Upon loading the website, two columns are visible - the written sestina on the right, the video on the left. But it is broken into frames, so only the video frame that corresponds to each sestina's stanza is visible. Only one stanza is visible at a time, and therefore, only one image. The last word in the first stanza is a clickable link, and a different text color.
When the word is clicked, the next stanza appears below the first, and its corresponding image appears below the first image. The last word is a clickable link. This also highlights this "new word" in the first sestina, but the first sestina's last word is no longer clickable. It is only a differet text color.
The poem and its corresponding images can be accessed with this same pattern. Once the poem is completely visible, none of the prior links are active any more, but each of the algorithmically important words are highlighted with a different text color. All of the images are visible on the side, as well.
The last word in the last stanza is the only remaining active link. If it is clicked, the video version of the sestina appears, embedded and centered underneath the new columns. If the link is clicked a second time, the video disappears.
Without clicking the links, the full poem will not appear. Without clicking the final link, nor will the video.
This is intended to allow the poem to unfold in front of the reader's eye in an interactive capacity.