Oct 17
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cycle =, i) => ({
P: mat.number(e.P, "Pa"),
H: mat.number(e.H, "J/(kg)"),
T: mat.number(e.T, "K"),
text: i + 1
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cycle_ref =, i) => ({
P: mat.number(e.P, "Pa"),
H: mat.number(e.H, "J/(kg)"),
T: mat.number(e.T, "K"),
text: i + 1
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improvementWithIHX = (res.COP / res.COP_ref - 1) * 100
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temps = {
const temps = mat.range(res.tlow.toNumber('K') - 5, tCrit, 5, true).toArray();
if (temps.slice(-1) < tCrit) temps.push(tCrit);
return temps;
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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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state = => ({
"P [bar]": e.P.toNumber("bar"),
"T [C]": e.T.toNumber("degC"),
"H [J/kg]": e.H.toNumber("J/kg"),
"S [J/ (kg K)": e.S.toNumber("J/kg/ K"),
"D [kg/m^3]": e.D.toNumber("kg/m^3")
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scope = new Map([
["fluid", refrigerant],
["mDot", mat.unit(mDot, "kg/hour")],
T: mat.unit(evapT, "degC"),
P_drop: mat.unit(evapPd, "Pa"),
superHeating: mat.unit(evapSH, "K")
T: mat.unit(condT, "degC"),
P_drop: mat.unit(condPd, "Pa"),
subCooling: mat.unit(condSC, "K")
["etaS", etaS],
["etaS1", etaS1],
epsilon: IHXeta,
thickness: mat.unit(IHXthickness, "mm"),
cellSize: mat.unit(IHXcellSize, "mm"),
k: mat.unit(IHXcond, "W/(m K)")
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res = {
return {
tlow: scope.get("evap").T,
COP: scope.get("evap_COP"),
COP_ref: scope.get("evap_COP_ref"),
state: scope.get("c").toArray(),
state_ref: scope.get("c_ref").toArray(),
Q: scope.get("Q_c"),
IHX: scope.get("IHX"),
Q_ref: scope.get("Q_c_ref"),
W_comp: scope.get("W_comp"),
W_comp_ref: scope.get("W_comp_ref"),
Q_IHX: scope.get("Q_IHX")
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cycleCalculation = mat.parse(`
c = [{},{},{},{},{},{}]; # cycle with IHX

# Short function to get fluid properties
prop(DesiredProperty, FluidState) = props(DesiredProperty, fluid, FluidState);

# Define low and high pressure
sat_gas = {'T|gas': evap.T, Q: 100%}
pLow = prop('P', sat_gas );
sat_liq = {'T|liquid': cond.T, Q: 0%}
pHigh = prop('P', sat_liq);

# 6 to 1 Evaporation
c[1].P = pLow;
c[1].T = evap.T + evap.superHeating;
c[1].D = prop('D', {'T|gas':c[1].T, P:c[1].P});
c[1].H = prop('H', {'T|gas':c[1].T, P:c[1].P});
c[1].S = prop('S', {'T|gas':c[1].T, P:c[1].P});

# 1 to 2 IHX Low
c[2].P = c[1].P;
H_eta = prop('H', {T: cond.T, P:c[2].P});
c[2].H = IHX.epsilon * (H_eta - c[1].H) + c[1].H;
c[2].T = prop('T', c[2]);
c[2].D = prop('D', c[2]);
c[2].S = prop('S', c[2]);

# 2 to 3 Compression of vapor
c[3].P = pHigh + cond.P_drop;
H_i = prop('H', { 'P': c[3].P, 'S': c[2].S });
c[3].H = (H_i - c[2].H) / etaS + c[2].H;
c[3].T = prop('T', c[3]);
c[3].D = prop('D', c[3]);
c[3].S = prop('S', c[3]);

# 3 to 4 Condensation
c[4].T = cond.T-cond.subCooling;
c[4].P = pHigh;
c[4].D = prop('D', {"T|liquid":c[4].T, P: c[4].P});
c[4].H = prop('H', {"T|liquid":c[4].T, P: c[4].P});
c[4].S = prop('S', {"T|liquid":c[4].T, P: c[4].P});

# 4 to 5 IHX high
c[5].H = c[1].H - c[2].H + c[4].H;
c[5].P = c[4].P;
c[5].T = prop('T', c[5]);
c[5].D = prop('D', c[5]);
c[5].S = prop('S', c[5]);

# 5 to 6 Expansion
c[6].H = c[5].H;
c[6].P = c[1].P + evap.P_drop;
c[6].T = prop('T', c[6]);
c[6].D = prop('D', c[6]);
c[6].S = prop('S', c[6]);

# Work, Energy and Performance
W_comp = mDot*(c[3].H - c[2].H);
# Q_h = mDot*(c[4].H - c[5].H);
Q_c = mDot*(c[1].H - c[6].H);
Q_IHX = mDot*(c[2].H-c[1].H);

evap_COP = Q_c/W_comp;
# cond_COP = Q_h/W_comp;
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secondCycleCalculation = mat.parse(`
# Without IHX
c_ref = [{},{},{},{}]; # cycle without IHX

c_ref[1].P = pLow;
c_ref[1].T = evap.T + evap.superHeating;
c_ref[1].D = prop('D', {'T|gas':c_ref[1].T, P:c_ref[1].P});
c_ref[1].H = prop('H', {'T|gas':c_ref[1].T, P:c_ref[1].P});
c_ref[1].S = prop('S', {'T|gas':c_ref[1].T, P:c_ref[1].P});

# 1 to 2 Compresison of vapor
c_ref[2].P = pHigh + cond.P_drop;;
H_i = prop('H', { 'P': c_ref[2].P, 'S': c_ref[1].S });
c_ref[2].H = (H_i - c_ref[1].H) / etaS1 + c_ref[1].H;
c_ref[2].T = prop('T', c_ref[2]);
c_ref[2].D = prop('D', c_ref[2]);
c_ref[2].S = prop('S', c_ref[2]);

# 2 to 3 Condensation
c_ref[3].T = cond.T-cond.subCooling;
c_ref[3].P = pHigh;
c_ref[3].D = prop('D', {"T|liquid":c_ref[3].T, P: c_ref[3].P});
c_ref[3].H = prop('H', {"T|liquid":c_ref[3].T, P: c_ref[3].P});
c_ref[3].S = prop('S', {"T|liquid":c_ref[3].T, P: c_ref[3].P});

# 3 to 4 Expansion
c_ref[4].H = c_ref[3].H;
c_ref[4].P = c_ref[1].P + evap.P_drop;
c_ref[4].T = prop('T', c_ref[3]);
c_ref[4].D = prop('D', c_ref[3]);
c_ref[4].S = prop('S', c_ref[3]);

# Work, Energy and Performance
W_comp_ref = mDot*(c_ref[2].H - c_ref[1].H);
Q_c_ref = mDot*(c_ref[1].H - c_ref[4].H);

evap_COP_ref = Q_c_ref/W_comp_ref;
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import {mat, cp} from "@dvd101x/coolprop"
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