function guessHangman(){
console.log("Begin the game!")
console.log(`Your guess was ${guess}`)
let num_guesses = 0
let word = 'bumblebee'
let wordlength = word.length
let num_dashes = ''
let show_word = num_dashes
let num_tries = 8
if(word.length>15 || word.length<5){
console.log("Your word '" + word + "' is of length " + word.length + ", please try again with a word length of between 5 and 15 characters")
else {
for(let i=0; i<wordlength;i++){
num_dashes = num_dashes.concat('-')
show_word = num_dashes
console.log('This is what the hidden word looks like: '+show_word)
for(let i=0; i<wordlength;i++){
console.log("the string at position " +i+ " is "+ show_word.charAt(i))
show_word[i] = guess
else {
console.log('not done yet')