Sep 28, 2019
Fork of Untitled
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md`The data set that we have chosen is the atomic bombs that has ever been dropped. This data set contains tests as well as bombs used in warfare. This dataset was found on Github and it was created by Thomas Mock.`
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d3 = require('d3@5')
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md`The first step is to load in the data and having it return the desired attributes with the most simplified naming. We have chosen the following attributes. Considering that the upper and lower yield is the same for almost all the data, we have considered to find the mean yield and use that for this assignment. We have also converted the data into numbers for the appropriate types using +d.`
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atomicBombs = d3.csv("", function(d) {
return {
date : d.date_long,
year : +d.year,
yearString : d.year,
id : +d.id_no,
country :,
name :,
type : d.type,
latitude : +d.latitude,
longitude : +d.longitude,
yield : ((+d.yield_lower) + (+d.yield_upper)) /2
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md`1) This finds the maximum and minimum of the yield of he atomic bombs. The maximum yield is 50,000 Kilotonnes of TNT and the minimum yield is 0 which means that the bomb was either too small being lower than 1 kilotonnes of explosives which is alot for a non nuclear bomb or a failed test. We did not know which one it represented so we decided to not eliminate this data. This is also explored in the "count how many records match a particular dimension criterion" section of this notebook.`
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maxYield=d3.max(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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minYield=d3.min(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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md`After figuring out which is the larges bomb, we were curious and wondered which country developed the largest bomb so we decided to graph it in a bar chart to compare the results. This representation clearly conveys it. In addition, we have created a bar chart which showcases the minimum yield of the bombs.`
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let yieldByCountry = d3.nest()
.key(d =>
.rollup(v => ({
min: d3.min(v, d => d.yield),
max: d3.max(v, d => d.yield),
mean: d3.mean(v, d => d.yield),
return vl.markBar()
.data( => {
return {
country: d.key,
max: d.value.max,

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let yieldByCountry = d3.nest()
.key(d =>
.rollup(v => ({
min: d3.min(v, d => d.yield),
max: d3.max(v, d => d.yield),
mean: d3.mean(v, d => d.yield),
return vl.markBar()
.data( => {
return {
country: d.key,
min: d.value.min,
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md `2) For sum, we have done a count which sums all the atomic bombs that each country possesses and graphed it in a visual graph. In addition we have summed up the total yield per country. The following graph showcases that USA has the highest number of atomic bombs. Through this bar graph the the first bar graph, it can be inferred that on average, the bombs that the USSR have is more devastating since they have a higher total yield.`
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md `In order for these graphs to be graphed, we first created arrays and selected the necessary attributes that are needed to create the graph. We have used the length to find the total count and sum to find the sum.`
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countByCountry = d3.nest()
.key(d =>
.rollup(v => v.length)
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.data( => {
return {
country: d.key,
count: d.value,
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yieldByCountry = d3.nest()
.key(d =>
.rollup(v => d3.sum(v, d => d.yield))
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.data( => {
return {
country: d.key,
yield: d.value,
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md`3) We have found the mean and median values for the yield and and the year for the bombs launched. These data will also be indirectly displayed in the following histograms.`
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yieldMedian = d3.median(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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yieldMean = d3.mean(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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md` Considering that the Median and the Mean are different, the data is skewed. Furthermore, considering that the mean is greater than the median, the data is positively skewed.`
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yearMedian = d3.median(atomicBombs, d => d.year)
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yearMean = d3.mean(atomicBombs, d => d.year)
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md` Unlike the yield, the median and the mean for the year is quite similar so it is safe assume that the data is fairly unskewed or lightly positively skewed.`
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md`4) We decided to count how many records match a particular dimension criterion for the yield and the number of bombs for a year.`
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md`The code below calculates the total number of atomic bombs that has a yield greater than 10,000 kilotonnes of TNT.`
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bombsOver10000 = atomicBombs.reduce((count, d) => {
if (d.yield > 10000) {
count += 1;
return count;
}, 0);
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md`The code below calculates the total number of atomic bombs that was exploded in 1980.`
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bombsIn1980 = atomicBombs.reduce((count, d) => {
if (d.year == 1980) {
count += 1;
return count;
}, 0);
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md`The code below calculates the total number of atomic bombs that failed resulting in a yield of 0 or has a yield smaller than 1 kilotonnes of TNT.`
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failedBombs = atomicBombs.reduce((count, d) => {
if (d.yield == 0) {
count += 1;
return count;
}, 0);
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md`6) We have created two distinct histograms, one for the count of records of atomic bombs exploded in intervals of 10 or 5 years and one on the yield of the bombs over the years. `
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import {vl} from '@vega/vega-lite-api'
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md`The histograms bin size 10 and 5 looks different, but the overall shape is similar.`
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md`This histogram shows the sums of the yields of bombs for every 5 years. This data makes sense as that time was the pinnacle of the cold war.`
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VegaLite = require("vega-embed@5")
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md`In addition to the required content, we have tried to create a representation of yield through a scatter plot trying to see if the year influences the yield of the bombs. The problems with this graphs is that the dots are too small resulting in difficulty of differentiating which country was responsible for the bomb. In addition, the majority of the data were closely packed in towards the bottom section of the graph making it difficult to count the number of bombs.`
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data: {values: atomicBombs},
width: 800,
height: 600,
mark: "circle",
encoding: {
x: {timeUnit: "year", field: "yearString", type: "ordinal"},
y: {field: "yield", type: "quantitative"},
color: {field: "country", type: "nominal"}
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md`We have tried another form of representation, the stacked area chart. The chart below shows the number of bombs per year and per country. We have refered to this link "".`
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data: {values: atomicBombs},
width: 500,
height: 500,
mark: "area",
encoding: {
x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
y: {
aggregate: "count",
field: "yield",
type: "quantitative"
color: {
field: "country",
type: "nominal",
scale: {
scheme: "set2"
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md`One challenge that we have faced is understanding how the dot notation works for vega lite. We looked at the vega library and the sample codes are all in JSON notation. Through many attemps of guessing, we have figured out how to sort the data from ascending rather than alphabetically.
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md`Another challenge was learning how to share code through Observable. Considering that the team option is not free, that was out of the question. We figured out that there is a way to fork the notebook, track who has forked your notebook, and fork the most recent one. This allowed us to fork eachother's notebook easily.`
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