Oct 12, 2020
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// `a` may be empty string, `b` is null or non-empty string.
// `a < b` lexicographically if `b` is non-null.
// no trailing zeros allowed.
// digits is a string such as '0123456789' for base 10. Digits must be in
// ascending character code order!
function midpoint(a, b, digits) {
if (b !== null && a >= b) {
throw new Error(a + ' >= ' + b)
if (a.slice(-1) === '0' || (b && b.slice(-1) === '0')) {
throw new Error('trailing zero')
if (b) {
// remove longest common prefix. pad `a` with 0s as we
// go. note that we don't need to pad `b`, because it can't
// end before `a` while traversing the common prefix.
let n = 0
while ((a.charAt(n) || '0') === b.charAt(n)) {
if (n > 0) {
return b.slice(0, n) + midpoint(a.slice(n), b.slice(n), digits)
// first digits (or lack of digit) are different
const digitA = a ? digits.indexOf(a.charAt(0)) : 0
const digitB = b !== null ? digits.indexOf(b.charAt(0)) : digits.length
if (digitB - digitA > 1) {
const midDigit = Math.round(0.5*(digitA + digitB))
return digits.charAt(midDigit)
} else {
// first digits are consecutive
if (b && b.length > 1) {
return b.slice(0, 1)
} else {
// `b` is null or has length 1 (a single digit).
// the first digit of `a` is the previous digit to `b`,
// or 9 if `b` is null.
// given, for example, midpoint('49', '5'), return
// '4' + midpoint('9', null), which will become
// '4' + '9' + midpoint('', null), which is '495'
return digits.charAt(digitA) + midpoint(a.slice(1), null, digits)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
function getIntegerLength(head) {
if (head >= 'a' && head <= 'z') {
return head.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 2
} else if (head >= 'A' && head <= 'Z') {
return 'Z'.charCodeAt(0) - head.charCodeAt(0) + 2
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid order key head: ' + head)
Insert cell
function validateInteger(int) {
if (int.length !== getIntegerLength(int.charAt(0))) {
throw new Error('invalid integer part of order key: ' + int)
Insert cell
// note that this may return null, as there is a largest integer
function incrementInteger(x, digits) {
const [head, ...digs] = x.split('')
let carry = true
for (let i = digs.length - 1; carry && i >= 0; i--) {
const d = digits.indexOf(digs[i]) + 1
if (d === digits.length) {
digs[i] = '0'
} else {
digs[i] = digits.charAt(d)
carry = false
if (carry) {
if (head === 'Z') {
return 'a0'
if (head === 'z') {
return null
const h = String.fromCharCode(head.charCodeAt(0) + 1)
if (h > 'a') {
} else {
return h + digs.join('')
} else {
return head + digs.join('')
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// note that this may return null, as there is a smallest integer
function decrementInteger(x, digits) {
const [head, ...digs] = x.split('')
let borrow = true
for (let i = digs.length - 1; borrow && i >= 0; i--) {
const d = digits.indexOf(digs[i]) - 1
if (d === -1) {
digs[i] = digits.slice(-1)
} else {
digs[i] = digits.charAt(d)
borrow = false
if (borrow) {
if (head === 'a') {
return 'Z' + digits.slice(-1)
if (head === 'A') {
return null
const h = String.fromCharCode(head.charCodeAt(0) - 1)
if (h < 'Z') {
} else {
return h + digs.join('')
} else {
return head + digs.join('')
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
function getIntegerPart(key) {
const integerPartLength = getIntegerLength(key.charAt(0))
if (integerPartLength > key.length) {
throw new Error('invalid order key: ' + key)
return key.slice(0, integerPartLength)
Insert cell
function validateOrderKey(key) {
if (key === SMALLEST_INTEGER) {
throw new Error('invalid order key: ' + key)
// getIntegerPart will throw if the first character is bad,
// or the key is too short. we'd call it to check these things
// even if we didn't need the result
const i = getIntegerPart(key)
const f = key.slice(i.length)
if (f.slice(-1) === '0') {
throw new Error('invalid order key: ' + key)
Insert cell
// `a` is an order key or null (START).
// `b` is an order key or null (END).
// `a < b` lexicographically if both are non-null.
// digits is a string such as '0123456789' for base 10. Digits must be in
// ascending character code order!
function generateKeyBetween(a, b, digits) {
if (a !== null) {
if (b !== null) {
if (a !== null && b !== null && a >= b) {
throw new Error(a + ' >= ' + b)
if (a === null && b === null) {
if (a === null) {
const ib = getIntegerPart(b)
const fb = b.slice(ib.length)
if (ib === SMALLEST_INTEGER) {
return ib + midpoint('', fb, digits)
return ib < b ? ib : decrementInteger(ib, digits)
if (b === null) {
const ia = getIntegerPart(a)
const fa = a.slice(ia.length)
const i = incrementInteger(ia, digits)
return i === null ? ia + midpoint(fa, null, digits) : i
const ia = getIntegerPart(a)
const fa = a.slice(ia.length)
const ib = getIntegerPart(b)
const fb = b.slice(ib.length)
if (ia === ib) {
return ia + midpoint(fa, fb, digits)
const i = incrementInteger(ia, digits)
return i < b ? i : ia + midpoint(fa, null, digits)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// same preconditions as generateKeysBetween.
// n >= 0.
// Returns an array of n distinct keys in sorted order.
// If a and b are both null, returns [a0, a1, ...]
// If one or the other is null, returns consecutive "integer"
// keys. Otherwise, returns relatively short keys between
// a and b.
function generateNKeysBetween(a, b, n, digits) {
if (n === 0) {
return []
if (n === 1) {
return [generateKeyBetween(a, b, digits)]
if (b === null) {
let c = generateKeyBetween(a, b, digits)
const result = [c]
for (let i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
c = generateKeyBetween(c, b, digits)
return result
if (a === null) {
let c = generateKeyBetween(a, b, digits)
const result = [c]
for (let i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
c = generateKeyBetween(a, c, digits)
return result
const mid = Math.floor(n/2)
const c = generateKeyBetween(a, b, digits)
return [
...generateNKeysBetween(a, c, mid, digits),
...generateNKeysBetween(c, b, n - mid - 1, digits),
Insert cell
generateNKeysBetween(null, null, 5, BASE_10_DIGITS).join(' ')
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generateNKeysBetween("a4", null, 10, BASE_10_DIGITS).join(' ')
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generateNKeysBetween(null, "a0", 5, BASE_10_DIGITS).join(' ')
Insert cell
generateNKeysBetween("a0", "a2", 20, BASE_10_DIGITS).join(' ')
Insert cell
Insert cell

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