Dec 6, 2019
1 fork
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group1= " (Network-adjacent forecasters)"
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group2 = " (Online crowdworkers)"
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plotAggregateAfterEnd(foretoldPredictors,"Aggregate score at the end of the experiment"+group1, 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-10")
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plotAggregateAfterEnd(controlGroup,"Aggregate score at the end of the experiment "+group2, 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-30")
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plotAggregateAfterEndComparison(foretoldPredictors, controlGroup)
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plotAggregateEvolution(foretoldPredictors,"Aggregate score across time"+group1, 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-30")
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plotAggregateEvolution(controlGroup,"Aggregate score across time"+group2, 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20")
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plotAggregateWithConfidenceIntervals("Evolution of aggregate score across time (± standard error)", foretoldPredictors, controlGroup,50,"2019-10-9","2019-10-9", "2019-11-20","2019-11-30")
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plotMarginalImprovementForetoldAndControl(foretoldPredictors, controlGroup, "Marginal improvement of n:th prediction after prior (± standard error)", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-30", 1)
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md `### How to import the plots in another observable notebook`
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getQuestions("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20")
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md `The functions which follow *could* call getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel every time, but that would be too slow. Instead, we'll save the input of that function in an object, and reference the object, but give the option to calculate it from scratch if need be. Furthermore, we'll save those objects as a file attachment, so that we don't have to make the API calls every time, either.`
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// EV = getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", 50, "predictionNumber", "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20")
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// EVControl = getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel(controlGroup, 50, "predictionNumber", "2019-10-9", "2019-11-30")
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// You can see more details about vega-lite here:

const line = vl.markLine().data(EV).encode(
vl.color().field('questionName').type('nominal').legend({orient: 'bottom', direction: "vertical", labelLimit:1000}),

const point = vl.markCircle().data(EV).encode(
vl.y().field('score').type('quantitative').scale({type: 'log'}),
vl.x().field('timestamp').type('quantitative').title("Prediction #"),
return vl.layer(line, point)
.title("Amplification Experiment: Aggregate score across time ")
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md ` Wrap this in a function which can be exported`
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async function plotAggregateEvolution(channelId="f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", title, numberOfQuestionsToFetch=50,dateBeginning="2019-10-9", dateEnd= "2019-11-20", fromStatic=true){
// This is just to avoid having to fetch the data from the API every time
async function getData(fromStatic){
return (channelId == "f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15")? EV: EVControl;
return getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel(channelId, numberOfQuestionsToFetch, "predictionNumber", dateBeginning, dateEnd);

let df = await getData(fromStatic)
df = df.filter(question => !question.questionName.includes("Meta"))
// And this is the same as above
const line = vl.markLine().data(df).encode(
vl.color().field('questionName').type('nominal').legend({orient: 'bottom', direction: "vertical", labelLimit:1000}),

const point = vl.markCircle().data(df).encode(
vl.y().field('score').type('quantitative').scale({type: 'log'}),
vl.x().field('timestamp').type('quantitative').title("Prediction #"),
return vl.layer(line, point)
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// Uncomment this to see what the function will output
// plotAggregateEvolution("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", "Score Across time", 50,"2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", true)
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md `We care about how participants did in different questions, and it's interesting that the order of the questions is preserved between our forecasters and the control, even though the control did much worse`
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// Uncomment this to see what the function will output
// plotAggregateAfterEnd("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15")
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// plotAggregateAfterEndComparison("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", controlGroup)
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// EV2 = getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel("f19015f5-55d8-4fd6-8621-df79ac072e15", 50, "time", "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20")
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// EV2Comparison = getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel(controlGroup, 50, "time", "2019-10-9", "2019-11-30")
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EV2 = FileAttachment("EV2 (1).json").json()
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EV2Comparison = FileAttachment("EV2Comparison (1).json").json()
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async function getDataAggregateWithConfidenceIntervals(channelId, legend, numQuestionsToGet=70, dateBeginning="2019-10-9", dateEnd= "2019-11-20", fromStatic = true){
// Avoid making an API call
let dataframe
dataframe = channelId == controlGroup ? EV2Comparison : EV2
dataframe = await getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel(channelId, numQuestionsToGet, "time", dateBeginning, dateEnd)
// get the initial Score; the score of the prior
let initialScores = []
let lastQuestionName=""
let numQuestions =0;
dataframe.forEach(element => {
if(element.questionName != lastQuestionName && !element.questionName.includes("Meta")){
lastQuestionName = element.questionName
numQuestions = numQuestions+1
let initialScore = math.mean(initialScores)
let initialScoreStd = math.std(initialScores)
// What happens to a question while other questions are updated?
// Here, at every event at which a timestamp exists, we take a snapshot of every question at that moment.
let timestamps = getTimeStamps(dataframe)
let dfNew = []
let counter = 0;
for(let i=0; i<dataframe.length; i++){if(!dataframe[i].questionName.includes("Meta")){
if(i!=(dataframe.length-1) && dataframe[i].questionName == dataframe[i+1].questionName){
let tempDataPoint = dataframe[i] // Note that this is *not* a copy, and thus this is a destructive procedure
let originalTimeStamp = dataframe[i].timestamp
let nextTimeStamp = dataframe[i+1].timestamp
while(originalTimeStamp >= timestamps[counter]){
tempDataPoint.timestamp = timestamps[counter];
score: tempDataPoint.score,
timestamp: timestamps[counter],
questionName: tempDataPoint.questionName
}else if(i==(dataframe.length-1) || (dataframe[i].questionName != dataframe[i+1].questionName)){
let tempDataPoint = dataframe[i] // Note that this is *not* a copy
let lim = timestamps.length
let originalTimeStamp = dataframe[i].timestamp

while(counter < lim){
tempDataPoint.timestamp = timestamps[counter];
score: tempDataPoint.score,
timestamp: timestamps[counter],
questionName: tempDataPoint.questionName
counter = 0
// At every point t, we have a copy of all questions. We use that to get the average, standard deviation, etc. at every point.
// We also prepare to plot the Prior and its standard deviations, but we later don't use it.
let dfMean = []
let dfPrior = []
for(let i=0; i<timestamps.length; i++){
let scores = []
for(let j=0; j< dfNew.length; j++){
if(dfNew[j].timestamp == timestamps[i]){
let mean = math.mean(scores)
let std = math.std(scores)
if (mean+std*1.96/math.sqrt(numQuestions)<0 || legend == "Online crowdworkers" || legend.includes("Control")){ // This is a hack to solve a bug in foretold. See the spike which happens if you remove this line.
score: mean,
lowerConfidenceInterval: mean-std/math.sqrt(numQuestions), // *1.96
upperConfidenceInterval: mean+std/math.sqrt(numQuestions),
std: std,
timestamp: i*100/(timestamps.length -1),
initialScore: initialScore,
color: legend
timestamp: i*100/timestamps.length,
initialScore: initialScore,
lowerConfidenceIntervalPrior: initialScore-1.96*initialScoreStd/math.sqrt(numQuestions),
upperConfidenceIntervalPrior: initialScore+1.96*initialScoreStd/math.sqrt(numQuestions),
color: legend+"' Prior",
return {dfMean: dfMean} // If one wishes, one could add dfPrior
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plotAggregateWithConfidenceIntervals("Average Question Across time, with standard deviation", foretoldPredictors, controlGroup, 50, "2019-10-9","2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", "2019-11-30")
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async function getMarginalImprovementData(channelId, legend, numQuestionsToGet=50, dateBeginning="2019-10-9", dateEnd= "2019-11-20", startAt=1){
// Define the data frame
let data = await getEvolutionOfQuestionsInChannel2(channelId, numQuestionsToGet, "predictionNumber",dateBeginning, dateEnd)
let maxPredictionNumber = math.max( => object.timestamp))
let marginalImprovementInScore = Array(maxPredictionNumber-1)
// Get the proportional marginal improvement of the aggregate after every prediction.
let lastTimeStamp = Infinity;
let lastScore = Infinity
// Exclude question which was only answered by one of the two groups in the experiment
data.forEach(element => {if(!element.questionName.includes("Meta")){
// Calculate marginal improvement as how much closer to a perfect score each prediction moved the aggregate, as a percentage of the distance between the aggregate and the perfect score.
let functionOfScore = (element.score - lastScore) / math.abs(lastScore)
// Push to array for storing the values
marginalImprovementInScore[element.timestamp -2] = marginalImprovementInScore[element.timestamp-2].concat([functionOfScore])

lastTimeStamp = element.timestamp
lastScore = element.score
// Average it and push it to a dataframe suitable for plotting
let counter = 0;
let dataframe = []
// Iterate over prediction #
marginalImprovementInScore.forEach(element => {
// Compute errorbar width
let mean = math.mean(element)
let std = math.std(element)
let length = element.length
let errorbar = std/math.sqrt(length) // Multiply by 1.96 to get 95% confidence intervals
// Push to dataframe
predictionNumber: counter,
marginalImprovementInScore: mean,
lowerConfidenceInterval: mean-errorbar,
upperConfidenceInterval: mean+errorbar, // 1.96
std: std,
color: legend,
return dataframe
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// marginalImprovementForecasters = getMarginalImprovementData(foretoldPredictors, "Network-adjacent forecasters", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 1)
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marginalImprovementForecasters = FileAttachment("marginalImprovementForecasters.json").json()
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// marginalImprovementControl = getMarginalImprovementData(controlGroup, "Online crowdworkers", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 1)
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marginalImprovementControl = FileAttachment("marginalImprovementControl (1).json").json()
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.title("Marginal Improvement of going from n=> n+1 predictions ÷ Previous Score")
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F2 = plotMarginalImprovement(foretoldPredictors,"blue","green", "Network-adjacent forecasters", 50,"2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 1, 0.05)
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/* vl.layer(...C2)
.title("Marginal Improvement of going from n=> n+1 predictions ÷ Previous Score")
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C2 = plotMarginalImprovement(controlGroup, "green","blue", "Online crowdworkers",50,"2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 1, 0.05)
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vl.layer(...C2, ...F2)
.title("Amplification Experiment: Marginal Improvement of going from n=> n+1 predictions ÷ Previous Score")
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// Uncomment to reveal

plotMarginalImprovementForetoldAndControl(foretoldPredictors, controlGroup, "Amplification Experiment: Marginal improvement of going from n-1 => n predictions", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 1)
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// plotMarginalImprovementForetoldAndControl(foretoldPredictors, controlGroup, "Amplification Experiment: Marginal improvement of going from n-1 => n predictions", 50, "2019-10-9", "2019-11-20", 4)

// The difference is that now the Prediction # starts at 4
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import {vl} from '@vega/vega-lite-api'
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