Feb 26, 2019
Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell

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//ask for low number and high number
function random_builder(min = 0, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
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function tester(value, min, max){
if (value <= max && value>=min){
return true;
return false;
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function stringFormatter(arrayInput, numberInput){
return("The number "+numberInput+" bestseller today is: "+arrayInput[numberInput-1].replace(/\b\w/g, l => l.toUpperCase()))
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//test string formatter
stringFormatter(['harry potter','the hunger games','Prey','Mockingjay part 1'],4)
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//array required, number optional
function stringFormatterOptionalSecond(arrayInput, numberInput=1){
if(arguments.length==1 || arguments.length == 2){
return("The number "+numberInput+" bestseller today is: "+arrayInput[numberInput-1].replace(/\b\w/g, l => l.toUpperCase()))
return("You must supply an array")
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stringFormatterOptionalSecond(['lf','harry potter'])
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//array optional, number required
function stringFormatterOptionalFirst(input1,input2){
//check if it only has the number input
if(arguments.length ==1 && input1 === parseInt(input1,10)){
return("There was no array input, but it looks like you want the number " + input1 + " bestseller")
else if(arguments.length ==2){
return("The number "+input2+" bestseller today is: "+input1[input2-1].replace(/\b\w/g, l => l.toUpperCase()))
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//both optional
function stringFormatterOptionalBoth(input1, input2){
return("You didn't supply a list or a number, so I'm printing this message")
else if(arguments.length ==1 && input1 === parseInt(input1,10)){
return("There was no array input, but it looks like you want the number " + input1 + " bestseller")
else if(arguments.length ==1 && input1 != parseInt(input1,10)){
return("I only printed your list, now give me a bestseller number")
else if(arguments.length ==2 && input2 == input1.length){
return("The number "+input2+" bestseller today is: "+input1[input2-1].replace(/\b\w/g, l => l.toUpperCase()))
else {
return("There was no " + input2 + " number bestseller in your list")
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stringFormatterOptionalBoth(['harry potter'],2)
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function passwordValidate(word){
//define trackers
let num_digits = 0;
let num_upper = 0;
let specials = '!@#$%^&*()-_+='
let num_special = 0;
//keep track of how many of each character
for(let i=0; i<word.length;i++){
//examine each character at i position in word.length
let character = word.charAt(i)
//check if it's a number and count the numbers
//check if it's an UpperCase and count the uppercase
if(isNaN(character) && character == character.toUpperCase() && specials.indexOf(character)==-1 ){
//check if it's a special character and count the special character
//check the password requirements
if(word.length>=8 && word.length<=14){
return ("success!")
} else {
return ("Needs 1 or more special characters")
} else {
return ("Needs 1 or more uppercase letters")
} else {
return ("Needs 2 or more digits")
} else {
return ("Needs to be between 8-14 characters. \nYour password is currently " + word.length + " characters long")
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function exponent(digit1, digit2){
let redefine = 1;
for(let i=0; i<digit2; i++){
redefine = redefine*digit1
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function minMax(numbers){
let first_value = numbers[0]
let min = first_value
let max = first_value
//loop through the list
for(let i=0;i<numbers.length;i++){
//if the current value in the loop is bigger than min, set it to min
//if 2 is less than 3, make 2 the new minimum
min = numbers[i]
console.log("Min is now " + min)
max = numbers[i]
console.log("Max is now " + max)
return("Min is "+min+ " and Max is "+max)
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num_list = [0,1,3,100,5]
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guess = 'b'
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function guessHangman(){
console.log("Begin the game!")
//let guess = `${guess}`
console.log(`Your guess was ${guess}`)
let num_guesses = 0
let word = 'bumblebee'
let wordlength = word.length
let num_dashes = ''
let show_word = num_dashes

let num_tries = 8
if(word.length>15 || word.length<5){
console.log("Your word '" + word + "' is of length " + word.length + ", please try again with a word length of between 5 and 15 characters")
else {
//start loop to draw dashes
for(let i=0; i<wordlength;i++){
num_dashes = num_dashes.concat('-')
show_word = num_dashes
console.log('This is what the hidden word looks like: '+show_word)

//process clues
for(let i=0; i<wordlength;i++){
//show where guess is inside word
//loop through each char and if char = guess, replace - with char
console.log("the string at position " +i+ " is "+ show_word.charAt(i))
//show_word[i] = show_word[i].replace('-',guess)
show_word[i] = guess
else {
console.log('not done yet')//num_tries--;
//console.log('you guessed incorrectly, you have ' + num_tries + " tries left")
//console.log("here's the word again: " +num_dashes)
//keep track of guesses
//if guess = 1, show the word with instances of correctly guessed letters filled in
//print number of tries left
//if guess >8 and puzzle not solved, game over, show completed word and Game Over
//if guess<=8 and puzzle solved, show completed word and congratulations

//hardcoded word (5-15 letters)

//guess letter through use input

Insert cell
Insert cell

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