Jul 15, 2021
1 star
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## About SOC and O*Net
### Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) and the O*Net Online System
There are 35 skills and 997 occupations, organized by the federal Standard Occupational Classificaiton (SOC) System and the O*Net online service into 5 skill sets and 22 occupations. The ontological objective is to organize the skills and occupations along BFO-based ontological lines to see if a more "reason-able" arrangement would be beneficial.
- Skills are divided into 5 groups in the O*Net System by horizontal lines:
- Basic,
- Social,
- Technical (which includes Complex Problem Solving),
- Systems,
- Resource Management.
- The proposed ontological grouping of skills is also 5 groups based on a gradient of cognitive challenge for each skill, with the most challenging at the top:
- Advanced: most cognitively challenging skills, including Complex Problem Solving and selected skills from the Basic, Technical and Systems groups; 10 total.
- RM: challenging Resource Management; 4 total.
- Sound: less challenging Basic; 7 total.
- System: less challenging Systems; 6 total.
- Tech: less challenging technical skills; 8 total with 4 at one level and 4 at the lowest level, for a total of 35.

Showing all occupations is not possible, so they may be filtered in two ways:
- modulo-4 249 at a time, selecting either residue 0 or 2 (eg 14 modulo = remainder 3 and residue 2).
- by O\*Net Major Group (of which there are 22 non-military-specific groups) within an ontological grouping (3-level hierarchy with two main divisions, four sub-divisions and ten sub-sub-divisions).

Each mark represents a skill-occupation pairing with the following legend:
- **Importance** is shown by **shape**, upper left triangle for high, lower left triangle for "above" and rectangle for low. Above is between an average importance for that skill and one standard deviation above the average.
- **Level of expertise** is shown by **color**, red for high, blue for above average, gray for below average metric for that skill level of expertise.

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obscfg.widthMax < width ? obscfg.widthMax : width
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tmpShift = (200 - sliderPctDisp) - 52
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tmpWbyHor = width/obscfg.pxHor
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// cell: Drag object of functions to effect the drag operation on slider rece
// and translate display accordingly
// 2021-06-13 See Word doc on doing this Ntbk (2021-06-13) Drag SVG as Group
drag = {
function dragstarted(event, d) {
// upon click to drag, the group moves horizontally to some point before dragging
// what it is doing is positioning the g at the point of the click; can this be overridden and
// only capture x,y when the mouse is dragged?
console.log("drag start: How to avoid any move? " + event.x)"stroke", "black")
function dragged(event, d) {
if (false) console.log("what is in event? ", event.x)
// translate only the x dimension:
console.log("dragged " + event.x + " THIS.... ",
//"transform", `translate(${event.x})`)"x", event.x) // did not work right: ("transform", `translate(${event.x})`)

function dragended(event, d) {
// get x of mainGroup first determine delta x
const priorX ="#sliderTst")
console.log("Is there an event here? ", event)
console.log("Here is prior rect obj ", priorX)
console.log("Here is prior rect val " + priorX._groups[0][0].attributes.x.nodeValue)
const deltaX = event.x - priorX.x
console.log("zzzz ", deltaX)
// translate the mainGroup by a delta: slider dx will mean - test for now
// change of x in group = (newSilderX - oldSliderX)
let test ="#sliderTst")
.attr("transform", `translate(40)`)
.attr("fill", "green")"stroke", "gray") // reset
return d3.drag()
.on("start", dragstarted)
.on("drag", dragged)
.on("end", dragended)
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function sliderClick(event, d) {
console.log("slider clicked " + event.x)"#slider")
.attr("x", 120)
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obsMessage = "Any old message here!"
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obsStatsBySkill = fnCalcStatsBySkill()
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obsStatsByOccup = fnCalcStatsByOccup()
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// cell: test
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// cell: Function to get all display points for a given occupation id; SKIP SKILL ELEMENT ZERO!
// Reference: obsSkillSeq = O*Net Sequence or else OccO onto, so order skills accordingly
// 2021-06-11 hopefully getting close!
// 2021-06-22 Definitely getting close - implementing onto skill sequence
// 2021-06-25 Revised onto skills considerably and changed CSV headings, a mess!
function fnGetPoints(occupId) {
// myPoints will be the 35 skill indicators + 36th for occup index level,
// each entry will be x, y and path
// skillIndices will be array of skill idx for desired sequence, based on ONet index
// (if sequence is onet it is the dict_Skills index)
let myPoints = [] // new Array[37].fill(0) // symbol info for this occup
const oc = dict_Occup[occupId]
let numLvAbv = 0
let numLvHigh = 0
// stats array is zero based, 0-34 = skills and index 35 is num LvAbv and LvHi
// above does not appear to be correct
// 6/12 it looks like entry zero is not filled so skip it!
// 6/22 retrieve the ith index from the skills index if O*Net but [ontoIdx] if OccO skill sequence
// this is a bit tricky: skill info is in obsArSkillsAndStats; skillSeqIdx = sequenced indexed of sorted abilities
// skillIdx = the skill's original O*Net index 1-35
console.log("what is skills and stats? ") // it is right there!
for (let skillSeqIdx = 1; skillSeqIdx < 36; skillSeqIdx++) { // skillSeqIdx is the display (sorted) sequence
// all needed is shape info. Get im and lv levels, 0, 1, 2 for low, abv, high and set path
// NOTE: if Onto sequence is desired, the processing is done by onto index, so it will not be consecutive order:
const skillIdx = obsSkillSeq === "O*Net Sequence" ? skillSeqIdx : obsArSkillIdxOnto[skillSeqIdx].skillOntoIdx
// console.log("wwwwwahatt? ?? ", obsArSkillIdxOnto[1])
const currSkill = obsArSkillsAndStats[skillIdx]
if (occupId === "11-1011.00") console.log("Onto chf ex: " + skillSeqIdx + " skill Onet idx: " +
obsArSkillIdxOnto[1].skillOntoIdx + " skillIdx: " + skillIdx + " xx ",
let imVal = 0 // default
if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.imAvg + currSkill.imStdDev) {
imVal = 2 // imHigh
} else if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.imAvg) {
imVal = 1 // imAbv
let lvVal = 0 // default low
if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.lvAvg + currSkill.lvStdDev) {
lvVal = 2 // lvHigh
} else if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.lvAvg) {
lvVal = 1 // lvAbv
// get numbers for occup index if im > low for the skill
if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.imAvg) {
if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.lvAvg + currSkill.lvStdDev) {
numLvHigh += 1
/* console.log("High " +[skillIdx] + " avg " +
currSkill.lvAvg + " stdd " +
currSkill.lvStdDev) */
} else if ([skillIdx] > currSkill.lvAvg) {
numLvAbv += 1
// we have results for this Occup-skill combination - add to myPoints
myPoints.push({ imVal: imVal, lvVal: lvVal })
// we have results for this occupation; push the two occupation index metrics
// onto the array as element 36 with numLvAbv, numLvhigh in the two spots
myPoints.push({ imVal: numLvAbv, lvVal: numLvHigh })
// order skill metric values by seqSkill
// console.log("xxxx " + numLvAbv + " ", myPoints)
return myPoints
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/* 7/2/21 5:50pm - worn out! got the "aggregate" sum of entropies for each group - skill

entropy for each skill - group are calculated by fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills(ONet or Random)
and results (sum only not recomputed running variance) is computed in obsResultsAggregate

To do: process by group ? << think this through - if skills are aggregated, is that a good idea? I think so
BUT: Do we get a running variance across skills? I think not! Best just to use a SUM!!
Then once we have a sum per group, get the running variance for the groups

Quite a number of cells need to be redone / deleted:


obsResults1 = {
const resONetIm = fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills("ONet")
const resRandIm = fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills("Random")
// Phase I: grand total entropy, all groups
let sumForSkill5ONetIm = 0
let sumForSkill5RandIm = 0
let sumForSkillsONetIm = 0
let sumForSkillsRandIm = 0
for (let grpnum = 0; grpnum < resONetIm.length; grpnum++) {
for (let skillnum = 1; skillnum < 36; skillnum++) {
if (skillnum === 5) {
sumForSkill5ONetIm += resONetIm[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkill5RandIm += resRandIm[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkillsONetIm += resONetIm[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkillsRandIm += resRandIm[grpnum][skillnum]
// Phase IIa: Entropy for each Group, all skills
// NOW: can the ONet results for each group be combined to yield an overall all-group entropy?
// (this does not apply to the random case; however, since they are grouped similarly, calculate this as well)
// process: get the running variance across groups
// step one is get group ent across all skills:
let sumForGrpsONetIm = []
let sumForGrpsRandIm = []
let priorONetIm = 0
let priorRandIm = 0
for (let grpnum = 0; grpnum < resONetIm.length; grpnum++) {
for (let skillnum = 0; skillnum < 36; skillnum++) {

/* for (let grpnum = 0; grpnum < resONetIm.length; grpnum++) {
if (grpnum > 0) {
sumForGrpsONetIm += Math.pow(resONetIm[grpnum] - priorONetIm, 2)
console.log("RExx1111xxx " + resONetIm[grpnum] + " val " + priorONetIm)
sumForGrpsRandIm += Math.pow(resRandIm[grpnum] - priorRandIm, 2)
priorONetIm = resONetIm[grpnum]
priorRandIm = resRandIm[grpnum]
console.log("RExxxxx " + sumForGrpsONetIm + " val " + resONetIm[grpnum])
} */
// Pase IIb: combine group entropies - get sum of squares then sqrt of avg
// get average using 21 group differences in the 22 groups
sumForGrpsONetIm = Math.sqrt(sumForGrpsONetIm / 21)
sumForGrpsRandIm = Math.sqrt(sumForGrpsRandIm / 21)
// Phase I results:
// return { ONet: Math.round(sumForSkillsONetIm * 100)/100, Rand: Math.round(sumForSkillsRandIm * 100)/100 }
// Phase II results:
return { ONet: Math.round(sumForGrpsONetIm * 100)/100, Rand: Math.round(sumForGrpsRandIm * 100)/100 }
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obsResultsAggregate = {
const resONet = fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills("ONet")
const resRand = fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills("Random")
let sumForSkill5ONetIm = 0
let sumForSkill5RandIm = 0
let sumForSkillsONetIm = 0
let sumForSkillsRandIm = 0
for (let grpnum = 0; grpnum < resONet.length; grpnum++) {
for (let skillnum = 1; skillnum < 36; skillnum++) {
if (skillnum === 5) {
sumForSkill5ONetIm += resONet[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkill5RandIm += resRand[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkillsONetIm += resONet[grpnum][skillnum]
sumForSkillsRandIm += resRand[grpnum][skillnum]
return { ONet: Math.round(sumForSkillsONetIm * 100)/100, Rand: Math.round(sumForSkillsRandIm * 100)/100 }
Insert cell
// ARCHIVAL: function to get skill entropies for each group*****
// cell: For each of the 22 ONet major-group-index-sets of desired sequence calculate LeafOntoEntropy
// Param: seq is either ONet or Random
// issue 1: dict_Occup is accessed by OccupId not index
// issue 2: the seqRandom is a random number - needs to be sorted to get an index
// 7/2/21 reference is now a dictionary by OccupId with occupid's for both ONet and Random
function fnCalcEntMajSkillGrps(seq) {
console.log("Hixxxx zzz")
let grpEnt = 0 // for now make it the sum of skill variances Array(36).fill(0)
let allGrpEnt = [] // array for all groups
let numGrps = 0
// const occupLookup = Object.entries(dict_Occup) // will have array of [key, value]
let arSumSquaresIm = Array(36).fill(0) // sum of sqares of adjecent occups for each of 35 skills skipping zero
let arPriorIm = Array(36).fill(0) // im value of prior occup for each skill
// Process each group, and within each group, process all occupations
// process each group:
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obsEntMajGrpOccupIds)) {
if (numGrps < 25) {
console.log("Doing group " + numGrps)
let numOccup = 0
// process each occup:
val.forEach((ref, j) => {
const occupId = seq === "ONet" ? ref.ONetOccupId : ref.RandomOccupId
const myOc = dict_Occup[occupId]
// ascertain im has nonzero values
let tot =, b) => a + b, 0)
if (tot > 0) {
// get occup from dict_Occup
if (numOccup < 4 && j < 3) console.log("doing occup " + occupId + " keyoc ",
if (numOccup > 0) {
// calculate "running variance" - degree of change from adjacent (leaf) value
for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) { //*** make 36
arSumSquaresIm[i] += Math.pow([i] - arPriorIm[i], 2)
// console.log("im val= " +[i] + " ri " + arPriorIm[i] + " Sq " + arSumSquaresIm[1])
arPriorIm = [] // copies actual values; can we just use ref to prior occup?

numOccup += 1
// get sqrt of average
for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) arSumSquaresIm[i] = Math.sqrt(arSumSquaresIm[i] / numOccup)
numGrps += 1

console.log("result im: ", arSumSquaresIm)
return allGrpEnt
Insert cell
// *** REDO / DELETE this just get sum:
// cell: function to process output of fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills (whether ONet or Random) and return
// input: array of groups with each group having 36 skill entropy values
// Returns: array of occup groups with a total entity for all skills
function fnCalcEntMajGrps(entMajGrpSkills) {
// First step is get aggregate entropy across all skills
let entForMajGrps = [] // results
let priorSkillEnt = 0
const numGrps = entMajGrpSkills.length
for (let grpnum = 0; grpnum < numGrps; grpnum++) {
if (grpnum > 0) {
for (let skillnum = 0; skillnum < 36; skillnum++) {
// sum of squares diff from prior group
entForMajGrps[grpnum] += Math.pow(entMajGrpSkills[skillnum] - priorSkillEnt, 2)
priorSkillEnt = entMajGrpSkills[skillnum]
// get sqrt of avg of 22 groups considering there are 21 differences (resOnet
entForMajGrps[grpnum] = Math.pow(entForMajGrps[grpnum] / (numGrps - 1))
return entForMajGrps

Insert cell
// *** this is a newer version I think? THE ONE USED is fnCalcEntMajSkillGrps << MIS-NAMED!
// cell: For each of the 22 ONet major-group-index-sets of desired sequence calculate LeafOntoEntropy
// which of these is used?
// Param: seq is either ONet or Random
// returns array of 22 groups each having ent figure for array of 25 skills
// issue 1: dict_Occup is accessed by OccupId not index
// issue 2: the seqRandom is a random number - needs to be sorted to get an index
// 7/2/21 reference is now a dictionary by OccupId with occupid's for both ONet and Random
function fnCalcEntMajGrpSkills(seq) {
console.log("Hixxxx zzz")
let grpEnt = 0 // for now make it the sum of skill variances Array(36).fill(0)
let allGrpEnt = [] // array for all groups
let numGrps = 0
// const occupLookup = Object.entries(dict_Occup) // will have array of [key, value]
let arSumSquaresIm = Array(36).fill(0) // sum of sqares of adjecent occups for each of 35 skills skipping zero
let arPriorIm = Array(36).fill(0) // im value of prior occup for each skill
// Process each group, and within each group, process all occupations
// process each group:
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obsEntMajGrpOccupIds)) {
if (numGrps < 25) {
console.log("Doing group " + numGrps)
let numOccup = 0
// process each occup:
val.forEach((ref, j) => {
const occupId = seq === "ONet" ? ref.ONetOccupId : ref.RandomOccupId
const myOc = dict_Occup[occupId]
// ascertain im has nonzero values
let tot =, b) => a + b, 0)
if (tot > 0) {
// get occup from dict_Occup
if (numOccup < 4 && j < 3) console.log("doing occup " + occupId + " keyoc ",
if (numOccup > 0) {
// calculate "running variance" - degree of change from adjacent (leaf) value
for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) { //*** make 36
arSumSquaresIm[i] += Math.pow([i] - arPriorIm[i], 2)
// console.log("im val= " +[i] + " ri " + arPriorIm[i] + " Sq " + arSumSquaresIm[1])
arPriorIm = [] // copies actual values; can we just use ref to prior occup?

numOccup += 1
// get sqrt of average
for (let i = 1; i < 36; i++) arSumSquaresIm[i] = Math.sqrt(arSumSquaresIm[i] / numOccup)
numGrps += 1

console.log("result im: ", arSumSquaresIm)
return allGrpEnt
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d3 = require("d3@6")
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## Observable Notebook Self-documentation
### Main Display Cells
- mainPageNested - Main display of matrix;

### Input Controls - Affecting Output Display
- obsSelType = group of occupations to process: Ref-200, Modulo-4 (0 or 2 for first, third), others (later)
- This controls the set of occupations processed by setting xxxxxyyyyzzz
- obsOccupSeq = occupation sequence: Major O*Net Group, OccO Onto Group, or Random
- This controls the sequence of occupations displayed horizontally
- Upon change the occupations are sorted by Onto Group (***FIELD??) and vertical line dividers between occup groups are set in obArOccupGrpIndices
- obsSkillSeq = O*Net sequence or Skill Onto Group
- This controls the vertical ordering of skills, with indices between skill groups in divHorSkillsONet and divHorSkillsOccO

### Input Data, and Related Array or Dictionary
- data_Occup; converted to dict_Occup
- Note: This also contains the 36-entry arrays for 36 im and lv values (entry zero unused)
- filename = O-Net B_Occupations SOC-Related (2021-06-10).csv
- data_SkillOccup; remains as read from .json file, array of objects
- filename = O-Net C_Skill-Occupation with Metrics (2021-06-10).csv
- data_Skills; converted to dict_Skills << Note: dict_Skills appears NOT to be used!
- filename = O-Net D_Skills_TreeOnto (2021-06-10).csv

### Derived Data: Processing Objects derived from Input
- obsArSelOccupIds: the MAIN ordered list of occupation ids in the desired sequence (ONet or Onto)
- obsArSkillsAndStats: Main reference for display of skills: skillId (from Element_ID in SkillOccup), ONetIdx (as-is), OntoIdx: Onto Seq and the average and standard distribution for each skill across all occupations.
- obsArOccupGrpIndices: currently dispayed occupation indices at which groups change for vertical dividers
- obsArSkillIdxOnto: array for each skill in ONTOLOGICAL order showing the ONetIdx (original, as-read) index for accessing skills table

### Output Entities that appear in Main Page
- obsMessage -- attempt to in effect put console log output on display; did this work out?

### Functions
- fnSkillsOccupAnalyze
- fnOccupAnalyze
- drag {} - object that contains several functions: dragstarted, draffed, dragended to handle the drag event
- use or get rid of: dictOccupSkills, obsStatsBySkill, fuCalcStatsBySkill, obsStatsByOccup, finCalcStatsByOccup
- *** OR: usee calc stats to do entropy!!
- fnCalcStatsBy

### Imports
- Tooltip from "@clhenrick/tooltip-component"

### Standard Notebook cells
- d3
- obscfg - configuration info (window size, margins, etc) plus app-specific constants:
- Skill level colors
- divHorSkillsONet - the indices at which skill group horizontal line appears in O*Net sequence change
- divHorSkillsOccO - same, when in OccO Onto skill sequence

### Coding Standards
- obscfg execution options for margin, height, width if not full
- obs prefix for an app variable – assumed to be an object not array
- obsAr Prefix for an app variable that is an array of values or objects
- data_ Prefix for data read in from JSON or CSV as array of objects
- dict_ Prefix for input data converted to a dictionary with key, value
- fn Prefix for a cell that is a function
- obsFn Prefix for a cell that is an object containing functions
- Example: drag has dragstarted, dragged, and dragend functions
- Avoid variable names that are identical to common library variables (eg. x, y, value, key)

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