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Harris Lapiroff
Principal Web Developer at Freedom of the Press Foundation
3 collections
Harris Lapiroff
Featured creators
NFL Player Comparison 2023 Week 1-4
FIPS County and Place; GINS APIs
Ringers deobfuscation
Blinking Faces
Fire Weather in the U.S.
Cartographions les voies portant le nom d'une femme à Toulouse (ou ailleurs)
Timeline with Observable Plot
Extended Shepard's Interpolation
CSS3 Patterns Gallery
Shanks Transformation
Should Bliss Be Sleeping?
Evolution of values used with the highway key in OpenStreetMap (2007-2018)
The Global Human Day
World Population
Observable Plot + regl
GapMinder-like visualisation with Observable Plot
HCT Color Space
Oldest trees in Amsterdam
🚗 Exploring and visualizing temporal relations in multivariate time series
Vorlage für Karten mit Daten aus dem Gemeindeporträt
Set Partitions
Line Integral Convolution
Canada, provinces and territories polygons
Gamebuino Emulator
Morphing shapes into circles using D3
RF Energy Scatterplot
Topographic Mapping
Prototyping GeoParquet + GEOS in WebAssembly
Charts for Illinois workforce report (September 2023)
Lane-Riesenfeld subdivision
The Fall of Stack Overflow
Sea Levels Changes 1993-2023
Polyglot Badge
Playfair's Wheat and Wages
Donut/Pie Chart Race
Design system metrics
Many-point force-positioning physics sandbox
Text Decorations 0.1
Hello, dicopal
El Nino / La Nina Observation
Creating an area-based map from a set of points
Prototyping GeoRust + GeoArrow in WebAssembly
Schools map
Plot: Radar chart, small multiples
SuttaPitaka Horizontal
Gamestop Saga
Ueda's Attractor
Base16 Color Scheme Generator
go-cart-wasm library
Large residential property holders in Spain (Prototype)
Fires Hotspots Within Peatlands Areas in Indonesia and Malaysia
Cars scatterplot with aggregate points
Bump Charts: English Premier League
Plenty of stickies
Forkable Mapbox Template
Disputed areas - faceted geographies
Migrations résidentielles, 2018-2019
Sentence Embeddings and Dimension Reduction in the Browser
Map: Where do fishing boats disable their transponders?
Hospital beds in EU - scatterplot
Hello svg5
Press freedom Index
Supreme Court Justice Nominations
063 Transmogrifying circles
Conformal Prediction
Pension Calculator - Ireland 🚧 🧓👴 🇮🇪
Πόσο χρονών είσαι, Θεσσαλονίκη;
Hello, Plotteus!
The logistic bifurcation locus
How clean is your state’s electricity?
Data Exploration on "Oscar Data" using SQL
Spotify Beeswarm Plot 2.0
Aperiodic Monotile
Leaf Appearance and Temperature
1,200 Years of Cherry Blossoms
Quick, Draw! Star Constellations
Fibonacci Lattices
062 Mugshots
Voronoi treemap
02 | vectors & brush strokes
Sorting regions by shape
LeBron James: All the shots.
Oil and gas breakeven prices
3D Apollonian Sphere Packings
💬 Japanese and German learning
Genuary 2023 - Day 20 - Art Deco
Exploring data with the Kepler Space Telescope
Visualizing wind turbines in 3D using threebox
Map Folio
Tutorial: Particle Lenia from scratch
House Buying Analysis
Flow-based cartograms (Gastner, Seguy & More, 2018) in the browser
Genuary 2023 - Day 5 - Debug View
Plot Scatterplot
Colors for maps
Reichsbürger and firearms in Germany
Algorithmic Trees
Who to follow on mastodon
Genuary 2023, Perfect loop
Building Intuition for Number Encodings using Trees
Hello, Sparks - a typeface for creating sparklines in text
The force of storm surge methodology
5) Summary and Wishlist - Plastic Pollution
World Cup 2022 - Simulating the Knockout Stage
Correlation Between Mean 🙄 Compensation and NRMP Match Performance for Medical Subspecialties
Background Checks Per 1,000 (Jan-Nov; 2022)
Visualizing Blackouts at Home in Kyiv
A better U.S. house election results map?
WBEZ: Vaccination Rates Among 12-to-17-year-olds by ZIP code for Metro Chicago
Cheat sheet bertin
Motivational Pie Chart
Sweet, Sweet Fantasy
Daily Mileage Heatmap
Choropleths, Four Ways
Finalist, Team Viz - Philippines - Plastic Waste and its Sachet Economy
Flowers and Tracks
Hello, Mixbox - a paint mixing algorithm
CO₂ Emissions From Burning Of Diesel: A Disasterous Journey from 1965 to 2021
Visualizando dados de terremoto usando a API Vega-Lite (Parte 2)
Voronoi Cells
Taylor Polynomials
Euclidean rhythms
Gridded Population (15 minute) - United States
Marcas y canales
Zoomable Timeline
Ocean currents
Reusable U.S. Choropleth Map
Animated Mapbox Vector Fields (aka Wind Maps)
New Yorkers from Canada to the Amboys
Californians from Oregon to Mexico
Five Years of Tracking Press Freedom
Women in space 👩🏼🚀
Japanese from Hokkaido to Okinawa
How to adapt other people's Dataviz
Dutch People from Eemshaven to Epen
Tom in the DOM, a story about tree structures reconciliation
How much taller are men than women?
Atomic Agents: Polylines and forces
The Building Blocks of the D3 Community
A Multiplication Table
Using Plot around the Web
Historical Map: Day 24
Tour de France Femmes
State borders, from 1886 to today
#703 Royal Decree-Laws (RDL) by president - pages per year
Tidying up Earth
Good articles in Wikipedia in French.
How do we know mass shootings are increasing?
Heat islands in Toulouse, animated contours
Animating lots of Three.js particles with GSAP
President of SriLanka
Random Hex Colors
SHEAR communities over time
Historical Sea Chart Recreation
Football Wind ⚽️💨
Line Integral Convolution
Golden Tonal Palette Analysis
Platonic Gobstopper
RNPNDO - Geoexplorador
A Very, Very Tiny Grammar of Graphics
Visualizations for Web Archive Access Log Datasets
Displaying IBM Carbon charts in Observable
Klein Four Monte Carlo
Time to climb
Terrains with MapLibre
Collection of Maps 🗺️
Evolution of Covid deaths since the start of the pandemic
Reproductive rights and ... ??
Daily Options Activity Sankey
One dot, one militant
Decoding A City In A Bottle
US counties population change 2021
GeoParquet on the Web
Data Visualization First Steps
Random Circles
Visualizing Air Raid Sirens in Ukraine
Day 12: The Economist
Colaboraciones BZRP Music Sessions
Gas Stations - Italy
Marathon World Record Progression
Radial heatmap test
049 Dots and lines
My food Dashboard
Experimenting with "No Use of Color Alone" in Data Visualizations with Sequential, Diverging, and Circular Color Scales
The story of Observable on Twitter
Daily D3 downloads from NPM
Composing viewofs with the view literal
Wikipedia Pageviews Calendar
Annual Global Sea Levels
Hello, Plot!
A little bit slider a little bit pseudo random
Some of the WOMEN ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS I didn't hear about at university
#genuary 2021 ~ Small areas of symmetry
Introduction to the new observable-prerender CLI
Day four: Radial Chart with Styling
empty circles in a grid growing
Observable & creative coding
Oh, the Places You'll Go Ⓞ
Three.js fundamentals
Small multiple chart cartogram
Platonic Solids Playground
21 July 2020: D3 Sankey Diagram with Hovers and Percentages
Heatmap for polygons
IEEEVIS 2020 Papers
Valking Woronoi
Introduction to SVG and D3.js
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