Feb 17, 2019
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 1. Create an array containing any 4 strings.
raAnimals = ["cat", "dog", "bird", "horse"]
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// 2. Show the 3rd item in the list.
raAnimals [2]
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// 3. Show the 1st and 2nd item in the list using the slice method.
raAnimals .slice(0,2)
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// 4. Add a new string with text “last” to the end of the array and show the array.
listLast = {
let listLast = raAnimals .concat("last")
return listLast
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// 4. Add a new string with text “last” to the end of the array and show the array.
raLast = [raAnimals + ",last"]
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// 5. Get the array length of the first list and print it.
raAnimals .length
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// 5. Get the array length of the second list and print it.
listLast .length
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// 6. Replace the last item in the array with the string “new” and show it on a cell
listNew = {
let listNew = listLast;
listNew .splice(4,1, "new") // The first number indicates the position of the word you want to replace. The second number indicates the number of words to replace.
return listNew
Insert cell
Insert cell
array1=['I', 'am', 'learning','Javascript','to','munge','large','datasets','and','visualize','them']
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 1. Convert the array into a normal sentence with join(), then show it.
array1 .join( " " ) // I do not know why is the join changing the order
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// 2. Reverse the order of this list [“them”,”visualize”,…]
array1 .reverse()
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// 3. Now sort the list using the default sort order in javascript
array1 .sort()
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// 4. Modify the sort to do a case insensitive alphabetic sort
array2 = array1 .sort(function (x, y) {
return x.toLowerCase() .localeCompare(y.toLowerCase());
}) // x and y are function's placeholders.
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// 5. Now show the array in reverse alphabetic sort order.
array2 .reverse()
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// 3.

<html lang="en">
<!-- HEAD element containing meta information, style, and links -->
<head>This is a bullet list of my five favorite <i>colours</i>:
<!-- UL defines an unordered list -->
<li><span style="background:yellow;">Yellow</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:lightgreen;">Green</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:blue;">Blue</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:red;">Red</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:pink;">Pink</spam></li>
Insert cell
<html lang="en">
<!-- HEAD element containing meta information, style, and links -->
<head>This is an ordered list of my five favorite colors:
<!-- OL defines an ordered list -->
<li><span style="background:lightgreen;">Green</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:blue;">Blue</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:pink;">Pink</spam></li>
<li><span style="background:yellow;">Yellow</spam></li>
<li><span style="background: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Red</spam></li>
Insert cell
<html lang="en">
<!-- HEAD element containing meta information, style, and links -->
<head>These are different headers with colored backgrouds:</head>
<!-- BODY element containing all document content elements -->
<h1 style="background:lightgreen; text-align: right; color: white;">GREEN</h1>
<h2 style="background:blue; text-align: right; color: lightgreen;">BLUE</h2>
<h3 style="background:pink; text-align: right; color: blue;">PINK</h3>
<h4 style="background:yellow; text-align: right; color: pink;">YELLOW</h4>
<h5 style="background:red; text-align: right; color: yellow;">RED</h5>
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 4.
md`Today is ** *${new Date(now)}* **.
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 5.

myFavoritePlaces = [
{location: 'Sao Paulo',
name: 'First Home',
latitude: '-23.555649',
longitude: '-46.694083',
country: 'Brazil',
{location: 'Bogota',
name: 'Second Home',
latitude: '4.697711',
longitude: '-74.027996',
country: 'Colombia',
{location: 'Cambridge',
name: 'Third Home',
latitude: '42.355279',
longitude: '-71.103171',
country: 'United States',
{location: 'Rio de Janeiro',
name: 'Christ',
latitude: '-22.951580',
longitude: '-43.210487',
country: 'Brazil',
{location: 'Foz do Iguaçu',
name: 'Cataratas do Iguaçu',
latitude: '-25.653278',
longitude: '-54.445963',
country: 'Brazil',
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 6.

function firstSecond (array) {
return array[0].name.toUpperCase() + ", " + array[1].name.toUpperCase()
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// 7.
html`<a href=""><img src=""> />`

Insert cell

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