Jul 19, 2021
Fork of 🍃 Leaflet
1 star
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Insert cell
L = require('leaflet@1.4.0')
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html`<link href='${resolve('leaflet@1.4.0/dist/leaflet.css')}' rel='stylesheet' />`
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geojson = FileAttachment("london-boroughs.geojson").json()
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map = {
// yield container early: allows div to be placed on the page.
let container = DOM.element('div', {
style: `width:${width}px; height:${width / 1.6}px`
yield container;

// Leaflet uses div .offsetWidth and .offsetHeight to size the map.
let map =, { renderer: L.canvas() });

let osmLayer = L.tileLayer(
'&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

// dot density generation options
let options = { maxIterations: 50, distance: 20, numDots: 20 };
// geneerate dots
let dots = [];

let geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(geojson, {
weight: 1,
color: '#432',
onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => {

let bounds = layer.getBounds();
let width = Math.abs(bounds._northEast.lng - bounds._southWest.lng);
let height = Math.abs( -;

outer: for (let i = 0; i < options.maxIterations; i++) {
let p = [ + Math.random() * height,
bounds._southWest.lng + Math.random() * width
if (
pip.pointInLayer(p, L.geoJSON(layer.toGeoJSON()), true).length > 0
) {
// // check distance to other dots
// for (let j = 0; j < dots.length; j++) {
// let dx = p[0] - dots[j][0],
// dy = p[1] - dots[j][1];
// if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < options.distance) continue outer;
// }
// // check distance to polygon edge
// for (let j = 0; j < feature.geometry.coordinates[0].length - 1; j++) {
// if (
// distPointEdge(
// p,
// feature.geometry.coordinates[0][j],
// feature.geometry.coordinates[0][j + 1]
// ) < options.edgeDistance
// )
// continue outer;
// }
L.circleMarker(p, { radius: 1, weight: 1, color: 'black' }).addTo(
if (dots.length == options.numDots) break;
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// ported from
function distPointEdge(p, l1, l2) {
let A = p[0] - l1[0],
B = p[1] - l1[1],
C = l2[0] - l1[0],
D = l2[1] - l1[1];

let dot = A * C + B * D;
let len_sq = C * C + D * D;

// alpha is proportion of closest point on the line between l1 and l2
let alpha = -1;
if (len_sq != 0)
//in case of 0 length line
alpha = dot / len_sq;

// points on edge closest to p
let X, Y;

if (alpha < 0) {
X = l1[0];
Y = l1[1];
} else if (alpha > 1) {
X = l2[0];
Y = l2[1];
} else {
X = l1[0] + alpha * C;
Y = l1[1] + alpha * D;

let dx = p[0] - X;
let dy = p[1] - Y;

return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
Insert cell

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