Sep 21, 2023
3 forks
19 stars
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minHours = d3.min(subset, d => d.hoursPerDayCombined);
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maxHours = d3.max(subset, d => d.hoursPerDayCombined);
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domain = d3.range(minHours, maxHours, (maxHours - minHours) / 7)
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countriesGeo = FileAttachment("countries.geojson").json()
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mutable clickedSubcategory = "Food preparation"
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mutable hoveredCategory = null
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height = 700 - - margin.bottom
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width = 700 - margin.left - margin.right
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margin = ({top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 50})
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ellipse = d3
.map(i => [
(width * (1 + 0.99 * Math.cos((i / 50) * Math.PI))) / 2,
(height * (1 + 0.99 * Math.sin((i / 50) * Math.PI))) / 2
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d3 = require("d3@5", "d3-weighted-voronoi", "d3-voronoi-map", "d3-voronoi-treemap", 'seedrandom@2.4.3/seedrandom.min.js')
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flubber = require("flubber@0.4")
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// Define a custom tick format function to convert decimal hours to minutes
function customTickFormat(value) {
const hours = Math.floor(value);
const minutes = Math.round((value - hours) * 60);
return `${hours}:${String(minutes).padStart(2, '0')}`;
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function decimalToHoursMinutes(decimal) {
// Calculate the hours by rounding down the decimal number
const hours = Math.floor(decimal);

// Calculate the remaining minutes by multiplying the decimal part by 60
const minutes = Math.round((decimal - hours) * 60);

let timeString = '';

// Add hours to the output only if it's greater than 0
if (hours > 0) {
timeString += `${hours} hr${hours > 1 ? 's' : ''}`;

// Add minutes to the output only if it's greater than 0
if (minutes > 0) {
if (timeString) {
timeString += ' ';
timeString += `${minutes} min`;

// If neither hours nor minutes are greater than 0, return "0 min"
if (!timeString) {
timeString = "0 min";

return timeString;
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function getCountryNameByISO3(code) {
// Assuming tt_countries is an array of country objects
// with 'country_name' and 'country_iso3' fields
const country = tt_countries.find((item) => item.country_iso3 === code);

if (country) {
return country.country_name;
} else {
return "Country not found"; // You can customize the error message

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tt_ghd_countries = d3.csv("", d3.autoType)
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tt_countries = d3.csv("", d3.autoType)
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selectedIsoCode = tt_countries.filter(d => {return d.country_name === selectedCountry})[0].country_iso3
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tt_country = tt_ghd_countries.filter(d => {return d.country_iso3 === selectedIsoCode})
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// function taken directly from Will Chase, modified to fit categories instead of regions
function colorHierarchy(hierarchy) {
if(hierarchy.depth === 0) {
hierarchy.color = 'black';
} else if(hierarchy.depth === 1){
hierarchy.color = categoryColor(;
} else {
hierarchy.color = hierarchy.parent.color;
if(hierarchy.children) {
hierarchy.children.forEach( child => colorHierarchy(child))
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categoryColor = function(category) {
var colors = {
"Food provision": "#48EB70",
"Nonfood provision": "#FF9D13",
"Technosphere modification": "#DCDCDC",
"Maintenance of surroundings": "#F95738",
"Somatic maintenance": "#EBCD49",
"Deliberate neural restructuring": "#4DEAFF",
"Organization" : "#00BFB2",
"Experience oriented" : "#7F2FFF"
return colors[category];
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category_hierarchy = d3.hierarchy(country_nested, d => d.values)
.sum(d => d.hoursPerDayCombined)
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country_nested = {
let country_nest = d3.nest()
.key(d => d.Category)
return {key: "country_nest", values: country_nest}
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countries = [ Set( => f.country_name))].sort()
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subcategories = [ Set( => f.Subcategory))]
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categories = [ Set( => f.category))]
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y_axis_list = ['Title', ...categories];
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subset = tt_ghd_countries.filter(d => d.Subcategory === selectedSubcategory)
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Category as category,
SUM(CASE WHEN country_group = 'USA' THEN hrs ELSE 0 END) AS country_stat,
AVG(CASE WHEN country_group = 'World Avg' THEN hrs ELSE 0 END) AS global_stat
,CASE WHEN country_iso3 = ${selectedIsoCode} THEN 'USA' ELSE 'World Avg' END AS country_group,
SUM(hoursPerDayCombined) as hrs
FROM tt_ghd_countries
GROUP BY 1,2,3
) a
GROUP BY Category
ORDER BY 2 desc;

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