Feb 5, 2021
1 star
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// Require the d3 library
d3 = require("d3")
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// Load the Seattle building permit data using `d3.csv()`
data = d3.csv("")
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// Display a table showing a subset of the data
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// Inspect the data
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// Get the first (zero-ith) element
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// Access the PermitClass key of the first element
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// How many observations (building permits) are in the dataset?
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// Get a list of features in our dataset from the first observation
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// Require the lodash package
_ = require('lodash')
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// Get a list of the unique values of the `PermitClass` feature
permit_classes = _.uniqBy(data, d => d.PermitClass)
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// Get a list of the unique values of the `PermitClass` feature (only returning the string values of interest)
permit_class_list = _.uniqBy(data, d => d.PermitClass).map(d => d.PermitClass)
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// What is the total number of housing units added across the dataset?
data.reduce((sum, d) => (sum += +d.HousingUnitsAdded), 0)
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// Get the sum of three values (an example of d3.sum _without_ an accessor function)
d3.sum([1, 2, 3])
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// Get the sum of the total number of housing units added across the dataset
d3.sum(data, d => +d.HousingUnitsAdded) // seems like a lot!
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// What is the average estimated project cost?
d3.mean(data, d => +d.EstProjectCost)
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// What is the standard deviation across project cost?
d3.deviation(data, d => +d.EstProjectCost)
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// What is the most expensive project?
d3.max(data, d => +d.EstProjectCost)
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data.find(d => { return d.IssuedDate != ""; }) // find first valid IssuedDate. It is in 2017.. not the earliest
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data.findIndex(d => { return d.IssuedDate != ""; })
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earliest = d3.minIndex(data, d => parser(d.IssuedDate)) //using the min to find the earliest permit. Note that parser is in below and I changed the format to match
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// First Permit Issue date
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d3.max(data, d => parser(d.IssuedDate)) // that is 2 days ago.. interesting..
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// Parse the date of the first permit issued
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// Write out a sentence describing the date range
md`The permit data ranges from [ **${formatter(date_range[0])}** - **${formatter(date_range[1])}** ]`
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// How many projects have been completed? Only keep the objects where the StatusCurrent is "Completed"
num_completed_projects = data.filter(d => d.StatusCurrent === "Completed")
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// Calculate permits per year using plain old JavaScript
permits_per_year = {
let per_year = []; // this is the variable that we'll return

// Iterate through the permits, adding new objects to the `per_year` array
data.forEach(permit => {
// Skip rows where the IssuedDate is not present
if (permit.IssuedDate === "") return;

// Store the year of this permit in a variable (for readability)
const year = parser(permit.IssuedDate).getFullYear();

// See if this year is present in the dataset
let this_year = per_year.find(d => d.year === year);

// If this year hasn't been added, add it -- otherwise, increment the number of permits by 1
if (this_year === undefined) {
per_year.push({ year: year, permits: 1 });
} else {
this_year.permits += 1;
return per_year;
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// Retrive the values using a spread operator
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// Get a value of interest
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by_class_array = d3.rollups(data, v => v.length, d => d.PermitClass)
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// Calculate summary statistics by permit class
summary_by_class = d3.rollup(
v => ({
count: v.length, // number of elements with this PermitClass
mean_cost: d3.mean(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost), // get the average estimated project cost!
max_cost: d3.max(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost) // get the max estimated project cost!
d => d.PermitClass
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// Calculate summary statistics by permit class (using .rollups() to return an array instead of a map)
summary_by_class_array = d3.rollups(
v => ({
count: v.length,
mean_cost: d3.mean(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost), // get the average estimated project cost!
max_cost: d3.max(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost) // get the max estimated project cost!
d => d.PermitClass
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// Calculate summary statistics by permit class and year
summary_by_class_and_year = d3.rollup(
v => ({
count: v.length,
mean_cost: d3.mean(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost), // get the average estimated project cost!
max_cost: d3.max(v, d => +d.EstProjectCost) // get the max estimated project cost!
d => d.PermitClass,
d => (d.IssuedDate ? parser(d.IssuedDate).getFullYear() : "")
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// Reformatting into key / value pairs for vegalite
vl_data = => {
let obj = {};
const [key, value] = d;
obj = { key: key, value: value.count };
return obj;
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// Load the vega-lite package
import { vl } from "@vega/vega-lite-api"
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// Create a bar chart of the number of permits of each class
simpleBar = vl
.markBar() // Make a bar chart
.data(vl_data) // Using the summary data by Permit Class
.fieldQ("value") // Encode the number of permits on the x axis
.axis({ title: "Number of Permits" }), // Set the axis title
.fieldO("key") // Encode our Key on the y axis (Permit Class),
.sort(null) // Show the order that they appear in the data (for demonstration)
.axis({ title: "Permit Class" }) // Set the axis title
.render() // display the chart
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// Clone our summary_by_class data so we can sort it (for demonstration only)
data_to_sort = _.clone(vl_data)
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// Here is our sorting function to sort by the number of permits (recall data structure above)
sort_by_num_permits = (a, b) => +b.value - +a.value
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// Sort the data using the function described above (which could have been written in line)
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// Make a bar chart of the number of permits -- same code as above, but using the sorted_data
sorted_bar = vl
.markBar() // Make a bar chart
.data(data_to_sort) // Using the *sorted* data
.fieldQ("value") // Encode the number of permits on the x axis
.axis({ title: "Number of Permits" }), // Set the axis title
.fieldO("key") // Encode our Key on the y axis,
.sort(null) // Show the order that they appear in the data (for demonstration)
.axis({ title: "Permit Class" }) // Set the axis title
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