Aug 14, 2023
1 fork
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md`date to stop playing. Ideally this should be a only a couple days in the past since data is usually updated each day`
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d3.timeDay.offset(d3.utcDay(), -2)
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endPlayDate = d3.timeDay.offset(d3.utcDay(), -2) //new Date("2022-06-01")
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viewof time1 = Scrubber(datesToPlot, {
width: 0,
delay: 100,
initial: newNum,
autoplay: false,
loop: false,
format: (d) => ""
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mutable newNum = datesToPlot[datesToPlot.length - 1]
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// brushedDataMHW.push({
// date: new Date("2022-08-20"),
// none: 0,
// Moderate: 0,
// Strong: 0
// })
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brusedAllDates[brusedAllDates.length - 1]
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// {
// if (
// dateExtent[1].toISOString().substring(0, 7) + "-01" ===
// brusedAllDates[brusedAllDates.length - 1]
// ) {
// const temp = brushedDataMHW.filter(d => != brusedAllDates[brusedAllDates.length - 1])
// }
// }
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Type JavaScript, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options. Arrow ↑/↓ to switch modes.

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mutable debug1 = null
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viewof focus = {
if (colorView === "Heatwaves") {
const svg = d3
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, focusHeight])
.style("display", "block");

const x = d3
.range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);

const brush = d3
[margin.left, 0.5],
[width - margin.right, focusHeight - margin.bottom + 0.5]
.on("brush", brushed)
.on("end", brushended);

const defaultSelection = [
x(d3.utcYear.offset(x.domain()[1], -1)),

svg.append("g").call(xAxis, x, focusHeight).attr("class", "axisWhite");
let previousS0, previousS1;

const chartData = stack(monthlyGrouped);

const groups = svg
// Each layer of the stack goes in a group
// the group contains that layer for all countries
// rects in the same layer will all have the same color, so we can put it on the group
// we can use the key on the layer's array to set the color
.style("fill", (d, i) => {
return colors.get(d.key);
// .attr("d", area(x, y.copy().range([focusHeight - margin.bottom, 4])));

// Now we place the rects, which are the children of the layer array
.data((d) => d)
.attr("x", (d) => {
// console.log(;
return x1(new Date(, 10));
.attr("y", (d) => y(d[1]))
.attr("height", (d) => y(d[0]) - y(d[1]))
.attr("width", x1.bandwidth());

const gb = svg.append("g").call(brush);, defaultSelection);

function brushed({ selection }) {
if (selection) {
// console.log("fire1");
var s = selection || x.range();"value",, x).map(d3.utcMonth.ceil));

if (((s[1] - s[0]) / width) * 120 > 30) {, [previousS0, previousS1]);
previousS0 = s[0];
previousS1 = s[1];

function brushended({ selection }) {
if (!selection) {, [defaultSelection]);
return svg.node();

} else {
const svg = d3
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, focusHeight])
.style("display", "block");

const x = d3
.range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);

const brush = d3
[margin.left, 0.5],
[width - margin.right, focusHeight - margin.bottom + 0.5]
.on("brush", brushed)
.on("end", brushended);

const defaultSelection = [
x(d3.utcYear.offset(x.domain()[1], -1)),

svg.append("g").call(xAxis, x, focusHeight).attr("class", "axisWhite");
let previousS0, previousS1;
// svg.append("path")
const bars = svg
.attr("x", (d) => x1(, 10)))
.attr("y", (d) => {
return y(1);
.attr("width", (d) => x1.bandwidth())
.attr("height", (d) => y(0) - y(1))
// .attr("fill", (d) => sstaColors(d.value));
.attr("fill", (d) => (d.value === -99 ? "#ddd" : sstaColors(d.value)));
// .attr("d", area(x, y.copy().range([focusHeight - margin.bottom, 4])));

const gb = svg.append("g").call(brush);, defaultSelection);

function brushed({ selection }) {
// mutable debug1 = selection;
if (selection) {
// console.log("fire1");
var s = selection || x.range();"value",, x).map(d3.utcMonth.ceil));

if (
((s[1] - s[0]) / width) * 120 > 30 ||
((s[1] - s[0]) / width) * 120 < 2
) {, [previousS0, previousS1]);
previousS0 = s[0];
previousS1 = s[1];

function brushended({ selection }) {
if (!selection) {
mutable debug1 = defaultSelection;, [previousS0, previousS1]); // changed from defaultSelection so that a single click doesn't mess things up

return svg.node();
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new Date(clickedSite[0].date) < new Date(limitsDelayed[1])
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// fill gaps in bouy data with nan so chart doesn't break

alldays = {
const alldays = d3.timeDay
.range(new Date(focus[0]), focus[1])
.map((d) => d.toISOString().substring(0, 10));
const out = [];
alldays.forEach((day, i) => {
let isData = clickedSite.find((d) => === +new Date(day));

isData === undefined
? out.push({
station: siteClicked,
sst: NaN,
ssta: NaN,
date: day
: out.push(isData);

return out;
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console.log(new Date(alldays[0]))
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+clickedSite[0].date === +new Date(alldays[0])
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clickedSite.find((d) => === +new Date(alldays[0]))
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tempToShow === undefined

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mutable siteClicked = 16
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limitsDelayed = {
await Promises.delay(1000, ""); // delay returning
return focus;
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// buttonStyle = faStyle({ solid: true })
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// import { Player, faStyle } from "2b1bbd5c6560d3d0"
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brusedAllDates = d3.timeMonth
.range(new Date(focus[0]), focus[1])
.map((d) => d.toISOString().substring(0, 10))
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x = d3
.range([margin.left, width - margin.right])
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xMHW = d3
.range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);
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stack = d3.stack().keys(cats)
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brushedData = data.filter(
(d) => >= focus[0] && new Date( < new Date(focus[1])
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sstaColors = d3.scaleDiverging(d3.interpolateRdBu).domain([4, 0, -4])
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new Date(data[data.length - 1].date).toISOString().substring(0, 7) <
new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7)
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new Date(data[data.length - 1].date.toISOString().substring(0, 7) + "-01")
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new Date(new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7) + "-01")
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data[data.length - 1].date
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dataToPlot = {
if (
new Date(data[data.length - 1].date).toISOString().substring(0, 7) <
new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7)
) {
date: new Date(new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7) + "-01"),
value: -99
return data;
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data = {
const out = [];
Object.keys(dataSsta).forEach((d) => {
date: new Date(d.slice(0, 4) + "-" + d.slice(-2)),
value: dataSsta[d][0]

return out;
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ns = Inputs.text().classList[0] // to customize radio styling
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datesToPlot = datesCopy.filter(
(d) => d >= limitsDelayed[0] && d <= limitsDelayed[1]
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buoys.find((d) => d.long_name === siteClickeds).pk
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viewof siteClickeds =
[null].concat( => d.long_name)),
label: "site",
value: "North Hecate Strait"
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new Date(time1).toISOString().substring(0, 10)
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tempToShow = clickedSite.find(
(d) =>
new Date(, 10) ===
new Date(time1).toISOString().substring(0, 10)
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currentValue = {
let value;
if (clickedSite.length !== 0 && tempToShow !== undefined) {
value = tempToShow.ssta.toFixed(2);
} else {
value = "";

// if (clickedSite.length === 0) value = "";
return value;
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buoyDailyData[buoyDailyData.length - 1]
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clickedSite = buoyDailyData.filter((d) => d.station === siteClicked)
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// projection = d3
// .geoAlbers()
// .rotate([126, 0])
// .fitSize(
// [width, height],
// topojson.feature(BC_Midres, BC_Midres.objects.BC_Midres_latlng)
// )
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height = 500
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numFormat = d3.format(",d")
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timeFormat = d3.timeFormat("%Y-%m-%d")
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// import { Scrubber } from "@mbrownshoes/stylized-scrubber"
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// import {legend} from "@d3/color-legend"
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// import { BC_Midres } from "@mbrownshoes/how-i-start-maps-in-d3"
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d3 = require("d3@6")
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// import { textcolor } from "@observablehq/text-color-annotations-in-markdown";
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mutable p = new Date(time1).toISOString().substring(0, 10)
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alldates = d3.timeMonth
.range(new Date(dateExtent[0]), new Date(dateExtent[1]))
.map((d) => d.toISOString().substring(0, 10))
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allmonths = [ Set( =>, 7)))]
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monthlyTots.filter((d) => === "2013-01")
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monthlyTots = {
const out = [];
allmonths.forEach((month) => {
let t = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
let s = d3.sum(
mhwBarData.filter((d) => {
return +new Date(d.month) === +new Date(month);
(d) => d[cats[i]]
// 15541891 is the total amount of points
out.push({ date: month, [cats[i]]: s });
t += s;
// console.log(month, [cats[i]], s);
// console.log(t);
// console.log(t);
return out;
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monthlyGrouped = {
const out = [];
groups.forEach((d) => {
let sum = 0;
d[1].forEach((d) => {
sum += Object.values(d)[1];
// return sum;
date: new Date(d[0]),
[cats[0]]: d[1][0][cats[0]] / sum,
[cats[1]]: d[1][1][cats[1]] / sum,
[cats[2]]: d[1][2][cats[2]] / sum,
[cats[3]]: d[1][3][cats[3]] / sum,
[cats[4]]: d[1][4][cats[4]] / sum,
noData: 0,
sum: sum

// remove current month's incomplete data with -999
const corrected = => {
if (
new Date(, 7) ===
new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7)
) {
(d.none = 0),
(d.Moderate = 0),
(d.Strong = 0),
(d.Extreme = 0),
(d.Severe = 0),
(d.noData = 1);
return d;

return corrected;
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new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 7)
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cats = ["none", "Moderate", "Strong", "Extreme", "Severe", "noData"]
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mhwBarData = {
// const raw = await FileAttachment("monthlyMHW@4.json").json();
const raw = tt;
const out = [];
Object.keys(raw).forEach((d) => {
for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
let tot = raw[d].reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
date: d.replace(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/g, "$1-$2-$3"),
month: d.replace(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/g, "$1-$2-$3").slice(0, 7),
none: raw[d][0],
Moderate: raw[d][1],
Strong: raw[d][2],
Extreme: raw[d][3],
Severe: raw[d][4]
return out;
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tt = fetch(
{ Method: "GET" }
).then((response) => {
return response.json();
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dataSsta = fetch(
{ Method: "GET" }
).then((response) => {
return response.json();
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dataSstaOld = FileAttachment("monthly@7.json").json()
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import { Scrubber } from "@mbrownshoes/stylized-scrubber"
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