Aug 25, 2022
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import {slide} from "@mbostock/slide"
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topGenres = ["Action", "Comedy", "Animation", "Drama"]
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petalColors = ['#ffc8f0', '#cbf2bd', '#afe9ff', '#ffb09e']
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colorObj = {
const colors = _.zipObject(topGenres, petalColors)
colors.Other = '#FFF2B4'
return colors
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rated = ['G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R']
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petalPaths = [
'M0 0 C50 50 50 100 0 100 C-50 100 -50 50 0 0',
'M-35 0 C-25 25 25 25 35 0 C50 25 25 75 0 100 C-25 75 -50 25 -35 0',
window.localStorage.petalPath || '"M0,0 C50,40 50,70 20,100 L0,85 L-20,100 C-50,70 -50,40 0,0"',
'M0 0 C50 25 50 75 0 100 C-50 75 -50 25 0 0',
'M0,85 L-20,100 C-55,70 -40,50 -30,40 L-20,60 C-35,20 -10,25 0,0 M0,85 L20,100 C55,70 40,50 30,40 L20,60 C35,20 10,25 0,0'
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pathObj = _.zipObject(rated, petalPaths)
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pathColors = ['#46e276', '#6e94e7', '#b877e9', '#f25d75']
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scrollSVG = (svg) => {
return html`<div style='max-height:${width/2}px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;'>${svg}</div>`
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pathWidth = 120
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perRow = Math.floor(width / pathWidth)
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svgHeight = (Math.ceil(movies.length / perRow) + 0.5) * pathWidth
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calculateGridPos = (i) => {
return [(i % perRow + 0.5) * pathWidth, (Math.floor(i / perRow) + 0.5) * pathWidth]
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transformCode = (positions, transform1, transform2) => {
return html`
<code style='font-size: 2.3vw; font-weight: bold;'>
&lt;rect x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y} />

<pre><code style='font-size: 2.3vw; color: ${pathColors[1]}; font-weight: bold;'>&lt;rect x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y}
transform='${transform1}' /></code></pre>

${transform2 ?
`<pre><code style='font-size: 2.3vw; color: ${pathColors[2]}; font-weight: bold;'>&lt;rect x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y}
transform='${transform2}' /></code></pre>`
: ''
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transformSVG = (positions, transform1, transform2) => {
const margin = {left: 30, top: 15}
const el = html`
<svg width=${textWidth + margin.left} height=${textWidth / 2 +}>
<g transform='translate(${margin.left}, ${})'>
<rect width=100 height=100 x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y} />
<g class='x axis' />
<g class='y axis' />
<g id='transform1' opacity=0.75 transform='${transform1}'>
<rect width=100 height=100 x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y} fill=${pathColors[1]} />
<g class='x axis' />
<g class='y axis' />

${transform2 ?
`<g id='transform2' opacity=0.75 transform='${transform2}'>
<rect width=100 height=100 x=${positions.x} y=${positions.y} fill=${pathColors[2]} />
<g class='x axis' />
<g class='y axis' />
</g>` : ''
// helpers
const xAxis = d3.axisTop()
.scale(d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, textWidth]).range([0, textWidth]))
.tickSizeInner(-textWidth / 2)
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft()
.scale(d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, textWidth / 2]).range([0, textWidth / 2]))

// rendering
const svg =
.attr('stroke-dasharray', '5 2')
.attr('opacity', 0.5)
.style('font-size', '1.2em')
// translated elements'#transform1').selectAll('line, path')
.attr('stroke', pathColors[1]).attr('stroke-width', 2)'#transform1').selectAll('text')
.attr('fill', pathColors[1])
.style('font-weight', 'bold')
if (transform2) {'#transform2').selectAll('line, path')
.attr('stroke', pathColors[2]).attr('stroke-width', 2)'#transform2').selectAll('text')
.attr('fill', pathColors[2])
.style('font-weight', 'bold')
return el
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textWidth = 640
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## Appendix
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movies = FileAttachment("movies (1).json").json()
.then(data => {
return _.chain(data)
.map(d => {
return {
title: d.Title,
released: new Date(d.Released),
genres: d.Genre.split(', '),
rating: +d.imdbRating,
votes: +(d.imdbVotes.replace(/,/g, '')),
rated: d.Rated,
}).sortBy(d => -d.released).value()
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d3 = require('d3')
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_ = require('lodash')
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