Jan 11, 2024
2 forks
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let myWords = {
let doc = nlp('Apple is nice', myWords) //add words as a 2nd param
return doc.json()
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let words = {
'a hoy hoy' : 'Greeting',
'howdily doodily' : 'Greeting'
let doc = nlp('howdily doodily neighbourino?', words)
let m = doc.match('#Greeting+') // '+' for a greedy multi-word match
return m.text()
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return Object.keys(nlp.model().one.lexicon).length.toLocaleString() +' words, total'
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'howdily doodily': 'Greeting',
neighbourino: 'Friend',
leftorium: 'Store',
return nlp('well hey there neighbourino').match('#Friend').text()
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let myWords = {abc:'Organization', apple:'Organization', fuji:'Organization', samsung:'Organization'}
let defaultWords = nlp.model().one.lexicon
return Object.keys(myWords).filter(k => defaultWords[k]!== myWords[k])
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let before = nlp.model().one.lexicon['ibm']
//change it directly
delete nlp.model()

//or change it in a plugin
return 'before: '+ before + '\n now: ' + nlp.model().one.lexicon['ibm']
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spot : 'Verb',
rush: 'Verb'
let doc = nlp(`"that's spot on!", said Rush Limbaugh.`)
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