Oct 4
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
it("3 equals 3", () => {
expect({ a: 1 }).to.deep.equal({ a: 1 });
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it("1 is undefined", () => {
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it('calls done after 1000ms', done => {
Promises.tick(1000).then(() => done());
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it('forgets to call done', done => {
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it("1 is undefined within promise callback", (done) => {
Promises.tick(1000).then(() => {
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it("3 equals 3 in async test", async () => {
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it("1 is undefined within async test", async () => {
await Promises.tick(1000)
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it("async test does not resolve after timeout", async () => {
await Promises.tick(10000)
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timeout = 2000
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md` ## Implementation`
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test = function (title, fn) {
if (typeof fn === "undefined") throw new NoTestError();
if (fn[Symbol.toStringTag] == "AsyncFunction") return testAsync(title, fn);
if (fn.length === 1) return testWithDoneCallback(title, fn);
else return testSync(title, fn);
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it = test
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testWithDoneCallback = function (title, fn) {
let doneCb;

const done = new Promise((s) => {
doneCb = () => s(success(title));

testSync(title, () => fn(doneCb));
return Promise.race([
Promises.tick(timeout).then(() => failure(title, new NotDoneError())),
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testSync = function(title, fn) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return failure(title, e);
return success(title);
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testAsync = function (title, asyncFn) {
const test = asyncFn()
.then(() => success(title))
.catch((e) => failure(title, e))

const testTimeout = Promises.tick(timeout).then(() => failure(title, new AsyncTestTimeoutError()))
return Promise.race([test, testTimeout]);
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success = (title = "Test Passed") =>
html`<div style="color:green; white-space: pre-wrap; font: 14px/1.5 Menlo,Consolas,monospace" >✔ ${title}</div>`
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failure = (title = "Test Failed", error) => {
const prettyError = Object.create(error);
prettyError.toString = function () {
return `✘ ${title}\n ${error.toString()}`;
throw prettyError;
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class NotDoneError extends Error {
constructor() {
super("done() was not called within " + timeout + "ms"); = "NotDoneError";
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class NoTestError extends Error {
constructor() {
super("no test was provided to the test runner"); = "NoTestError";
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class AsyncTestTimeoutError extends Error {
constructor() {
super(`async test did not finish within ${timeout} ms`) = "AsyncTestTimeoutError"
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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