Dec 9
7 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
This is a markdown cell.
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
year = 2022
Insert cell
We can use the variable in markdown with a dollar sign and braces: ${year}.
Insert cell
We can also define an interactive input.
Insert cell
viewof name = Inputs.text({ label: "Character", value: "Snowy" })
Insert cell
And we call this variable in the same way : ${name}.
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {get_label} from "@pac02/user-level-gender-statistics-for-wikipedia"
Insert cell
get_label("Q1640056", "en")
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
query_characters = `SELECT ?character ?characterLabel ?book ?bookLabel ?rk WHERE {
?book p:P179 ?statement.
?statement ps:P179 wd:Q744536;
pq:P1545 ?rank.
BIND(xsd:integer(?rank) AS ?rk)
?book wdt:P674 ?character.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY (?rk) (?characterLabel)`
Insert cell
data_characters = fetch(
{ headers: { accept: "application/sparql-results+json" } }
).then((d) => d.json())
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {aq, op} from "@uwdata/arquero"
Insert cell
Insert cell
df_characters = aq.from( => ({
rank: res.rk.value,
book: res.bookLabel.value,
character: res.characterLabel.value
Insert cell
Insert cell
df_characters.view()// display only the 50 first lines
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
.count() // count by character
vl.y().field('character') // y axis
.type('nominal') // nominal variable. Could also be 'quantitative' or 'ordinal'
.sort("count") // sort the bars
.title("Characters of Tintin"), // y axis title
vl.x().field('count') // x-axis
.type('quantitative') // quantitative variable
.title("Number of appearances"), // title of the x-axis
vl.tooltip(['character', 'count'])
.width(width) // full width
Insert cell
Insert cell
viewof range = Inputs.range([0, 24], {step: 1}, {label: "Nombre d'apparitions"})
Insert cell
.filter(aq.escape(d => d.count >= range)) // add a filter
.title("Characters of Tintin"),
.title("Number of appearances"),
vl.tooltip(['character', 'count'])
Insert cell
Insert cell

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