature.coordinates)
if (handler.get_prop("angle", ix) === undefined) handler.set_prop("angle", ix, 0)
let rand = handler.get_prop("rand", ix) || handler.set_prop("random", ix, 0)
const { STATE, COUNTY } = feature
let c_stats = long_term_corona_counts.get(STATE + COUNTY + "-" + date)
const pop = pops.get(`${STATE}${COUNTY}`)
if (c_stats == undefined) {
c_stats = {delta: 1, rolling: 0};
let { delta, rolling } = c_stats;
const rate = rolling/pop

// Increment the current angle by an amount.
const pop_per_area = pop/(feature.CENSUSAREA + 1e-10)
const magnitude = distortion(rate)
if (isNaN(delta)) {
delta = 1
} else if (delta <= 0) {
delta = .1
handler.set_prop("angle", ix, handler.get_prop("angle", ix) + delta_scale(delta))
const t = Math.sin([1]*10))
let color = incidence_color(rate) || 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
let [r, g, b] = color.split(/\(|\)/)[1].split(",").map(d => +d)
//r = 128; g = 128; b = 128;
let x_shift = -feature.centroid_x
let y_shift = -feature.centroid_y
const v = {
color: [r/255, g/255, b/255],
centroid: [feature.centroid_x, feature.centroid_y],
angle: handler.get_prop("angle", ix),
scale: scale_by_votes == "yes" ? size_scale(rolling/feature.CENSUSAREA) : 1,
elements: handler.element_handler.get(ix),
coords: handler.coord_handler.get(ix),
translate: [0, 0],
incidence: incidence


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import { ReglBufferHandler } from '@bmschmidt/pre-triangulated-binary-maps-for-webgl'
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handler = new ReglBufferHandler(gl)
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gl = regl({canvas:myCanvas});
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start_time =

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import { radio, slider } from '@jashkenas/inputs'
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render = gl(renderer);
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colorscheme = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 100]).range(d3.schemeBuGn)
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groups = {return {36005: "New York", 36047: "New York", 36061: "New York", 36081: "New York", 36085: "New York"}}
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function tri_merge(triangles, coords, int_sizes) {
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renderer = (
//Starting point:
vert: `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 position;
uniform float aspect;
uniform float u_zoom;
uniform float u_scale;

uniform float u_incidence;
uniform float u_theta;
uniform vec3 color;
uniform vec2 translate;
uniform vec2 u_centroid;
varying vec3 fragColor;

mat2 rotate2d(float _angle){
return mat2(cos(_angle),-sin(_angle),

void main () {
gl_PointSize = 2.;
vec2 rot;
fragColor = color;
vec2 p_from_centroid = position - u_centroid;
if (u_incidence == 0.) {
} else {

float angle = atan(p_from_centroid.x, p_from_centroid.y);
float magnitude = sqrt(dot(p_from_centroid, p_from_centroid));
float adjust = magnitude * (2. + sin(angle - u_theta)) / 2.;
if (u_scale != 1. && adjust > magnitude) {
adjust = magnitude;
rot = vec2(adjust * sin(angle), adjust * cos(angle));

//rot = vec2(.03 * sin(angle), .03 * cos(angle));
vec2 rot_adj = rot * u_scale + u_centroid;
gl_Position = vec4(
rot_adj.x *u_zoom + translate.x * u_zoom,
-rot_adj.y * u_zoom * aspect - translate.y*u_zoom*aspect, 0., 1.);
frag: `
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 fragColor;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(fragColor, 1.);
attributes: {
position: (state, props) => props.coords
elements: function (state, props) {return props.elements},
uniforms: {
u_centroid: gl.prop('centroid'),
u_theta: (_, {angle}) => angle !== undefined ? angle : 0,
u_zoom: (_, {zoom}) => zoom * zoom,
u_scale: (_, {scale}) => scale,
u_incidence: (_, {incidence}) => incidence == "distortion" ? 1 : 0,
aspect: width/height,
translate: (state, props) => props.translate,
color: (state, props) => props.color
primitive: "triangle",

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height = width * .75
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return "in process-merging multiple triangulated features together."
const g = {}
for (let f of ["coordinates", "vertices", "coord_resolution", "pixel_area", "centroid_x", "centroid_y"]) {
g[f] = [hi_res_counties.getColumn(f).get(1), hi_res_counties.getColumn(f).get(2), hi_res_counties.getColumn(f).get(16)]
const l = d3.sum( => d.length))
const coordinates = new Uint8Array(l)
let offset = 0
for (let element of g.coordinates) {
coordinates.set(element, offset)
offset += element.length
const n_points = coordinates.length * 4 / 2; // (i.e.: 4 byte floats, two floats per point).
const coord_resolution = n_points < 2**8 ? 8 : n_points < 2**16 ? 16 : 32
const lengths =, i) => d.length/g.coord_resolution[i] * 8)
const Buffer = getInt(coord_resolution)
const vertices = new Buffer(d3.sum(lengths))
let buffer_offset = 0;
let index_offset = 0;
g.vertices.forEach((d, i) => {
const Res = getInt(g.coord_resolution[i])
const indices = new Res(g.vertices[i].buffer)
console.log(indices, g.coord_resolution[i])
indices.forEach((index, i) => {
vertices[buffer_offset] = indices[i] + index_offset
buffer_offset += 1
index_offset += lengths[i]
const pixel_area = d3.sum(g.pixel_area)
const centroid_x = d3.sum(, g.pixel_area).map(([a, b]) => a * b/pixel_area))
const centroid_y = d3.sum(, g.pixel_area).map(([a, b]) => a * b/pixel_area))
return {
vertices, coord_resolution, pixel_area, centroid_x, centroid_y}
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function getInt(n) {
if (n == 8) {return Uint8Array}
if (n == 16) {return Uint16Array}
if (n == 32) {return Uint32Array}
throw "No such buffer size"
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new Uint32Array((new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).buffer))
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import {Scrubber} from "@mbostock/scrubber"
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arrow = require("apache-arrow")
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raw_data = FileAttachment("full@2.feather").arrayBuffer()
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feathered = arrow.Table.from(raw_data)
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Type JavaScript, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options. Arrow ↑/↓ to switch modes.

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hi_res_counties = arrow.Table.from(await FileAttachment("countries (3).gleofeather").arrayBuffer())
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import { pops as raw_pops } from '@codingwithfire/cmu-covidcast-api-bubbles-export'
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pops = {
// raw_pops.set("36061", 8.5e06)
return raw_pops
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import {aq, op} from '@uwdata/arquero'
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regl = require("regl") // Use the latest Version
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hopkins = aq.fromCSV(await fetch("").then(d => d.text()))
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t2 = hopkins
.select(aq.not(["Lat", "Long", "Long_", "code3", "iso3", "iso2", "UID", "Admin2", "Province_State", "Country_Region"]))
.derive({FIPS: d => op.padstart(d.FIPS, 5, "0")})
.fold(aq.range(2, hopkins.numCols() - 1))
.groupby(["FIPS", "Combined_Key"])
.rollup({values: d => op.values(d.value)})

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date_names = hopkins.columnNames().map(d => [d, new Date(Date.parse(d))]).filter(d => Date.parse(d[0])).map(d => d[1].toISOString().slice(0, 10))
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long_term_corona_counts = {
const counts = new Float32Array(date_names.length)
const rolling = new Float32Array(date_names.length)
const delta = new Float32Array(date_names.length)
const datecounts = new Map()
for (let row of t2) {
// return row
const val = row.values
counts[0] = val[0]

for (let i = 1; i < val.length; i++) {
counts[i] = val[i] > val[i-1] ? val[i] - val[i-1] : 0
for (let i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
rolling[i] = d3.sum(counts.slice(0, i))
for (let i = 14; i < counts.length; i ++) {
rolling[i] = d3.sum(counts.slice(i-7, i))

// NB this must be even or else counts and delta have to be switched.
blur(rolling, delta, 4)
for (let i=0; i < rolling.length; i++) {
if (i < 7) {delta[i] = 1} else {
delta[i] = rolling[i]/rolling[i-7]
for (let i = 0; i < delta.length; i++) {
const date = date_names[i]
{rolling: rolling[i],
delta: delta[i]})
return datecounts
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function blur(ping, pong, passes=1) {
if (passes == 0) {
for (let i=1; i < ping.length-1; i++) {
pong[i] = (ping[i-1] + ping[i] + ping[i+1])/3
pong[0] = (ping[0] + ping[1])/2
pong[pong.length-1] = (ping[pong.length-1] + ping[pong.length-2])/2
blur(pong, ping, passes-1)
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d3 = require("d3@v6", "d3-geo-projection")
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