Jan 21
3 forks
30 stars
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monthly_data = => ({
anomaly_1850_1900: round(
monthly_baseline_1951_1980[d.month - 1] +
d.anomaly_1951_1980 -
monthly_baseline_1850_1900[d.month - 1].mean,
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paris_targets = [
{ target: 1.5, text: "+1,5°C (from 1850-1900)" },
{ target: 2, text: "+2°C (from 1850-1900)" }
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* Parse berkeley text file and returns an array of objects.
* @param {string} text - The text to parse.
* @param {number} start - The line number to start parsing from.
* @param {number} [end] - The line number to stop parsing at. If not specified, all lines after `start` will be parsed.
* @param {string[]} columns - An array of column names to use for the resulting objects.
* @returns {Object[]} An array of objects, where each object represents a row in the parsed data. The keys of each object are the column names specified in the `columns` parameter, and the values are the corresponding values from the parsed data.
function parse_file(text, start, end = undefined, columns) {
const data = text.split("\n").slice(start, end);

return => {
const values = d
.split(" ")
.filter((value) => value !== "")
.slice(0, columns.length + 1);

const row = {};
columns.forEach((c, i) => (row[c] = +values[i]));

return row;
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* Rounds a value to a given number of significant digits
* Based on
* @param value - The number to round
* @param significant_digits - The number of significant digits
* @returns The value rounded to the given number of significant digits
function round(value, significant_digits) {
if (value === 0) return 0;
const exponent = Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(value)));
const nIntegers = exponent + 1;
const precision = 10 ** -(nIntegers - significant_digits);
return Math.round(value * precision) / precision;
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Insert cell

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