Jul 21, 2023
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import {StackedAreaChart} from "@d3/stacked-area-chart"
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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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mismanaged_plastic (1).csv
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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mismanged = FileAttachment("ContinentsA.csv").csv({typed:true})
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filterValues = ["Asien", "Europa", "SouthAmerica", "NordAmerica", "Australien", "Africa"];

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filterValuesLine = ["Asia", "Europe", "South America", "North America", "Australia", "Africa", "South Africa"];
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filterdDataMismanaged = mismanged.filter(row => filterValues.includes(row.Entity));
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filterdData = data.filter(row => filterValuesLine.includes(row.Entity));
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units = filterdDataMismanaged.flatMap(d => d3.range(Math.round(d.Mismanaged / 10000000000)).map(() => d))
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function unitTransform(value, rows = 5, n = 1) {
return transformFlatMap(data => {
let counter = 0;
return data.map(d =>
Array.from({ length: Math.round(d[value] / n) }, () => ({
row: counter++ % rows
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transformFlatMap = (f) =>
function transform(filterdDataMismanaged, facets) {
const unitFacets = [];
const unitData = [];
for (const index of facets) {
const facet = [];
for (const d of f(Array.from(index, (i) => data[i])).flat(1)) {
facet.push(unitData.push(d) - 1);
return { data: unitData, facets: unitFacets };
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import {LineChart} from "@d3/multi-line-chart"
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data = FileAttachment("plastic_pollutionRenamed.csv").csv({typed:true})
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import {vegaEmbed} from "@vega/multi-series-line-chart-with-tooltip"
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"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"data": {"values": filterdData},
"width": 700,
"height": 600,
"encoding": {"x": {"field": "Year", "type": "nominal"}},
"layer": [
"encoding": {
"color": {"field": "Entity", "type": "nominal"},
"y": {"field": "WasteExports", "type": "quantitative"}
"layer": [
{"mark": "line"},
{"transform": [{"filter": {"selection": "hover"}}], "mark": "point"}
"transform": [{"pivot": "Entity", "value": "WasteExports", "groupby": ["Year"]}],
"mark": "rule",
"encoding": {
"opacity": {
"condition": {"value": 0.3, "selection": "hover"},
"value": 0
"tooltip": [
{"field": "Africa", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "Asia", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "Australia", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "Europe", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "North America", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "South America", "type": "quantitative"},
{"field": "South Africa", "type": "quantitative"},
"selection": {
"hover": {
"type": "single",
"fields": ["Year"],
"nearest": true,
"on": "mouseover",
"empty": "none",
"clear": "mouseout"
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import {vegaDatasets} from "@vega/multi-series-line-chart-with-tooltip"
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import {vl} from "@vega/vega-lite-api"
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import {vegaDataViewer} from "@john-guerra/vega-data-viewer"
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import {vegaDatasets} from "@vega/multi-series-line-chart-with-tooltip"
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vl.vega.expressionFunction('iformat',(datum, params) => {
return ilformat(datum);
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ilformat = ilocale.format("$,")
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ilocale = d3.formatLocale({
decimal: ",",
thousands: ".",
grouping: [3],
currency: ["", "\u00a0€"],
minus: "\u2212",
percent: "\u202f%"
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filterValuesIncome = ["Low-income countries", "Lower-middle-income countries", "Upper-middle-income countries"];
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filterdDataScatter = data.filter(row => filterValuesIncome.includes(row.Entity));
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marks: [
Plot.dot(filterdDataScatter, {x: "WasteImports" , y: "Entity", fill: "Entity"})
color: { legend: true },
marginLeft: 200
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marks: [
Plot.barX(filterdData, {x: "WasteExports", y: "Entity", sort: {y: "x", reverse: true}}),
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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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plasticWasteGeneration = FileAttachment("plastic_waste_generation@1.csv").csv({typed:true})
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selectedPlasticWaste = ['Australia', 'Malaysia', 'Spain', 'South Africa', 'Turkey', 'Germany'];
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selectionPlasticWasteData = plasticWasteGeneration.filter(row => selectedPlasticWaste.includes(row.Entity));
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marks: [
Plot.barX(selectionPlasticWasteData, {x: "PlasticWasteGeneration", y: "Entity", sort: {y: "x", reverse: true}}),
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import {BubbleChart} from "@d3/bubble-chart"
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bubbleChart = BubbleChart(plasticWasteGeneration, {
label: d => [d.Entity, d.PlasticWasteGeneration].join("\n"),
value: d => d.PlasticWasteGeneration,
group: d => d.Entity,
title: d => d.Entity,
width: 1152
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anotherSelection = data.filter(row => selectionYear.includes(row.Year));
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selectionYear = "2010";
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d3 = require("d3@6")
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import {form} from "@mbostock/form-input"
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wafflHeight = 600;
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waffleWidth = 300
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padding = ({x: 10, y: 40})
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waffleSize = 160
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chartData = {
const data = filterdDataMismanaged;
const total = data.reduce((a, b) => a + Math.abs(b.Mismanaged), 0);
return data.map(d => ({
entity: d.Entity,
code: d.Code,
mismanaged: d.Mismanaged / total * 100
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waffles = {
const array = [];
if (whole) {
const max = chartData.length;
let index = 0, curr = 1,
accu = Math.round(chartData[0].mismanaged), waffle = [];
for (let y = 9; y >= 0; y--)
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x ++) {
if (curr > accu && index < max) {
let r = Math.round(chartData[++index].mismanaged);
while(r === 0 && index < max) r = Math.round(chartData[++index].mismanaged);
accu += r;
waffle.push({x, y, index});
else {
chartData.map((d, i) => {
let curr = 0, waffle = [];
for (let y = 9; y >= 0; y--)
for(let x = 0; x < 10; x ++) {
waffle.push(({x, y, index: curr < Math.round(d.mismanaged) ? i : -1}));
return array;
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isRect = options.shape === "rect"
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whole = options.style === "whole"
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sequence = (length) => Array.apply(null, {length: length}).map((d, i) => i);
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scale = d3.scaleBand()
.range([0, waffleSize])
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color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemePaired)
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toCurrency = num => d3.format("$,.2f")(num)
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drawLegend = (svg, cells) => {
const legend = svg.selectAll(".legend")
.data(chartData.map(d => d.entity))
.attr("opacity", 1)
.attr("transform", (d, i) => `translate(${waffleSize + 20},${i * 30})`)
.on("mouseover", highlight)
.on("mouseout", restore);

.attr("rx", 3).attr("ry", 3)
.attr("width", 15).attr("height", 15)
.attr("fill", (d, i) => color(i));

.attr("dx", 20)
.attr("dy", 5)
.attr("alignment-baseline", "hanging")
.style("font-size", 6)
.text((d, i) => `${d} (${chartData[i].mismanaged.toFixed(1)}%)`);
function highlight(e, d, restore) {
const i = legend.nodes().indexOf(e.currentTarget);
.attr("fill", d => d.index === i ? color(d.index) : "#ccc");
function restore() {
cells.transition().duration(500).attr("fill", d => color(d.index))
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<circle id=blueCircle cx=50 cy=50 r=20 stroke=darkblue fill=lightblue></circle>
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d3.select("#blueCircle") // select the element using a css selector
.duration(3000) // this transition will last 1500 seconds
.attr("cx", 250) // transition the cx attribute to 250
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function expandShrink(){
.attr("r", 50) // increase radius to 50px
.attr("fill", "yellow") // change to yellow (why not!)
.attr("r", 20) // shrink radius back to 20px
.attr("fill","lightblue") // change back to blue
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svg = d3.select("#plotSVG")
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.data(filterdDataScatter) // bind each element of the data array to one SVG circle
.attr("class", "bubble")
.attr("cx", d => d.WasteImports) // set the x position based on the number of claps
.attr("cy", d => d.WasteExports) // set the y position based on the number of views
.attr("r", d => d.Entity) // set the radius based on the article reading time
.attr("stroke", "darkblue")
.attr("fill", d => "lightblue")
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personsEnter = persons;
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import {toggle, pin, video, key, signinNote, seriesNavigation} from "6a6d6989dd6b59c6"
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number = {
let wasteProduction = personsEnter * 33.7;
return wasteProduction
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numberId = document.querySelector("#numberText");
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import { html } from "@observablehq/stdlib";

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// HTML-Element erstellen
element = html`<h1>${number}</h1>`;

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document.querySelector("#numberText").innerHTML = number.toFixed(2) + " kg"

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plasticPerContinent = FileAttachment("plastic_waste_continents@1.csv").csv({typed:true})
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ProductionDataPercent_continent = {
const data1 = plasticPerContinent;
const total1 = data1.reduce((a, b) => a + Math.abs(b.PlasticWaste), 0);
return data1.map(d => ({
entity: d.Continent,
plasticwasteperc: Math.round(d.PlasticWaste / total1 * 100),
plasticwaste: d.PlasticWaste
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bottle = FileAttachment("bottle.jpeg").image()
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amountOfPlasticBottles = {
let amount = (number*100)/25;
return amount
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htmlObj = {

let div = document.querySelector("#divBottles");
let obj = 0;
let bottleImg;

div.innerHTML = "";

for(let i = 0; i<amountOfPlasticBottles; i++){
let bottleImg = html`<img src="${await FileAttachment("bottle.jpeg").url()}" style="height: 20px" id="${i}"/>`
obj = obj + 1;
return obj;
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document.querySelector("#amount").innerHTML = htmlObj;
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