## Elements of O*Net
The elements of the O-Net system are logical, understandable and well-documented. The database information is downloadable in several formats. These elements are basically as follows:
* ** Occupations ** a listing of 900+ occupations grouped as 23 major categories and Xx minor categories.
* ** Abilities ** a set of **52 abilities** described as *Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance.* These are long-term qualities that a person is either born with or acquires.
* ** Skills ** a set of **35 skills** described as *Developed capacities that facilitate learning or the more rapid acquisition of knowledge.* These are acquired capabilities that combine ability, knowledge and experience.
* ** Knowledge ** a tabulation of the various types of knowledge needed for occupations (currently not used in the Life Ontologies)
* ** Interests ** a tabulation of occupaiton-related interests (currently not used in the Life Ontologies)
* ** Work Activities ** a range of **41 occupation-related activities**, many of which are relevant to life in general.
These elements are proposed as a starting point for expansion into the non-occupational aspects of the Life Ontologies.
They are described more fully in the **Life Activities Ontology**, which encompasses **abilities** and **skills** as well.