Feb 20, 2019
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import {ramp} from "@mbostock/color-ramp" //this "from" uses last part of MBostock's Observables URL for this particular ramp page. needs to be published for a bit before import works on it...
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ramp(t => `hsl(${t * 360}, 100%, 50%)`)
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import {multiply_this} from '@cesandoval/week-2a-introduction-to-javascript-part2/2'
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import {canvas as map} from "@mbostock/interrupted-sinu-mollweide"
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import {interval} from "@mbostock/countdown"
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//reactive, notices import below and runs
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import {i} from "@mbostock/generator-cells-functions-and-objects"
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import {canvas as map2} from "@mbostock/interrupted-sinu-mollweide"
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map === map2
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primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
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mtcars = d3.csvParse(`name,mpg,cyl,disp,hp,drat,wt,qsec,vs,am,gear,carb
Mazda RX4,21,6,160,110,3.9,2.62,16.46,0,1,4,4
Mazda RX4 Wag,21,6,160,110,3.9,2.875,17.02,0,1,4,4
Datsun 710,22.8,4,108,93,3.85,2.32,18.61,1,1,4,1
Hornet 4 Drive,21.4,6,258,110,3.08,3.215,19.44,1,0,3,1
Hornet Sportabout,18.7,8,360,175,3.15,3.44,17.02,0,0,3,2
Duster 360,14.3,8,360,245,3.21,3.57,15.84,0,0,3,4
Merc 240D,24.4,4,146.7,62,3.69,3.19,20,1,0,4,2
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d3 = require("d3@5")
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md`The first prime is ${primes[0]}.`
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md`The first car is a ${mtcars[0].name} with ${mtcars[0].hp} horsepower.`
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d3.median(mtcars, d => d.mpg) // The median miles per gallon.
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flare = d3.csv("")
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aapl = require("@observablehq/aapl@0")
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new Blob([d3.csvFormat(flare)], {type: "text/csv"}),
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viewof image = html`<input type=file accept="image/*">`
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html`<img src="${URL.createObjectURL(image)}">`
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//we'll learn how to keep info private later as passwords, etc must be kept private
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viewof text = html`<input type=file accept="text/* ">`
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viewof binary = html`<input type=file>`
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data = d3.csv("")
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Insert cell => +d.Year)
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Promises.delay(3000, "Hello, world!")
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let i = 0;
while (true) {
yield Promises.tick(1000, ++i);
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let greeting = await Promises.delay(3000, "Hello, ");
return greeting + "world!";
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yield 13
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let i = 0;
while (true) {
yield Promises.delay(1000, ++i);
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let i = 0;
while (true) {
await Promises.delay(1000);
yield ++i;
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const div = html`<div style="transition:background 250ms linear;height:33px;">`;
yield div;
while (true) { = "red";
yield Promises.delay(1000, div); = "green";
yield Promises.delay(1000, div); = "blue";
yield Promises.delay(1000, div);
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yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
return "ignored"; // It’s ignored!
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input = html`<input type=range>`
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Generators.observe(next => {
// Yield the input’s initial value.

// Define an event listener to yield the input’s next value.
const inputted = () => next(input.value);

// Attach the event listener.
input.addEventListener("input", inputted);

// When the generator is disposed, detach the event listener.
return () => input.removeEventListener("input", inputted);
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viewof value = html`<input type=range>`
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viewof x = html`<input type=range min=0 max=1 step=any>`
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viewof message = html`<input type=text placeholder="Say hello">`
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viewof color = html`<select>
<option selected>green
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viewof silly = {
const element = html`<div>I am a silly view!</div>`;
element.value = "I am a silly value.";
return element;
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viewof count = {
const element = html`<div style="font-size:64px;user-select:none;">🤪</div>`;
element.value = 0;
element.onclick = () => {
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input"));
return element;
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Insert cell

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