Feb 2, 2024
9 stars
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const myPlugin= {
/** add a method */
api: (View) => {
View.prototype.beNice = function () {
return this
/** add some tags */
tags: {
Character: {
isA: 'Person', // any automatically-set tags (can be array)
notA: 'Adjective', // conflicting tags (can be array)
color: 'red' // debug color - green|red|blue|magenta|cyan|yellow|black
/** add some words to the lexicon */
words: {
gonzo: 'MaleName',
kermit: 'Frog',
'minnie mouse': 'Character',
/** add words to the stronger, more adamant lexicon */
frozen: {
'juicy fruit': 'Treat'
/** post-process tagger */
compute: {
postProcess: (doc) => {
doc.match('light the lights').tag('#Verb . #Plural')

/** change conjugations/inflections */
irregulars: {
// co-erce verb transformations
get: {
pastTense: 'gotten',
presentTense: 'gets',
gerund: 'gettin'
// same for adjectives
/** run it on init */
// add the plugin to compromise
//see it running:
return nlp(`wash the floor`).beNice().text()
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let doc = nlp(`gonzo, minnie mouse and kermit the frog`)
doc = doc.splitAfter('@hasComma')
let m = doc.match('#Character+')
return m.out('array')
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//add new tags
tags: {
TimePeriod: {
isA: 'Noun'
Dinosaur: {
isA: 'Animal',
Animal: {
isA: 'Noun',
// add new words to the lexicon
words: {
'pangaea': 'Noun',
't rex': 'Dinosaur',
'sauropod': 'Dinosaur'
// add methods to run after the tagger does
compute: {
postProcess: (doc) => {
doc.match("the #TitleCase (era|epoch)").tag("TimePeriod")
/** run it on init */
//now nlp will act properly-
let doc = nlp('i saw a huge T-Rex and a sauropod');
//return these new tagged-results.
return doc.match('#Animal+').out('array')
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nlp.extend((_Doc, world) => {
world.addPlurals({ neglectee: 'neglecterinos' })
const doc = nlp('neglectee')
return doc.nouns().toPlural().text()
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// normal lexicon
juicy:'Adjective' // 🤔 maybe
// frozen lexicon
frozen: {
'juicy fruit': 'Singular', // ✅
let doc = nlp(`i ate some juicy fruit.`)
return doc.match('#Singular').text()
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mutate: (world) => {
let termMethods =
termMethods.hasVowel = function (term) {
return /[aeiou]/.test(term.text)

return nlp('one two bb gg three').terms().if('@hasVowel').text()
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