Mar 24, 2022
1 star
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nlp.tokenize(`as shocks go, this one's a real zaperoo.`).json(0).terms
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// add new tags
"Food": {
"isA": "Noun"
"Dessert": {
"isA": "Food"
"isA": "Food",
"notA": "Dessert"

// add new words to the lexicon
rutabaga: 'Vegetable',
'spotted dick': 'Dessert',

//add a new method to compromise
View.prototype.isHealthy = function(){
return this.match('#Food+').notIf('Dessert')
// see our plugin in-action:
return nlp('i ate rutabaga and a carrot cake').isHealthy().out('array')
Insert cell
let doc = nlp(`as shocks go, this one's a real zaperoo.`)
let data = doc.json()
// (you can put this into a database, or something)
//... ok, load this data as a new doc object
let doc2 = nlp(data)
return doc2.json()
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// turn-on verbose mode
nlp("why can't i have no kids and three money?")
//see the output in the developer console
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let matchString = 'who . (the|that)'
// parse it into a faster format
let matchObj = nlp.parseMatch(matchString)
let docs=[
`who controls the British crown?`,
`Who keeps the metric system down?`,
`the leader? who's that, some kind of leader?`
return => {
let doc = nlp(str)
//avoid re-parsing the match-string, each time
return doc.match(matchObj).text()
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