Jun 24, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
plot = {
const start = d3.utcDay.offset(d3.min(dji, (d) => d.Date)); // exclusive
const end = d3.utcDay.offset(d3.max(dji, (d) => d.Date)); // exclusive
return Plot.plot({
width: 1152,
height: d3.utcYear.count(start, end) * 160,
axis: null,
padding: 0,
x: {
domain: d3.range(53) // or 54, if showing weekends
y: {
axis: "left",
domain: [-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // hide 0 and 6 (weekends); use -1 for labels
ticks: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // don’t draw a tick for -1
tickSize: 0,
tickFormat: Plot.formatWeekday()
fy: {
padding: 0.1,
reverse: true
color: {
scheme: "piyg",
domain: [-6, 6],
legend: true,
percent: true,
ticks: 6,
tickFormat: "+d",
label: "Daily change (%)"
marks: [
// Draw year labels, rounding down to draw a year even if the data doesn’t
// start on January 1. Use y = -1 (i.e., above Sunday) to align the year
// labels vertically with the month labels, and shift them left to align
// them horizontally with the weekday labels.
d3.utcYears(d3.utcYear(start), end),
calendar({text: d3.utcFormat("%Y"), frameAnchor: "right", x: 0, y: -1, dx: -20})

// Draw month labels at the start of each month, rounding down to draw a
// month even if the data doesn’t start on the first of the month. As
// above, use y = -1 to place the month labels above the cells. (If you
// want to show weekends, round up to Sunday instead of Monday.)
d3.utcMonths(d3.utcMonth(start), end).map(d3.utcMonday.ceil),
calendar({text: d3.utcFormat("%b"), frameAnchor: "left", y: -1})

// Draw a cell for each day in our dataset. The color of the cell encodes
// the relative daily change. (The first value is not defined because by
// definition we don’t have the previous day’s close.)
calendar({date: "Date", fill: d3.pairs(Plot.valueof(dji, "Close"), (a, b) => (b - a) / a)})

// Draw a line delineating adjacent months. Since the y-domain above is
// set to hide weekends (day number 0 = Sunday and 6 = Saturday), if the
// first day of the month is a weekend, round up to the first monday.
new MonthLine(
d3.utcMonths(d3.utcMonth(start), end)
.map((d) => d3.utcDay.offset(d, d.getUTCDay() === 0 ? 1
: d.getUTCDay() === 6 ? 2
: 0)),
calendar({stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 3})

// Lastly, draw the date for all days spanning the dataset, including
// days for which there is no data.
d3.utcDays(start, end),
calendar({text: d3.utcFormat("%-d")})
Insert cell
dji = FileAttachment("^DJI.csv").csv({typed: true})
Insert cell
function calendar({
date = Plot.identity,
inset = 0.5,
} = {}) {
let D;
return {
fy: {transform: (data) => (D = Plot.valueof(data, date, Array)).map((d) => d.getUTCFullYear())},
x: {transform: () => => d3.utcWeek.count(d3.utcYear(d), d))},
y: {transform: () => => d.getUTCDay())},
Insert cell
class MonthLine extends Plot.Mark {
static defaults = {stroke: "currentColor", strokeWidth: 1};
constructor(data, options = {}) {
const {x, y} = options;
super(data, {x: {value: x, scale: "x"}, y: {value: y, scale: "y"}}, options, MonthLine.defaults);
render(index, {x, y}, {x: X, y: Y}, dimensions) {
const {marginTop, marginBottom, height} = dimensions;
const dx = x.bandwidth(), dy = y.bandwidth();
return htl.svg`<path fill=none stroke=${this.stroke} stroke-width=${this.strokeWidth} d=${
Array.from(index, (i) => `${Y[i] > marginTop + dy * 1.5 // is the first day a Monday?
? `M${X[i] + dx},${marginTop}V${Y[i]}h${-dx}`
: `M${X[i]},${marginTop}`}V${height - marginBottom}`)
Insert cell

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