Jun 21, 2022
1 fork
2 stars
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csv = `Date,Event,Description,SharedOrPersonal
31 Dec 1980,Othello,"The first AI system to beat Othello.","Shared"
1 Jan 1994,Checkers,"Chinook program clobbered a checkers champ.","Personal"
3 Jan 1997,Chess,"Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov.","Shared"
6 Jan 2011,Jeopardy!,"IBM Watson beats Ken Jennings","Personal"
8 Jan 2015,Atari,"Deepmind plays Atari.","Personal"
16 Jan 2016,Go,"AlphaGo: Defeating the Best Go Players.","Shared"
20 Jan 2016,Skin Cancer,"Deep Learning beats skin cancer.","Shared"
1 Jul 2017,Poker,"Deep Learning beats best Poker players.","Shared"
2 Feb 2017,Starcraft,"AlphaStar: Mastering the real-time strategy game StarCraft II.","Personal"
6 Feb 2019,Dota 2,"OpenAI Five.","Personal"
8 Feb 2020,Protein Folding,"AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology.","Personal"
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lockdownData = [
{name: "The Golden Years of AI", startDate: new Date("1956", "2", "24", "6"), endDate: new Date("1974", "5", "1", "6"), description: "When social distancing began, we didn’t know much about the virus, such as how it spread or what precautions to take.\nIt was a difficult time."}, // zero-indexed month means "3" is March and "5" is June
{name: "The AI Boom", startDate: new Date("1980", "2", "24", "6"), endDate: new Date("1987", "5", "1", "6"), description: "When social distancing began, we didn’t know much about the virus, such as how it spread or what precautions to take.\nIt was a difficult time."}, // zero-indexed month means "3" is March and "5" is June
{name: "Probabilistic Reasoning", startDate: new Date("1993", "6", "9", "6"), endDate: new Date("2002", "9", "28", "6"), description: "The second time around was easier and harder. We knew the drill, routines were easier, but we’d burnt through a lot more of our reserves.\nIt was 110 days."}, // zero-indexed month means "6" is Jul and "9" is October
{name: "Deep Learning", startDate: new Date("2014", "9", "28", "6"), endDate: new Date("2022", "10", "8", "6"), description: "We continued to be trapped in Melbourne for another two weeks after lockdown “ended”."}, // zero-indexed month means "9" is October and "10" is November
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