md`## Drawing the Chart
Finally! Now that we have all our pieces defined, we can draw our chart.
D3 uses a special kind of html object called an SVG, or scaleable vector graphic element, to draw charts. SVGs can be an image file format like a .png or .jpg, or they can be drawn on a webpage. Whether a file format or drawn using a program like we're about to do, an SVG is defined mathematically rather than with colored pixels. This is especially handy for datavisualization because it means that if we were to come back and write a zoom function for our chart, we could zoom in infinitely without losing detail, because the chart can be mathematically redrawn on every zoom, rather than relying on the information already contained in static pixels.
Below, the function to draw the chart looks complicated, but it has only 5 steps:
1. select the "canvas" on the page to draw the chart
2. describe how to draw the bars of the chart
3. describe how to draw the x axis on the bottom
4. describe how to draw the y axis on the left side
5. allow d3 to actually draw the whole chart
Notice that we use variables below as inputs to draw our chart. This helps make our code easier to read and easier to change if we decide later we need to adjust something.`