Dec 14, 2021
5 forks
186 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
simulationLoop = {
let gif;
let width = regl._gl.canvas.width;
let height = regl._gl.canvas.height;
if (saveGIF) gif = new GIF({ width, height });
var gifTick = 0;
var gifDone = false;

let tick = 0;
let frame = regl.frame(() => {
if (!simulate || (saveGIF && gifDone)) return;
offscreenFBO.resize(width, height);

if (simulate) {
[0, 1].forEach(i => {
positionAccumulationFBO[i].use(() =>
regl.clear({ color: [0, 0, 0, 0] })
densityVelocityAccumulationFBO[i].use(() =>
regl.clear({ color: [0, 0, 0, 0] })
configureAccumulation({ count: n, src: stateFBO[0] }, () => {
if (regl.hasExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers")) {
} else {

blit(() => {
if (regl.hasExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers")) {
src1: positionAccumulationTexture[0],
src2: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[0],
dst: positionDensityVelocityFBO[1],
direction: [1, 0]
src1: positionAccumulationTexture[1],
src2: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[1],
dst: positionDensityVelocityFBO[0],
direction: [0, 1]
} else {
src1: positionAccumulationTexture[0],
dst: positionAccumulationFBO[1],
direction: [1, 0]
src1: positionAccumulationTexture[1],
dst: positionAccumulationFBO[0],
direction: [0, 1]
src1: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[0],
dst: densityVelocityAccumulationFBO[1],
direction: [1, 0]
src1: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[1],
dst: densityVelocityAccumulationFBO[0],
direction: [0, 1]

stateFBO[1].use(() => {
time: (tick * 1) / 60,
src: stateFBO[0],
position: positionAccumulationTexture[0],
densityVelocity: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[0]

offscreenFBO.use(() => {
regl.clear({ color: [0, 0, 0, 1] });
drawBoids({ src: stateFBO[0], ɑ, count: n });

/*regl.clear({ color: [1, 1, 1, 1] });
src: densityVelocityAccumulationTexture[0],
offset: 0.9,
scale: -0.01
copy({ src: offscreenFBO, γ, offset: 0, scale: 1 });

if (saveGIF && tick++ % gifFrameStride === 0) {
console.log("tick!", gifTick);
gif.addFrame(regl._gl.canvas, { copy: true, delay: 16 });
if (gifTick++ === gifFrames) {
console.log("GIF capture complete. Beginning conversion…");
frame = null;

invalidation.then(() => {
frame && frame.cancel();
if (saveGIF) gif.abort();

if (saveGIF) gif.on("finished", blob => saveFile(blob, "boids.gif"));
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
iterate = {
let iterate = regl({
frag: `
precision highp float;
varying vec2 uv;
uniform vec2 inverseResolution;
uniform sampler2D src, position, densityVelocity;
uniform float dt;
uniform float turn;
uniform float uRand, uRandomness;
uniform float uCohesion, uSeparation, uAlignment, uVelocityEnforcement, uLeading;

float random(vec2 co) {
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);

vec4 derivative (vec4 state) {
vec2 xy1 = state.xy + uLeading * dt *;

// Sample the blurred density and velocity
vec3 densityVelocitym = texture2D(densityVelocity, xy1).xzw;
xy1 = state.xy + dt * 2.0 * uLeading * densityVelocitym.yz / densityVelocitym.x;

vec4 densityVelocity0 = texture2D(densityVelocity, state.xy);
float density0 = densityVelocity0.x;
vec2 avgVelocity = / max(density0, 1.0);

// Sample neighboring texels to compute the density gradient
float r = 1.0;
float densityE = texture2D(densityVelocity, state.xy + vec2(inverseResolution.x, 0)).x;
float densityW = texture2D(densityVelocity, state.xy + vec2(-inverseResolution.x, 0)).x;
float densityN = texture2D(densityVelocity, state.xy + vec2(0, inverseResolution.y)).x;
float densityS = texture2D(densityVelocity, state.xy + vec2(0, -inverseResolution.y)).x;
vec2 densityGradient = vec2(densityE - densityW, densityN - densityS) / inverseResolution;

vec4 avgPositionValues = texture2D(position, xy1);
float density1 = texture2D(densityVelocity, xy1).x;

// Divide the sum of velocities by the sum of masses to compute a mass-weighted
// local average position
vec2 avgPosition = vec2(
state.x < 0.5 ? avgPositionValues.x : avgPositionValues.z,
state.y < 0.5 ? avgPositionValues.y : avgPositionValues.w
) / max(density1, 1e-8);
// The magic numbers!
float repulsion = (0.2 * 2.0) * uSeparation;
float follow = (2500.0 * 2.0) * uAlignment;
float cohesion = (850000.0 * 2.0) * uCohesion;
float velocityEnforcement = (190.0 * 2.0) * uVelocityEnforcement;
float vmag = length(;

vec2 turn = 50.0 * normalize(densityGradient.yx) * pow(density0, 1.0) * vec2(-1.0, 1.0);
vec2 randLoc = gl_FragCoord.xy + uRand * 100.0;
vec2 rand = vec2(random(randLoc), random(randLoc + 0.5)) - 0.5;

return vec4(,
-densityGradient * repulsion
+ (avgVelocity - * follow
+ (avgPosition - state.xy) * cohesion / max(0.01, uLeading)
+ * (5.0 - vmag) * velocityEnforcement
+ 20000.0 * rand * uRandomness
//+ turn
- 1000.0 * length(state.xy - 0.5) * (state.xy - 0.5)

void main () {
vec4 yn = texture2D(src, uv);
gl_FragColor = yn + dt * derivative(yn);

float velocity = length(;
const float maxVelocity = 10.0;
if (velocity > maxVelocity) *= maxVelocity / velocity;

gl_FragColor.xy = fract(gl_FragColor.xy);//, vec2(0), vec2(1));
uniforms: {
uRandomness: regl.prop("randomness"),
uRand: () => Math.random(),
uCohesion: regl.prop("cohesion"),
uSeparation: regl.prop("separation"),
uVelocityEnforcement: regl.prop("velocityEnforcement"),
uAlignment: regl.prop("alignment"),
uLeading: regl.prop("leading"),

turn: (ctx, props) => Math.sin(props.time * 0.5) * 30.0,
inverseResolution: [1 / gridSize, 1 / gridSize],
src: regl.prop("src"),
position: regl.prop("position"),
densityVelocity: regl.prop("densityVelocity"),
dt: regl.prop("dt")
return (props) => blit(() => iterate(props));
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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