Sep 16, 2019
1 fork
2 stars
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Arbuckle = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
require('').then((boot) => {
// be warned: returning this weird pseudo-promise created by emscripten will make observable runtime go insane
boot().then(Module => {
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tex`\operatorname{Si}(1) = ${ℂ_tex([1,0]))} = 0.946083070367183...`
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tex`\zeta(2) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.zeta(2))} = \frac{π^2}{6}`
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viewof σ = html`<input type=range min=0 max=3 step=0.001>`
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viewof t = html`<input type=range min=0 max=100 step=0.001>`
Insert cell
tex`\zeta(${ℂ_tex(s)}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.zeta(s))}`
Insert cell
Insert cell
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viewof q = html`<input type=range min=0 max=100 step=0.001>`
Insert cell
viewof r = html`<input type=range min=0.001 max=10 step=0.001 value=0.001>`
Insert cell
tex`\zeta_H(${ℂ_tex(s)},${ℂ_tex(z)}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.zeta2(s,z))}`
Insert cell
### Digamma ${tex`\psi(z)`}
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// TODO why are we NaNing here?
// tex`\psi(0) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.digamma(0))} = \gamma`
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tex`\psi_3(\frac{1}{2}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.polygamma(3,1/2))} = π^4`
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tex`\psi_{${ℂ_tex(s)}}(${ℂ_tex(z)}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.polygamma(s,z))}`
Insert cell
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viewof τ_re = html`<input type=range max=4 step=0.0001>`
Insert cell
viewof τ_im = html`<input type=range max=4 step=0.0001>`
Insert cell
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tex`\eta(i) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.modeta([0,1]))} = \frac{Γ(\frac{1}{4})}{2 π^{\frac{3}{4}}}`
Insert cell
### Modular j-invariant ${tex`j(\tau)`}
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// tex`j(i) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.modj([0,1]))} = 12^3`
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// meh, close enough...
// tex`j(e^{2πi/3}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.modj([Math.cos(2*Math.PI/3),Math.sin(2*Math.PI/3)]))} = 0`
Insert cell
// tex`j(${ℂ_tex([τ_re,τ_im])}) = ${ℂ_tex(Arbuckle.modj([τ_re,τ_im]))}`
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Insert cell
TODO: examples for surfaced api...

ac_exp(z) Exponential function
ac_expm1(z) Accurate exp(z)-1
ac_log(z) Natural logarithm
ac_log1p(z) Accurate log(1+z)
ac_sqrt(z) Square root
ac_rsqrt(z) Reciprocal square root
ac_cbrt(z) Cube root
ac_pow(a,b) Power a^b

ac_sin(z) Trigonometric functions
ac_sinpi(z) Trigonometric functions, argument multiplied by pi
ac_asin(z) Inverse trigonometric functions
ac_sinh(z) Hyperbolic functions
ac_asinh(z) Inverse hyperbolic functions

ac_gamma(z) Gamma function
ac_rgamma(z) Reciprocal gamma function
ac_lgamma(z) Logarithmic gamma function
ac_digamma(z) Digamma function
✓ ac_zeta(s) Riemann zeta function
✓ ac_zeta2(s,a) Hurwitz zeta function
✓ ac_polygamma(s,z) Polygamma function
ac_polylog(s,z) Polylogarithm
ac_barnesg(s) Barnes G-function
ac_lbarnesg(s) Logarithmic Barnes G-function

ac_erf(s) Error function
ac_erfc(s) Complementary error function
ac_erfi(s) Imaginary error function
ac_gammaup(s,z) Upper incomplete gamma function
ac_expint(s,z) Generalized exponential integral E
ac_ei(z) Exponential integral Ei
ac_si(z) Sine integral
ac_ci(z) Cosine integral
ac_shi(z) Hyperbolic sine integral
ac_chi(z) Hyperbolic cosine integral
ac_li(z) Logarithmic integral
ac_lioffset(z) Offset logarithmic integral

ac_besselj(v,z) Bessel function J
ac_bessely(v,z) Bessel function Y
ac_besseli(v,z) Bessel function I
ac_besselk(v,z) Bessel function K
ac_ai(z) Airy function Ai
ac_aiprime(z) Airy function derivative Ai'
ac_bi(z) Airy function Bi
ac_biprime(z) Airy function derivative Bi'

ac_hyperu(a,b,z) Confluent hypergeometric function U
ac_hyp0f1(a,z) Confluent hypergeometric function 0F1
ac_hyp0f1r(a,z) Regularized confluent hypergeometric function 0F1
ac_hyp1f1(a,b,z) Confluent hypergeometric function 1F1
ac_hyp1f1r(a,b,z) Regularized confluent hypergeometric function 1F1
ac_hyp2f1(a,b,c,z) Hypergeometric function 2F1
ac_hyp2f1r(a,b,c,z) Regularized hypergeometric function 2F1

ac_chebyt(n,z) Chebyshev polynomial/function T
ac_chebyu(n,z) Chebyshev polynomial/function U
ac_jacobip(n,a,b,z) Jacobi polynomial/function P
ac_gegenbauerc(n,m,z) Gegenbauer polynomial/function C
ac_laguerrel(n,m,z) Laguerre polynomial/function L
ac_hermiteh(n,z) Hermite polynomial/function H
ac_legenp(n,m,z) Associated Legendre polynomial/function P
ac_legenpv(n,m,z) Associated Legendre polynomial/function P (alt. branch)
ac_legenq(n,m,z) Associated Legendre polynomial/function Q
ac_legenqv(n,m,z) Associated Legendre polynomial/function Q (alt. branch)

✓ ac_modeta(tau) Dedekind eta function
✓ ac_modj(tau) Modular j-invariant
ac_modlambda(tau) Modular lambda function
ac_moddelta(tau) Modular delta function
ac_agm1(z) Arithmetic-geometric mean of 1 and z
ac_ellipk(z) Complete elliptic integral K
ac_ellipe(z) Complete elliptic integral E
ac_ellipp(z,tau) Weierstrass elliptic function P
ac_theta1(z,tau) Jacobi theta function theta1
ac_theta2(z,tau) Jacobi theta function theta2
ac_theta3(z,tau) Jacobi theta function theta3
ac_theta4(z,tau) Jacobi theta function theta4
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ℂ_tex = (a) => {
const [ re, im ] = a.slice(-2)
// TODO handle goofy forms
const format = (n) => String(n).replace(/e(\+|(-))(\d+)$/,'⋅10^{$2$3}')
return `${format(re)}${im < 0 ? '' : '+'}${format(im)}i`
Insert cell
Insert cell

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