<svg width = 800px height = 800 px>
<text x= 0 y= 165 style="font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 40px">Land Guzzlers</text>
<text x = 0 y =190 style="font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 18px">The ecological footprints of our pets can make SUVs look positively environmentally friendly</text>
<rect id ="mdDog" width=629 height=629 x=0 y=200 style="fill:#a5620b; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<rect id = "mdDog" width = 550 height = 550 x=0 y =250 style="fill:#c29657; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<rect width = 384 height = 384 x = 0 y = 416 style="fill:#cc1f5e; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<rect width = 255 height = 255 x= 0 y = 544 style = "fill:#a71949; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<rect width = 232 height = 232 x = 0 y = 568 style = "fill:#f7991d; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<rect width = 71 height = 71 x = 0 y = 729 style = "fill:#231f20; stroke-width:2;stroke:white" />
<text text-anchor="end" x=625 y=222 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 22px; fill:white">LARGE DOG</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x=625 y=222 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white" transform="rotate(90 616 222)">Eco-footprint: 1.1 hectares</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=545 y=273 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 22px; fill:white">MEDIUM-SIZED DOG</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x=545 y=273 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white" transform="rotate(90 535 272)">Eco-footprint: 0.84 hectares</text>
<line x1="230" y1="278" x2="525" y2="278" style="stroke:white;" />
<line x1="525" y1="350" x2="525" y2="278" style="stroke:white;" />
<text text-anchor="end" x = 515 y= 290 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">CONSUMPTION PER YEAR </text>
<text text-anchor="end" x = 515 y= 305 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">164kg of meat, 95kg of cereals</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x = 515 y= 320 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">43.3 m of land per 1kg of chicken (more for beef and lamb), 13.4 m of land per 1kg of cereals</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=380 y=438 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 22px; fill:white">TOYOTA LAND CRUISER</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x=380 y=483 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white" transform="rotate(90 390 460)">Eco-footprint: 0.41 hectares</text>
<line x1="100" y1="445" x2="362" y2="445" style="stroke:white;" />
<line x1="362" y1="445" x2="362" y2="490" style="stroke:white;" />
<text text-anchor="end" x = 355 y= 460 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">10,000KM DRIVEN PER YEAR </text>
<text text-anchor="end" x = 355 y= 480 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">55.1 gigajoules (includes energy required to fuel and construct)</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=250 y=562 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 20px; fill:white">VOLKSWAGEN GOLF</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=229 y=587 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 22px; fill:white">CAT</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x=220 y=590 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white" transform="rotate(90 215 590)">Eco-footprint: 0.15 hectares</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=170 y=745 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 20px; fill:white">HAMSTER</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=144 y=760 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">Eco-footprint:</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=152 y=775 style= "font-family:Helvetica; font-size: 12px; fill:white">0.014 hectares</text>