Mar 2
Fork of D3 U.S. map
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map2 = {
// hopefully the projection is specified, but this might work if it is not
const projection = d3.geoIdentity()
.reflectY(true) // if needed.
.fitSize([chartStyle.width, chartStyle.height],cd_geo)
const pathGenerator = d3.geoPath(projection);

// this creates a div in the HTML DOM with an HTML template string
// the tooltipTemplate variable is also an HTML template
const container =
html`<div style="position:relative;">${tooltipTemplate}</div>`

const tooltipDiv =".tooltip");

// this creates a child svg element in the previously defined div container
const svg = container.append('svg')
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, chartStyle.width, chartStyle.height])
.attr("width", chartStyle.width)
.attr("height", chartStyle.height)
.attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto;");

// this creates a child rect element as the background
.attr("width", chartStyle.width)
.attr("height", chartStyle.height)
.attr('fill', chartStyle.backgroundColor);

// this creates child path elements for each data feature
.attr('d', pathGenerator)
.attr('fill', chartStyle.landColor)
.attr('stroke', chartStyle.landStroke)
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.call(tooltip, tooltipDiv);
return container.node();
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chartStyle = ({
height: 581,
width: 928,
landColor: "#09A573",
backgroundColor: "#EAF2FA",
landStroke: "#FCF5E9",
hoverColor: "magenta"
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function resetStyle(selection) {
selection.attr("fill", chartStyle.landColor);

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function setStyle(selection) {
selection.attr("fill", chartStyle.hoverColor);
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cd_geo = FileAttachment("cd_hex.json").json()

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// I think this gives each tooltip a custom id to prevent styling issues
tooltipId = DOM.uid().id
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// This is an observable html template
tooltipTemplate = html`<div class="tooltip tooltip-${tooltipId}">
<div class="tooltip-contents"></div>
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// this is a dangerous combination of arrow functions and `this`
tooltip = (selectionGroup, tooltipDiv) => {
selectionGroup.each(function () {
.on("mouseover.tooltip", handleMouseover)
.on("mousemove.tooltip", handleMousemove)
.on("mouseleave.tooltip", handleMouseleave);

function handleMouseover() {
// show/reveal the tooltip, set its contents,
// style the element being hovered on
setContents(, tooltipDiv);

function handleMousemove(event) {
// update the tooltip's position
const [mouseX, mouseY] = d3.pointer(event, this);
// add the left & top margin values to account for the SVG g element transform
setPosition(mouseX + margin.left, mouseY +;

function handleMouseleave() {
// do things like hide the tooltip
// reset the style of the element being hovered on
resetStyle(; // I don't love that `this`, inside the tooltip code is the element and not the tooltip

function showTooltip() {"display", "block");

function hideTooltip() {"display", "none");

function setPosition(mouseX, mouseY) {
mouseY < chartStyle.height / 2 ? `${mouseY + MOUSE_POS_OFFSET}px` : "initial"
mouseX > chartStyle.width / 2
? `${chartStyle.width - mouseX + MOUSE_POS_OFFSET}px`
: "initial"
mouseY > chartStyle.height / 2
? `${chartStyle.height - mouseY + MOUSE_POS_OFFSET}px`
: "initial"
mouseX < chartStyle.height / 2 ? `${mouseX + MOUSE_POS_OFFSET}px` : "initial"
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function setContents(datum, tooltipDiv) {
// customize this function to set the tooltip's contents however you see fit
.data(Object.entries( // I had to add properties here bc my json structure was different
.filter(([key, value]) => value !== null && value !== undefined)
([key, value]) =>
`<strong>${key}</strong>: ${
typeof value === "object" ? value.toLocaleString("en-US") : value

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// Another observable html template
tooltipStyles = htl.html`<style>
/* modify these styles to however you see fit */
div.tooltip-${tooltipId} {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
display: none;
top: 0;
left: -100000000px;
padding: 8px 12px;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #333;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #333;
border-radius: 4px;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 1;
div.tooltip-${tooltipId} p {
margin: 0;
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margin = ({ top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 })
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d3 = require("d3@7", "d3-geo@3", "d3-selection@2")
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