Apr 4, 2019
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// Load a file locally
viewof text = html`<input type=file * ">`
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//turn JSON into text
tweetsStrings = Files.text(text)
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//make text into dataframe
tweetsDF = Object.values(JSON.parse(tweetsStrings))
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//create temporary file where we see what tweetsDF was originally
tweetsDF_temp = Object.values(JSON.parse(tweetsStrings))
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//get unique location names from this raw data set
unique_locations_tweetsDF = z.unique(z.getCol("location",tweetsDF_temp)) //get unique location names
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//group the raw tweets by user location
count_tweetsDF = {
let countArray = []
let groupedLocations = z.groupBy(x => x.location, tweetsDF_temp)
for (const key of Object.keys(groupedLocations)) {
countArray.push({location: key, count: groupedLocations[key].length})
return countArray
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//sort by count of tweets; we see that variations of 'Boston, MA' are most common
countSorted_tweetsDF = z.sortByCol('count', 'des', count_tweetsDF)
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// Loop through all the locations, and see if they are similar to Boston, then create a new column
newTweets = {
let cleanTweets = []
let locations = z.getCol("location", tweetsDF)
//for each row in tweetsDF...
for (let i in tweetsDF) {
//make a duplicate tweet structure to load into cleanTweets
let tweet = tweetsDF[i]
if (tweetsDF[i].location.toLowerCase().includes('boston')){
tweet.location = 'Boston, MA'
else if(tweetsDF[i].location.toLowerCase().includes('cambridge')){
tweet.location = 'Cambridge, MA'
else if(tweetsDF[i].location==""){
tweet.location = 'no location'
else {
//push the clean tweet to cleanTweets
return cleanTweets
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//group newTweets by count
count_cleaned = {
let countArray = []
let groupedLocations = z.groupBy(x => x.location, newTweets)
for (const key of Object.keys(groupedLocations)) {
countArray.push({location: key, count: groupedLocations[key].length})
return countArray
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//sort by count of tweets
countSorted_clean = z.sortByCol('count', 'des', count_cleaned)
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data: {values: countSorted_clean.slice(0,10)},
mark: "bar",
encoding: {
x: {field: "location", type: "nominal", sort:"*"},
y: {field: "count", type: "quantitative"},
color: {"field": "location", "type": "nominal"}
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//these aren't necessarily the stated locations of the users; they can be different from the "location"
notNull = z.filter(r => != null, tweetsDF)
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data: {values: notNull},
mark: "point",
encoding: {
x: {field: "lat", type: "quantitative","scale": {"domain": [42.33,42.38]}},
y: {field: "lon", type: "quantitative","scale": {"domain": [-71,-71.15]}},
//color: {"field": "location", "type": "nominal"}
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// Load a file locally
viewof hashtag_text = html`<input type=file * ">`
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//turn JSON into text
tweetsStringsBrexit = Files.text(hashtag_text)
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tweets_brexit = Object.values(JSON.parse(tweetsStringsBrexit))
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//reorganizing tweets_brexit into the same structure as the first exercise
tweets_brexit_DF = {
let otherArray = []
for(let i in tweets_brexit){
let curr = tweets_brexit[i][1]
return otherArray
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//get all the locations in the tweets_brexit_DF
locationsArray = {
let newArray = []
for(let i in tweets_brexit_DF){
let currentText = tweets_brexit_DF[i].location
return newArray
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//get unique location names, there are a lot of England or cities in England
unique_locations_brexit = z.unique(z.getCol("location", tweets_brexit_DF))
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//group by user location
count_brexit = {
let countArray = []
let groupedLocations = z.groupBy(x => x.location, tweets_brexit_DF)
for (const key of Object.keys(groupedLocations)) {
countArray.push({location: key, count: groupedLocations[key].length})
return countArray
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//sort by count; lots of null locations
//locations have varying degrees of specificity (i.e. England; London, England; UK)
//chose to format London since it had a large number of entries as "London" or "London, England"
countSorted_brexit = z.sortByCol('count', 'des', count_brexit)
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cleanedTweetsBrexit = {
let newLocations = []
let locations = z.getCol("location", tweets_brexit_DF)
for (let id in locations) {
if (locations[id].toLowerCase().includes('london')){
newLocations.push('London, England')
else if(locations[id]==""){
newLocations.push('null value')
else {
return z.addCol("cleanLocations", newLocations, tweets_brexit_DF)
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//none of the tweets collected have lat/lon
notNullBrexit = z.filter(r => != null, tweets_brexit_DF)
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data: {values: countSorted_brexit},
mark: "bar",
encoding: {
x: {field: "lat", type: "quantitative"},
y: {field: "lon", type: "quantitative"},
color: {"field": "search", "type": "nominal"}
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