Jun 12, 2019
1 star
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md`# math.js with UnitSum`
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_math = require('')
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// From
const limitedEval = math.eval

'import': function () { throw new Error('Function import is disabled') },
'createUnit': function () { throw new Error('Function createUnit is disabled') },
'eval': function () { throw new Error('Function eval is disabled') },
'parse': function () { throw new Error('Function parse is disabled') },
'simplify': function () { throw new Error('Function simplify is disabled') },
'derivative': function () { throw new Error('Function derivative is disabled') }
}, {override: true})


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UnitSum = {
let math = _math
const addendUnitKey = (unit) => {
return JSON.stringify(unit.dimensions)

const addendUnitReduction = (addends, reduction, defaultValue, keysAndUnits) => {
// For each [key, unit] of keysAndUnits, replace key slot in addents with the reduction of the current value and with unit
keysAndUnits.forEach(([key, unit]) => {
let existing = addends[key]
let r = reduction(existing === undefined ? defaultValue : addends[key], unit)
if (r === undefined) {
delete addends[key]
} else {
addends[key] = r

const addendUnitCartesianProduct = (addends, keysAndUnits, otherKeysAndUnits, map, reduce) => {
keysAndUnits.forEach(([key, unit]) => {
otherKeysAndUnits.forEach(([otherKey, otherUnit]) => {
let r = map(unit, otherUnit)
if (r === undefined) {
let rKey = addendUnitKey(r)
let existing = addends[rKey]
if (existing) {
addends[rKey] = reduce(existing, r)
} else {
addends[rKey] = r

const addendMap = (addends, fn) => {
Object.keys(addends).forEach(key => {
addends[key] = fn(addends[key])
class UnitSum {
static fromUnits(units) {
const addends = {}
addendUnitReduction(addends, math.add, 0, => [addendUnitKey(unit), unit]))
return new UnitSum(addends).simplify()

constructor(addends) {
this.addends = addends

simplify() {
return Object.keys(this.addends).length === 0 ? 0 : this
clone() {
return new UnitSum(Object.assign({}, this.addends))
add(other) {
let res = this.clone()
addendUnitReduction(res.addends, math.add, 0, Object.entries(other.addends))
return res.simplify()

addUnit(unit) {
let res = this.clone()
addendUnitReduction(res.addends, math.add, 0, [[addendUnitKey(unit), unit]])
return res.simplify()
dot2(other) {
let addends = {}
console.log("dot2", this.toString(), other.toString())
(a, b) => {
if (!a.units.some(au => b.units.some(bu => au.unit.base.key === bu.unit.base.key))) {
return undefined

console.log("dot mult", math.multiply(a, b).toString())
return math.multiply(a, b)
(a, b) => math.add(a, b),
return new UnitSum(addends).simplify()
dot3(other) {
let res = this.clone()
let keys = new Set(Object.keys(res.addends))
Object.keys(other.addends).forEach(key => keys.add(key))
(a, b) => {
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) {
console.log("dot", a, b, "=>", undefined)
return a || b
let bunit = b.clone()
bunit.value = null
let bunitname = bunit.toString()
const r = math.multiply(a.toNumeric(bunitname), b)
console.log("dot", a, b, "=>", r)
return r
Array.from(keys).map(key => [key, other.addends[key]]),
return res
dot(other) {
let res = this.clone()
let keys = new Set(Object.keys(res.addends))
Object.keys(other.addends).forEach(key => keys.add(key))
(a, b) => {
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) {
console.log("dot", a, b, "=>", undefined)
return undefined
let bunit = b.clone()
bunit.value = null
let bunitname = bunit.toString()
const r = math.multiply(a.toNumeric(bunitname), b)
console.log("dot", a, b, "=>", r)
return r
Array.from(keys).map(key => [key, other.addends[key]]),
return res.simplify()

multiplyScalar(scalar) {
console.log("multiplyScalar", scalar, this)
let res = this.clone()
addendMap(res.addends, a => {
console.log("multiplyScalar multiply", scalar, a)
return math.multiply(scalar, a)
return res.simplify()

divideScalar(scalar) {
let res = this.clone()
addendMap(res.addends, a => math.divide(a, scalar))
return res.simplify()
multiplyUnit(y) {
return UnitSum.fromUnits(
x => math.multiply(x, y)

divideUnit(y) {
return UnitSum.fromUnits(
x => math.divide(x, y)

get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'UnitSum ' + this.toString()

format(...args) {
return Array.from(Object.values(this.addends), v => math.format(v, ...args)).join(" + ")

toString() {
return Object.values(this.addends).slice().join(" + ")

isUnitSum() { return true }
return UnitSum

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math = {
let math = _math
// We want mixed-input arrays like [null, 0.5] to be JavaScript Arrays
matrix: 'Array',
number: 'Fraction',
name: 'UnitSum',
test: x => x && x.isUnitSum,

// math.typed.addType({
// name: 'ArrayProxy',
// test: x => x && x[NewArrayProxySymbol],
// })
if (!math.type.Unit.UNITS.usd) {
math.createUnit('dollar', 'usd')
math.createUnit('dollars', 'dollar')

'sum': math.typed(
Object.assign({}, math.sum.signatures, {
'Array': (a) => a.reduce((x, y) => math.add(x, y), 0),
'dot': math.typed(
Object.assign({},, {
'UnitSum,UnitSum': (a, b) =>,
'Unit,UnitSum': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot(b),
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) =>[b])),
'Unit,Unit': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot(UnitSum.fromUnits([b])),
'UnitSum,Fraction': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'Fraction,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'UnitSum,number': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'number,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'dot2': math.typed(
Object.assign({},, {
'UnitSum,UnitSum': (a, b) => a.dot2(b),
'Unit,UnitSum': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot2(b),
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) => a.dot2(UnitSum.fromUnits([b])),
'Unit,Unit': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot2(UnitSum.fromUnits([b])),
'UnitSum,Fraction': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'Fraction,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'UnitSum,number': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'number,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'dot3': math.typed(
Object.assign({},, {
'UnitSum,UnitSum': (a, b) => a.dot3(b),
'Unit,UnitSum': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot3(b),
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) => a.dot3(UnitSum.fromUnits([b])),
'Unit,Unit': (a, b) => UnitSum.fromUnits([a]).dot3(UnitSum.fromUnits([b])),
'UnitSum,Fraction': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'Fraction,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'Fraction,Fraction': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'UnitSum,number': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'number,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'Unit,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,Unit': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'number,number': (a, b) => math.multiply(a, b),
'multiply': math.typed(
Object.assign({}, math.multiply.signatures, {
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) => a.multiplyUnit(b),
'Unit,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyUnit(a),
'UnitSum,Fraction': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'Fraction,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'UnitSum,number': (a, b) => a.multiplyScalar(b),
'number,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.multiplyScalar(a),
'divide': math.typed(
Object.assign({}, math.divide.signatures, {
'UnitSum,Fraction': (a, b) => a.divideScalar(b),
'UnitSum,number': (a, b) => a.divideScalar(b),
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) => a.divideUnit(b),
'add': math.typed(
Object.assign({}, math.add.signatures, {
'Unit,number': (x, y) => y == 0 ? x : UnitSum.fromUnits([x, math.unit(y)]),
'number,Unit': (x, y) => x == 0 ? y : UnitSum.fromUnits([y, math.unit(x)]),
'number,UnitSum': (x, y) => x == 0 ? y : y.addUnit(math.unit(x)),
'UnitSum,number': (x, y) => y == 0 ? x : x.addUnit(math.unit(y)),
'Fraction,Unit': (x, y) => x == 0 ? y : UnitSum.fromUnits([y, math.unit(x)]),
'Unit,Fraction': (x, y) => y == 0 ? x : UnitSum.fromUnits([x, math.unit(y)]),
'Fraction,UnitSum': (x, y) => x == 0 ? y : y.addUnit(math.unit(x)),
'UnitSum,Fraction': (x, y) => y == 0 ? x : x.addUnit(math.unit(y)),
'Unit,Unit': function (x, y) {
if (x.value === null || x.value === undefined) {
throw new Error('Parameter x contains a unit with undefined value')
if (y.value === null || y.value === undefined) {
throw new Error('Parameter y contains a unit with undefined value')

if (!x.equalBase(y)) {
return UnitSum.fromUnits([x, y])

const res = x.clone()
res.value = math.add(res.value, y.value)
res.fixPrefix = false
return res
'Unit,UnitSum': (a, b) => b.addUnit(a),
'UnitSum,Unit': (a, b) => a.addUnit(b),
'UnitSum,UnitSum': (a, b) => a.add(b),
}, {override: true})

return math
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md`## Tests`
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math.eval('0 L + 0 W').toString()
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