Mar 24, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
listener = {
// This being observable, the code below will run every time 'searchterm' changes.

// It creates a new async transformation on deepscatter that returns `1` for each entry where the regex matches, and `0` for each where it doesn't.
if (searchterm == "") {
await scatterplot.ready;
scatterplot._root.transformations[searchterm] = async function (tile) {
// First ensure it exists in duckdb.
const encoded = encode_string(searchterm);
const key = tile.key;
await tile.promise;
const data = tile.record_batch.getChild("title").data[0];
let match_start = 0;
let match_length = 0;
// The first zero in the buffer
let target_length = encoded.findIndex((d) => d === 0);
const matches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.values.length; i++) {
if (data.values[i] === encoded[match_length]) {
match_length += 1;
if (match_length === 1) {
match_start = i;
if (match_length === target_length) {
match_length = 0;
} else {
if (match_length > 0) {
match_length = 0;
const output = new Float32Array(tile.record_batch.numRows);
let offsets_index = 0;
while (matches.length > 0) {
const searching = matches.shift();
while (data.valueOffsets[offsets_index + 1] < searching) {
offsets_index += 1;
output[offsets_index] = 1;
return output;
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Insert cell
Insert cell
r = [1, 2, 3]
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Insert cell
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encode_string("foo").findIndex((d) => d === 0)
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function encode_string(searchterm) {
const arr = new Uint8Array(128);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
encoder.encodeInto(searchterm, arr);
return arr;
Insert cell
test_batch = {
await scatterplot.ready;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 8000);
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transformation_plot = {
if (searchterm != "") {
background_options: {
size: [0.4, 2] // Background half normal size, foreground double normal size.
encoding: {
foreground: {
field: searchterm,
op: "eq",
a: 1
} else {
background_options: {
size: [0.4, 1] // Bring the foreground size back down to normal.
encoding: {
foreground: null
Insert cell
scatterplot = {
const plot = new deepscatter.default("#plot", 900, 600);
await plot.plotAPI({
source_url: "http://localhost:8080/pmed_original",
point_size: 1,
max_points: 1e6,
zoom_balance: 0.35,
alpha: 40,
background_color: "#FFFAF2",
encoding: {
x: {
field: "x",
transform: "literal"
y: {
field: "y",
transform: "literal"
color: {
field: "labels",
range: "category10"

invalidation.then(() => plot.destroy());
return plot;
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<style type="text/css">

.tooltip {
background-color: black;
width: 400px;
font-family: sans-serif;

.rect {
fill: white;

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deepscatter = import("")
Insert cell
Type JavaScript, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options. Arrow ↑/↓ to switch modes.

Insert cell
Insert cell
arrow = scatterplot.arrow
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db = {
const db = await DuckDBClient.of({});
return db;
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {
} from "@bmschmidt/duckdb-client-1-24-0-arrow-11-0-0"
Insert cell

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