Jan 16, 2023
11 forks
40 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
params = ({
mu_k: 4.0, sigma_k: 1.0, w_k: 0.022,
mu_g: 0.6, sigma_g: 0.15, c_rep: 1.0,
dt: 0.1
Insert cell
point_n = 200
Insert cell
Insert cell
function init(points) {
for (let i=0; i<point_n; ++i) {
points[i*2] = (Math.random()-0.5)*12;
points[i*2+1] = (Math.random()-0.5)*12;
return points;
Insert cell
points = init(new Float32Array(point_n*2));
Insert cell
Insert cell
fields = ({
R_val: new Float32Array(point_n),
U_val: new Float32Array(point_n),
R_grad: new Float32Array(point_n*2),
U_grad: new Float32Array(point_n*2),
Insert cell
Insert cell
function add_xy(a, i, x, y, c) {
a[i*2] += x*c; a[i*2+1] += y*c;
Insert cell
Insert cell
function compute_fields() {
const {R_val, U_val, R_grad, U_grad} = fields;
const {c_rep, mu_k, sigma_k, w_k} = params;
// account for the own field of each particle
R_val.fill(repulsion_f(0.0, c_rep)[0]);
U_val.fill(peak_f(0.0, mu_k, sigma_k, w_k)[0]);
R_grad.fill(0); U_grad.fill(0);

for (let i=0; i<point_n-1; ++i)
for (let j=i+1; j<point_n; ++j) {
let rx = points[i*2] - points[j*2];
let ry = points[i*2+1] - points[j*2+1];
const r = Math.sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry) + 1e-20;
rx /= r; ry /= r; // ∇r = [rx, ry]
if (r < 1.0) {
// ∇R = R'(r) ∇r
const [R, dR] = repulsion_f(r, c_rep);
add_xy(R_grad, i, rx, ry, dR);
add_xy(R_grad, j, rx, ry, -dR);
R_val[i] += R; R_val[j] += R;
// ∇K = K'(r) ∇r
const [K, dK] = peak_f(r, mu_k, sigma_k, w_k);
add_xy(U_grad, i, rx, ry, dK);
add_xy(U_grad, j, rx, ry, -dK);
U_val[i] += K; U_val[j] += K;
Insert cell
Insert cell
function repulsion_f(x, c_rep) {
const t = Math.max(1.0-x, 0.0);
return [0.5*c_rep*t*t, -c_rep*t];
Insert cell
Insert cell
function fast_exp(x) {
let t = 1.0 + x/32.0;
t *= t; t *= t; t *= t; t *= t; t *= t; // t **= 32
return t;
Insert cell
function peak_f(x, mu, sigma, w=1.0) {
const t = (x-mu)/sigma;
const y = w / fast_exp(t*t);
return [y, -2.0*t*y/sigma];
Insert cell
Insert cell
function step() {
const {R_val, U_val, R_grad, U_grad} = fields;
const {mu_g, sigma_g, dt} = params;
let total_E = 0.0;
for (let i=0; i<point_n; ++i) {
const [G, dG] = peak_f(U_val[i], mu_g, sigma_g);
// [vx, vy] = -∇E = G'(U)∇U - ∇R
const vx = dG*U_grad[i*2] - R_grad[i*2];
const vy = dG*U_grad[i*2+1] - R_grad[i*2+1];
add_xy(points, i, vx, vy, dt);
total_E += R_val[i] - G;
return total_E / point_n;
Insert cell
Insert cell
function animate(ctx, world_width=25.0) {
for (let i=0; i<steps_per_frame; ++i) step();
const {width, height} = ctx.canvas;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.translate(width/2, height/2);
const s = width/world_width;
ctx.scale(s, s);
ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
for (let i=0; i<point_n; ++i) {
const x=points[i*2], y=points[i*2+1];
const r = params.c_rep / (fields.R_val[i]*5.0);
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0.0, Math.PI*2);
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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