Apr 22, 2018
7 stars
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async function fetchXML(params) {
const REVERSE_PROXY = ''
const API_BASE = ''
const API_HEADERS = new Headers({'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate'})
try {
let response = await fetch(`${REVERSE_PROXY}${API_BASE}${params}`, {headers: API_HEADERS})
let text = await response.text()
let xml = await (new window.DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, 'text/xml')
return xml
catch(e) {
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(await fetchXML(`command=vehicleLocations&a=sf-muni&r=N&t=0`))
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function fetchInParallel(routeArray) {
return Promise.all( =>
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fetchInParallel(['M', 'N'])
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function makeMarkers(routesAndVehiclesXML) {
return routesAndVehiclesXML
.filter(xml => xml.getElementsByTagName('vehicle').length) // filter out any empty routes
.map(route => route.getElementsByTagName('vehicle')) // map each route to vehicles
.map(vehicles => Array.from(vehicles).map(vehicle => ({ // map each vehicle to a map pin object
label: vehicle.getAttribute('routeTag'),
position: {
lat: parseFloat(vehicle.getAttribute('lat')),
lng: parseFloat(vehicle.getAttribute('lon')),
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makeMarkers(await fetchInParallel(['N','M','KT']))
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function makeMap() {
return html`
<div style="height: 480px; width: 100%;">
loading... check for red in step three, may need to hit play
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function makeGoogleMap($map) {
return new GoogleMaps.Map($map, {
zoom: 13,
center: {
lat: 37.7680445,
lng: -122.439697,
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SanFrancisco_Map = {
let $map = makeMap()
let mapInstance = makeGoogleMap($map)
return $map
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async function showRoutesOnMap(routes) {
const $map = makeMap()
const mapInstance = makeGoogleMap($map) // show a map while we're loading data
const xmls = await fetchInParallel(routes) // fetch data as efficiently as possible
const markers = makeMarkers(xmls) // maps our xml to markers for GoogleMaps
// added zest, stagger animate them dropping in
markers.forEach(markers =>
markers.forEach((marker, i) => // map objects to markers
window.setTimeout(() => { // offset creation to create animation
new GoogleMaps.Marker(Object.assign(marker, { // decorate marker with map and animation
map: mapInstance,
animation: GoogleMaps.Animation.DROP
}, i * (500 / markers.length)) // stagger evenly across 500ms
return $map
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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