Published unlisted
May 11, 2022
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# Final Project
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# The Ethical Cost of our Diets
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data = FileAttachment("Daily U.S. Impact on Lives and Days of Suffering - All Vertebrates (1).csv").csv()
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dataTrimmed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"\s+|\s+"/g,'"')).map((d) => ({...d, 'total.suffering.US.daily': numSuf(d)}))
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function numSuf(data) {
return parseInt(data['total.suffering.US.daily'].replace(/,/g, ''))
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function numKg(data, type) {
if (data[''] !== type) return 0;
return parseInt(data[''].replace(/,/g, '')) / usPop
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blocksWidth = 800
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width = 1050
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blocksHeight = 500
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height = graphicFormat === "Standard size" ? blocksHeight + 480 : standardRepresentationHeight + 480
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viewof category =["all",, d=>d[""]).keys()], {value: "all", label: "Food Category"})
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viewof scope =["United States", "Me"], {value: "Me", label: "Data Scope"})
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#### The below will only be used for your personal visualization (Data Scope: Me). The US averages will be used for any empty inputs.
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viewof form = Inputs.form({
beef: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily beef consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "beef"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
chicken: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily chicken consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "chicken"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
dairy: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily dairy consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "dairy"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
egg: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily egg consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "egg"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
fish: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily fish consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "fish"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
pork: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily pork consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "pork"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"}),
turkey: Inputs.text({label: "My average daily turkey consumption in kg (US avg: " + dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, "turkey"), 0).toLocaleString() + ")"})
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viewof graphicFormat =["Standard size", "Standard box representation"], {label: "Graphic format", value: "Standard box representation"})
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<div id="viz_container">
<svg id="svg_container" width=${width} height=${height}>
<text x=0 y=30 class="label" style="font-size: 39px; fill: black">How much animal suffering can I prevent?</text>
<text x=0 y=60 class="label" id="subtitle" style="font-size: 16px; fill: black">A box is over 1,643,780 days of suffering, each day in the US</text>
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### The Data
The full dataset used for this graphic, along with a description of the methodology that was used to produce it, is here: "Days of suffering" is an estimate based on factors including the normal lifespan of farmed animals, direct and indirect mortality (the animals we eat directly, but also the animals that are expected to die before we eat them, and the animals used to feed the animals we eat), and an elasticity factor, which is used to adjust for price elasticity of supply and demand. The elasticity factor means that the graphic is showing how much suffering would be expected to be eliminated if someone were to stop purchasing a food product. (For example, if someone stops purchasing 10kg of beef each year, it might only reduce beef production by 5kg due to economic factors. The elasticity factor takes this into account, and depicts what our purchase of 10kg of beef actually causes, which is the suffering that goes into the production of 5kg.)

If you are looking for effective ways to donate to improve the lives of animals, a great resource is
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.label {
font-family: 'Monaco', Monospace;
fill: #fff9d8;
font-size: 12px;
.legend {
font-family: 'Monaco', Monospace;
font-size: 14px;
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svg ="#svg_container")
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baseMultiplier = 10
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usPop = 334585863
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total = dataFiltered.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + d['total.suffering.US.daily'], 0);
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sufScalar = (total / (blocksHeight * blocksWidth)) * (baseMultiplier * baseMultiplier * 4)
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standardRep = scope === "Me" ? 1 : 100000
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currentScalar = graphicFormat === "Standard size" ? sufScalar : standardRep
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standardRepresentationHeight = (sufScalar / standardRep) * blocksHeight
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function adjustData(d) {
const formNum = form[d['']] ? form[d['']] : dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, d['']), 0)
return d['total.suffering.US.daily'] * 365 / usPop * (formNum/dataTrimmed.reduce((partialSum, d) => partialSum + numKg(d, d['']), 0))
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dataAdjusted = => scope === "United States" ? d : ({...d, 'total.suffering.US.daily': adjustData(d)}))
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dataFiltered = category === "all" ? dataAdjusted : dataAdjusted.filter(d => d[''] === category)
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sufferingBoxes = dataFiltered.flatMap(d => Array.from({ length: d['total.suffering.US.daily'] / (currentScalar) }, (_, idx) => d))
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multiplier = baseMultiplier * 2
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colorMap = [ Set( => category === "all" ? d[''] : d['format.code']))];
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function getFill(data) {
if (category === "all") {
return d3.interpolateTurbo(colorMap.indexOf(data[''])/colorMap.length)
} else {
return d3.interpolateTurbo(colorMap.indexOf(data['format.code'])/colorMap.length)
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boxes = svg.selectAll(".sufferingBox")
.attr("x", (d, i) => (i * multiplier) % blocksWidth + 75)
.attr("y", (d, i) => Math.floor((i * multiplier) / blocksWidth) * multiplier + 100)
.attr("width", baseMultiplier)
.attr("height", baseMultiplier)
.attr("fill", d => getFill(d))
.attr("class", "sufferingBox")
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.attr("class", "legend")
.attr("x", 15)
.attr("y", (d, i) => height - 360 + 16 * i)
.text(d => d)
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.attr("class", "legendBox")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", (d, i) => height - 370 + 16 * i)
.attr("width", baseMultiplier)
.attr("height", baseMultiplier)
.attr("fill", d => d3.interpolateTurbo(colorMap.indexOf(d)/colorMap.length))
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subtitleEndString = scope === "Me" ? ((currentScalar === 1 ? " day" : " days") + " of suffering, each year of my consumption") : " days of suffering, each day of US consumption"
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subtitleNumString = scope === "Me" ? currentScalar.toLocaleString() : (currentScalar/365).toLocaleString() + " years or " + currentScalar.toLocaleString()
Insert cell"#subtitle")
.text("A single box is at least " + subtitleNumString + subtitleEndString)
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tooltipElement = svg
.attr("id", "tooltipElement")
.attr("x", 50)
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("width", 160)
.attr("height", 47)
.style("visibility", "hidden")
.style("opacity", .8)
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tooltipText = svg
.attr("x", 120)
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("class", "label")
.style("visibility", "hidden")
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tooltipText2 = svg
.attr("x", 120)
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("class", "label")
.style("visibility", "hidden")
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tooltipText3 = svg
.attr("x", 120)
.attr("y", 50)
.attr("class", "label")
.style("visibility", "hidden")
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function format(text) {
if (text.length <= 22) {
return text;
} else {
return text.substring(0, 20) + "...";
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addTooltip = (evt,d) => {
let thisElem = evt.currentTarget;
.style("visibility", "visible")
.attr("x", evt.offsetX - 80)
.attr("y", evt.offsetY + 30)
.style("visibility", "visible")
.attr("x", evt.offsetX - 78)
.attr("y", evt.offsetY + 43)
.style("visibility", "visible")
.attr("x", evt.offsetX - 78)
.attr("y", evt.offsetY + 56)
.style("visibility", "visible")
.attr("x", evt.offsetX - 78)
.attr("y", evt.offsetY + 69)
.html(d["total.suffering.US.daily"].toLocaleString() + " days")
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removeTooltip = (evt) => {
.style("stroke-width","");'#tooltipElement').style("visibility", "hidden")"visibility", "hidden")"visibility", "hidden")"visibility", "hidden")
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boxes.on("mouseover", addTooltip);
boxes.on("mouseout", removeTooltip);
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