Mar 13, 2024
19 forks
32 stars
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function Gantt(_data, {
// Data Accessors
key = (d, i) => i, // given d in data, return a unique key
start = (d, i) => d.start, // given d in data, return the start of the bar as a date or number
end = (d, i) => d.end, // given d in data, return the end of the bar as a date or number
lane = (d, i) => 0, // given d in data, return the lane the bar belongs to
color = (d, i) => 'black', // given d in data, return the color of the bar (might be a d3.scale of some sort, or just a function)
label = undefined, // given d in data, return the label for the bar if desired
labelMinWidth = 50, // Minimum bar width to allow writing labels on.
title = undefined, // given d in data, return the title to displayed on hover.
layout = assignLanes, // Function to use for layout of bars into lanes and rows. Defaults to assignlanes
// Chart Config
margin = {top: 30, right:20, bottom: 30, left: 20, laneGutter: 120}, // Standard d3 margin convention, plus an extra bit of space to write lane names.
width = 600, // Width of chart
fixedRowHeight = true, // Whether to use a fixed row height, otherwise specify total height and work it out dynamically.
height = null, // Height of chart. Leave undefined and use rowHeight to have the height determined by the number of lanes required * rowHeight
rowHeight = 50, // Height of an individual row. Determines the overall chart height if you dont otherwise constrain height.
roundRadius = 4, // Rounded corner radius for bars.
showLaneBoundaries = true, // Whether to draw dividing lines for swim lanes
showLaneLabels = 'left', // Whether to label lanes, enter left, right, or false
xScale = d3.scaleTime(), // Kind of scale to use for the x axis, choose d3.scaleTime for dates, or d3.scaleLinear for numbers as your start and end values.
xDomain = undefined, // Constrain the x axis by providing a domain to clip it to.
yPadding = 0.2, // Padding between rows (float from 0-1)
xPadding = 5, // Padding between bars in the same row (pixels)
showAxis = true,
svg = undefined, // An existing svg element to insert the resulting content into.
// Supplemental data.
referenceLines = [], // Can be an array of {start: Date, label: string, color: string} objects.
} = {}) {
if (svg === undefined) svg = d3.create('svg')
.attr('width', width);
if (!fixedRowHeight) svg.attr('height', height);
const axisGroup = svg.append('g')
.attr('class','gantt__group-axis').attr('transform',`translate(0, ${})`);
const barsGroup = svg.append('g')
const lanesGroup = svg.append('g')
const referenceLinesGroup = svg.append('g')

var x = xScale.range([
margin.left + (showLaneLabels === 'left'? margin.laneGutter : 0),
width - margin.right - (showLaneLabels === 'right' ? margin.laneGutter : 0)
var y = d3.scaleBand()

function updateReferenceLines(referenceLines) {
// Update reference lines
enter => {
const g = enter.append('g')
.attr('transform', d => `translate(${x(d.start)}, 0)`);
.attr("d", d3.line()([[0,],[0, height - margin.bottom]]))
.attr("stroke", (d) => d.color || "darkgrey")
.attr("stroke-dasharray", "10,5");
.text((d) => d.label || "")
.attr("x", 5)
.attr("y", height - margin.bottom + 10)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dominant-baseline", "bottom")
.attr("font-size", "0.75em")
.attr("fill", (d) => d.color || "darkgrey");
return g;
update => {
update.attr('transform', d => `translate(${x(d.start)}, 0)`)'path')
.attr("d", d3.line()([[0,],[0, height - margin.bottom]]))
.attr("stroke", (d) => d.color || "darkgrey")'text')
.text((d) => d.label || "")
.attr("y", height - margin.bottom + 10)
.attr("fill", (d) => d.color || "darkgrey");
return update;
exit => {
function updateBars(_newData, duration=0) {
// Persist data|
_data = _newData;
// Create x scales using our raw data. Since we need a scale to map it with assignLanes
const xDomainData = [
d3.min([> start(d)), => d.start)]),
d3.max([> end(d)), => d.start)]),
// Update the x domain
x.domain(xDomain || xDomainData).nice();
// Map our _data to swim lanes
const data = layout(_data, {start: start, end: end, lane: lane, xScale: x, xPadding: xPadding});
const nRows = d3.max( => d.rowNo + 1));
// Calculate the height of our chart if not specified exactly.
if (fixedRowHeight) {
height = (rowHeight * nRows) + + margin.bottom;
svg.attr('height', height);
} else {
rowHeight = (height - - margin.bottom) / nRows
// Update the yDomain
const yDomain = [... new Set( => d.rowNo))];
.range([, height - margin.bottom]);

function barLength(d, i, shrink=0.0) {
return Math.max(
Math.round(x(end(d)) - x(start(d)) - shrink),
); // Subtract 2 for a pixels gap between every bar.
// Update bars
barsGroup.selectAll('g').data(data, (d, i) => key(d, i)).join(
enter => {
const g = enter.append('g');
// It looks nice if we start in the correct y position and scale out
.attr('transform', d => `translate(${width / 2}, ${y(d.rowNo)})`)
.attr('transform', d => `translate(${x(start(d))}, ${y(d.rowNo)})`)
const rect = g.append('rect')
.attr('height', y.bandwidth())
.attr('rx', roundRadius)
.attr('fill', d => color(d))
.attr('stroke', 'white')
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('width', d => barLength(d))
if (title !== undefined) {
g.append('title').text(d => title(d));
if (label !== undefined) {
// Add a clipping path for text
const slugify = (text) => text.toString().toLowerCase().split(/[^a-z0-9]/).filter(d => d).join('-');
const clip = g.append('clipPath')
.attr('id', (d, i) => `barclip-${slugify(key(d, i))}`)
.attr('width', (d, i) => barLength(d,i,4))
.attr('height', y.bandwidth())
.attr('rx', roundRadius)
.attr('x', Math.max(roundRadius*0.75, 5))
.attr('y', y.bandwidth() / 2)
.attr("dominant-baseline", "middle")
.attr("font-size", d3.min([y.bandwidth() * 0.6,16]))
.attr("fill", "white")
.attr('visibility', d => barLength(d) >= labelMinWidth ? 'visible' : 'hidden') // Hide labels on short bars
.attr('clip-path', (d, i) => `url(#barclip-${slugify(key(d, i))}`)
.text(d => label(d))
return g;
update => {
.attr('transform', d => `translate(${x(start(d))}, ${y(d.rowNo)})`);'rect')
.attr('fill', d => color(d))
.attr('width', d => barLength(d))
.attr('height', y.bandwidth());
if (title !== undefined) {'title').text(d => title(d));
if (label !== undefined) {'clipPath').select('rect')
.attr('width', (d, i) => barLength(d,i,4))
.attr('height', y.bandwidth())'text')
.attr('y', y.bandwidth() / 2)
.attr("font-size", d3.min([y.bandwidth() * 0.6,16]))
.attr('visibility', d => barLength(d) >= labelMinWidth ? 'visible' : 'hidden') // Hide labels on short bars
.text(d => label(d))
return update;
exit => {
if (showLaneBoundaries) {
const lanes = d3.flatRollup(data, v => d3.max(v, d => d.rowNo), d => lane(d));
enter => {
const g = enter.append('g').attr('transform', d => `translate(0, ${y(d[1]) + y.step() - y.paddingInner() * y.step() * 0.5 })`);
.attr("d", d3.line()([[margin.left, 0], [width - margin.right, 0]]))
.attr("stroke", "grey");
if (showLaneLabels) {
.text((d) => d[0])
.attr("x", showLaneLabels === 'left' ? margin.left + 5 : showLaneLabels === 'right' ? width - margin.right - 5 : 0)
.attr("y", -5)
.attr("text-anchor", showLaneLabels === 'left' ? "beginning" :"end")
.attr("dominant-baseline", "bottom")
.attr("font-size", "0.75em")
.attr("fill", "grey");
return g;
update => {
.attr('transform', d => `translate(0, ${y(d[1]) + y.step() - y.paddingInner() * y.step() * 0.5 })`);'text').text((d) => d[0])
return update;
exit => {
// Draw axis
if (showAxis) {
// Update the reference lines, since our axis has adjusted

updateBars(_data, 0);
return Object.assign(
_key: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return key;
key = f;
return key;
_start: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return start;
start = f;
return start;
_end: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return end;
end = f ;
return end;
_lane: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return lane;
lane = f;
return lane;
_color: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return color;
color = f;
return color;
_title: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return title;
title = f;
return title;
_label: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return label;
label = f;
return label;
_height: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return height;
height = f;
return height;
_width: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return width;
width = f;
return width;
_margin: (f) => {
if (f === undefined) return margin;
margin = f;
return margin;
_scales: {x, y},
_update: {bars: updateBars, referenceLines: updateReferenceLines},
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function assignRows(data, {
start = (d, i) => d.start, // given d in data, return the start of the bar as a date or number
end = (d, i) => d.end, // given d in data, return the end of the bar as a date or number
xScale = d3.scaleTime(), // Scale used to add padding to bars
xPadding = 0, // Padding between bars in pixels.
monotonic = false, // If set to true assign an new monotically increasing row to EVERY bar.
} = {}) {
// Algorithm used to assign bars to lanes.
const slots = [];
const findSlot = (slots, barStart, barEnd) => {
// Add some padding to bars to leave space between them
// Do comparisons in pixel space for cleaner padding.
const barStartPx = Math.round(xScale(barStart));
const barEndPaddedPx = Math.round(xScale(barEnd) + xPadding);
for (var i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
if ((slots[i][1] <= barStartPx) && !monotonic) {
slots[i][1] = barEndPaddedPx;
return slots[i][0];
// Otherwise add a new slot and return that.
slots.push([slots.length, barEndPaddedPx]);
return slots.length - 1;

return data
.sort((a, b) => Number(start(a)) - Number(start(b))) // Sort by the date.
.map(d => ({...d, rowNo: findSlot(slots, start(d), end(d))}))

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function assignLanes(data, {
start = (d, i) => d.start, // given d in data, return the start of the bar as a date or number
end = (d, i) => d.end, // given d in data, return the end of the bar as a date or number
lane = (d, i) => 0, // given d in data, return the swim lane it belongs to,
xScale = d3.scaleTime(), //padding between rows.
xPadding = 0,
monotonic = false, // Monotonically increase lane number, dont fill existing lanes with more bars.
} = {}) {
// Assign rows, but grouped by some keys so that bars are arranged in groups belonging to the same lane.
const groups = d3.flatGroup(data, lane)
const newData = [];
var rowCount = 0;
groups.forEach((g,i) => {
const [laneName, _groupData] = g;
// For each group assign rows.
const groupData = assignRows(_groupData, {start, end, xScale, xPadding, monotonic});
groupData.forEach(d => {
lane: laneName,
laneNo: i,
rowNo: rowCount + d.rowNo,
// Offset future rows by the maximum row number from this gorup.
rowCount += d3.max( => d.rowNo)) + 1;
return newData;
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// Update the chart (rather than reinitialising it) when we change the options.
chart.gantt._update.bars(archigos.filter(d => countries.includes(d.countryname)), 1000);
// Replace titles with a tooltip at the bottom of the chart.
const tooltip = new Tooltip();
const bars ='.gantt__group-bars').selectAll('g');
.on('mouseover', (e, d) =>, d, chart.gantt))
.on('mouseout', (e, d) => tooltip.hide());'title').remove();'svg').append(() => tooltip.g.node());

// Set some style for our chart.
return html`
<style type="text/css">
.gantt {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
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// Update the chart (rather than reinitialising it) when we change the options.
chart.gantt._color((d, i) => cm(d[colorBy]));

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class Tooltip {
constructor() {
this.g = d3.create('svg:g')
.attr('pointer-events', 'none')
.attr('font-size', '12px')
this._title = this.g.append('text').attr('y', 10);
show(e, d, gantt) {
const midpoint = ( gantt._scales.x(gantt._start()(d)) + gantt._scales.x(gantt._end()(d)) ) / 2
const midpointClipped = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(midpoint, 200), gantt._width() - 200)); // Make sure it doesnt go too far off either end.
this.g.attr("display", null);
this.g.attr("transform", `translate(${midpointClipped}, ${gantt._height() - 15})`);
hide() {
this.g.attr("display", "none");
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import {Legend, Swatches} from "@d3/color-legend"
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