colorTable = {
const buildRow = (tagKey, description) => ([ "`" + tagKey + "`", description ]);
buildRow('status', `Used by [Logs standard attributes]( and [Datadog Security]( for severity level. Also supports generic success, fail, pass, error for convenience with custom metrics.`),
buildRow('http.status_code', `Standard tag used in many integrations. Colors are assigned based on HTTP status code family (1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)`),
buildRow('@ci.status', `Used by [CI Visibility](`),
buildRow('@test.status', `Used by [CI Visibility](`),
buildRow('evaluation', `Used by [CI Visibility](`),
buildRow('@resource.status_code', `Used by [RUM & Session Replay]( Uses the same colors as \`http.status_code\`.`),
buildRow('@error.resource.status_code', `Used by [RUM & Session Replay]( Uses the same colors as \`http.status_code\`.`),
buildRow('@batch.status', `Used by [Synthetic Monitoring]( for test batch results.`),
function colorTableTemplate() {
return markdownTable.markdownTable([['Tag Key', 'Description'], ...SEMANTIC_TAG_DESCRIPTIONS], {
align: ['l', 'l']
return colorTableTemplate();