Dec 3, 2020
1 fork
19 stars
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//raw =
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map.color_func = function(f) {
const balance = (Math.sin( + 1)/2
const r1 = 1 -["2016_Trump"]/["2016_tot"]
const r2 = 1 -["2020_Trump"]/["2020_tot"]
if (["2020_tot"] === 0) {return [1, 1, 1]}
const {r, g, b} = d3.rgb(colorscale(r1*(1-balance) + r2*balance))
return [r/255, g/255, b/255]
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size_scale = {
map // need map for the features to exist.
return d3.scaleSqrt().domain(d3.extent( =>['2020_tot'] /[0, 3]).clamp(true)
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map.size_func = areal == "area" ? () => 1 : (feature) => {
const balance = (Math.sin( + 1)/2
return size_scale((['2020_tot'] * balance +['2016_tot'] * (1-balance)) /
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colorscale = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateRdBu).domain([0.05, .95])
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map = new TriMap(div, [election_districts])
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md`# TriMap

A handler class to deal with interactions between regl contexts and feather feature sets. I'll use this more later.`
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class TriMap {

constructor(div, layers) {
this.div = div
this.regl = wrapRegl({canvas: div, extensions: ["OES_element_index_uint"]})
for (let layer of layers) {
this.layers = layers;

const {width, height} = div
this.magic_numbers = window_transform(
d3.scaleLinear().domain(layers[0].bbox.x).range([0, width]),
d3.scaleLinear().domain(layers[0].bbox.y).range([0, height]), width, height)
.map(d => d.flat())
this.prepare_div(width, height)
this.regl.frame(() => this.tick())
prepare_div(width, height) {
this.zoom = {transform: {k: 1, x: 0, y:0}}[[0, 0], [width, height]]).on("zoom", (event, g) => {
this.zoom.transform = event.transform

return div;

get size_func() {
return this._size_function ? this._size_function : () => 1
set size_func(f) {
this._size_function = f
set color_func(f) {
this._color_function = f
get color_func() {
return this._color_function ? this._color_function : () => [.8, .8, .8]
tick() {
const { regl } = this
color: [0, 0, 0, .01],
const alpha = 1
const calls = []
for (let feature of this.layers[0]) {
if (['2020_tot'] === null) {continue}
const {vertices, coords} = feature;
transform: this.zoom.transform,
color: this.color_func(feature),
centroid: [,],
size: this.size_func(feature),
alpha: 1,
vertices: vertices,
coords: coords

set_renderer() {
this.render_polygons = this.regl(this.polygon_renderer())

polygon_renderer() {
const { regl, magic_numbers } = this;
return {
depth: {
enable: false

blend: {enable: true, func: {
srcRGB: 'one',
srcAlpha: 'one',
dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha',
dstAlpha: 'one minus src alpha',
vert: `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 position;
uniform float u_size;
uniform vec2 u_centroid;
varying vec4 fragColor;
uniform float u_k;
uniform float u_time;
uniform vec3 u_color;
varying vec4 fill;

// Transform from data space to the open window.
uniform mat3 u_window_scale;
// Transform from the open window to the d3-zoom.
uniform mat3 u_zoom;
uniform mat3 u_untransform;

// We can bundle the three matrices together here for all shaders.
mat3 from_coord_to_gl = u_window_scale * u_zoom * u_untransform;

float u_scale_factor = 0.5;

void main () {

// scale to normalized device coordinates
// gl_Position is a special variable that holds the position
// of a vertex
vec2 from_center = position-u_centroid;

vec3 p = vec3(from_center * u_size + u_centroid, 1.) * from_coord_to_gl;
gl_Position = vec4(p, 1.0);

gl_PointSize = u_size * (exp(log(u_k)*u_scale_factor));

fragColor = vec4(u_color.rgb, 1.);
//gl_Position = vec4(position / vec2(1., u_aspect), 1., 1.);
frag: `
precision highp float;
uniform float u_alpha;
varying vec4 fragColor;

void main() {
gl_FragColor = fragColor * u_alpha;
attributes: {
position: (_, {coords}) => coords,
elements: (_, {vertices}) => vertices,
uniforms: {
u_time: (context, _) =>,
u_k: function(context, props) {
return props.transform.k
u_centroid: regl.prop('centroid'),
u_color: (_, {color}) => color ? color : [.8, .9, .2],
u_window_scale: magic_numbers[0].flat(),
u_untransform: magic_numbers[1].flat(),
u_zoom: function(context, props) {
const g = [
// This is how you build a transform matrix from d3 zoom.
[props.transform.k, 0, props.transform.x],
[0, props.transform.k, props.transform.y],
[0, 0, 1],
return g
u_alpha: regl.prop('alpha'),
u_size: (_, {size}) => size || 1,

primitive: "triangles"

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wrapRegl = require("regl")
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d3 = require("d3@v6")
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