-textcolor("Solved!", "forestgreen")+textcolor("Plot Help", "firebrick")
[Forum Discussion](https://talk.observablehq.com/t/make-a-bar-chart-with-text-count-labels-in-plot/6547)
---- ## 🤔 Getting around the problem with Arquero - Can make a separate dataset, then plot that instead.+## Getting around the problem with Arquero - Can make a separate dataset, then plot that
-## ✅ Can solve using Plot Transforms - @mbostock: _"Try moving the text channel declaration to the output of the group transform rather than the input."_+## Is it possible within Plot using transforms? - Wanting to show the counts as above, but end up seeing the index. Can we access the group transform value?
Plot.plot({ marginLeft: 50, marks: [ Plot.barY(diamonds, Plot.groupX({y: "count"}, { x: "cut",-fill: "cornflowerblue"+fill: "firebrick"})),-Plot.text(diamonds, Plot.groupX({text: "count", y: "count"}, { // can access "count" within group transform output+Plot.text(diamonds, Plot.groupX({text: "count", y: "count"}, {x: "cut", dy: -8, sort: {x: "y"} })) ] })