Feb 15
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playembedded = play()
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play = async () => {
// for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// yield "reading";
let playMp3 = false;
for (let score in scores) {
let theScore = scores[score];
for (let unit = 0; unit < theScore.length; unit++) {
if (trailingFades > 0 && unit == trailingFades) {
if (playMp3) {
playMp3 = false;
Promises.delay(1600).then(() => playRecording());
await scorepause(theScore[unit].pause * factor, theScore[unit].id);
// console.log(`index: ${i}`);
// recording.currentTime = 0;
// yield "read";
// }
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factor = 1
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playRecording = function() {
let recording = document.createElement('audio');
recording.src = recordingMp3;;
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recordingMp3 = await FileAttachment("whilewishing.mp3").url()
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playScore = async function(theScore) {
for (let unit = 0; unit < theScore.length; unit++) {
await scorepause(theScore[unit].pause * factor, theScore[unit].id);
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scorepause = (pause, id) => {
return Promises.delay(pause * 1000).then(() => {
let theElem = document.getElementById(`${id}`);
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scores = [readThrough]
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spans = {
let spanString = "",
spaceIfNoHyphen = " ";
let i = 0;
alignedWords.forEach((wordObj, index) => {
let word = wordObj['word'].trim();
let offl = fixedOffsets[index][0];
let offt = fixedOffsets[index][1];
spanString += `<span id='u${i++}' class='text' style='left:${offl}vw;top:${offt}vw'>${word}</span>${spaceIfNoHyphen}`;
return spanString;
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trailingFades = 13 // was 5
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alignedWords = alignWords(alignWords_rawJSON)
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RiTa = require("rita@2")
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alignWords_rawJSON = FileAttachment("whilewishing_raw@2.json").json()
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alignWords_lineated = FileAttachment("whilewishing_lineated.json").json()
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alignWords_versed = FileAttachment("whilewishing_versed.json").json()
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transitionTime = 2
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verseSpanned = html`${addSpansTo(verseText)}`
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fixedOffsets = wordOffsets(verseSpanned)
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wordOffsets = verseSpans => {
let array = [];
if (verseSpans == ``) return array;
let nodes = Array.from(verseSpans.children);
let initialTopOffset = null;
let differenceSoFar = 0;
nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
if (node.offsetLeft != undefined) {
// safety only
if (initialTopOffset === null) initialTopOffset = node.offsetTop;
if (node.innerHTML.indexOf("<stanza>") != -1) {
// currentTopOffset = initialTopOffset;
differenceSoFar = node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight;
pxToVw(initialTopOffset + (node.offsetTop - differenceSoFar))
return array;
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function pxToVw(px) {
return px * (100 / document.documentElement.clientWidth);
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min_height = 480;
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import { LAOB, laob_notebook_css } from "@laob/imports"
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css = html`

.verse {
position: relative;
cursor: none;
min-height: ${min_height}px;
font-family: Perptua, serif;
font-size: 3.5vw;
line-height: 1.1;

.text {
position: absolute;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
transition: color ${transitionTime}s ease-in-out;

.text.visible {
color: rgba(0,0,0,255);

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