May 16, 2020
2 forks
1 star
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Insert cell
Insert cell
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import { data as data3 } from "@neelance/the-new-york-times-covid-19"
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import { data as data4 } from "@neelance/rki-covid-19-in-germany"
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viewof dataSource = select({
options: [
"Johns Hopkins CSSE (Global)",
"Our World in Data (Global)",
"Johns Hopkins CSSE (US)",
"The New York Times (US)",
"Robert Koch Institute (Germany)",
value: "Johns Hopkins CSSE (Global)",
description: "data source"
Insert cell
data = ({
"Johns Hopkins CSSE (Global)": data1Global,
"Our World in Data (Global)": data2,
"Johns Hopkins CSSE (US)": data1US,
"The New York Times (US)": data3,
"Robert Koch Institute (Germany)": data4,
Insert cell
viewof axisY = select({
options: ["confirmed", "deaths"],
value: "confirmed",
description: "Y dimension"
Insert cell
viewof axisX = select({
options: ["date", "confirmed", "deaths"],
value: "date",
description: "X dimension"
Insert cell
viewof numberOfRegions = slider({
min: 10,
max: 30,
value: 10,
step: 1,
description: "number of regions"
Insert cell
viewof useLog = checkbox({
options: ["Use logarithmic scales"],
value: ["Use logarithmic scales"]
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viewof useRegression = checkbox({
options: ["Trend lines"],
value: []
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viewof regressionPeriod = slider({
min: 3,
max: 20,
value: 0,
step: 1,
description: "number of days past"
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viewof regressionDelay = slider({
min: 0,
max: 20,
value: 0,
step: 1,
description: "delay"
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parseDate = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d")
Insert cell
d3 = require("d3@5", "d3-array@2", "d3-delaunay@5", "d3-regression")
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import { checkbox, select, slider } from "@jashkenas/inputs"
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import { occlusion } with { d3 } from "@fil/occlusion"
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svg.chart { overflow: visible }
svg.chart text.occluded { display: none; }
svg.chart text:not(.occluded) { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; pointer-events: none; font-family: sans-serif; }
Insert cell
import { callout } from "@d3/line-chart-with-tooltip"
Insert cell

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