Oct 6, 2022
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// I would like to do this in Plotly to make it look nicer
Treemap(importData, {
path: (d) => d.ptTitle + "/" + d.cmdDescE, // e.g. flare/animate/Easing
label: (d) => d.cmdDescE,
group: (d) => d.cmdDescE, // for color; e.g. animate
value: (d) => d?.TradeValue, // area of each rect
title: (d, n) => [, n.value.toLocaleString()].join("\n"), // hover text
height: 500
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// I would like to do this in Plotly to make it look nicer
Treemap(exportData, {
path: (d) => d.ptTitle + "/" + d.cmdDescE, // e.g. flare/animate/Easing
label: (d) => d.cmdDescE,
group: (d) => d.cmdDescE, // for color; e.g. animate
value: (d) => d?.TradeValue, // area of each rect
title: (d, n) => [, n.value.toLocaleString()].join("\n"),
height: 500
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// fetches list of countries available in ComTrade this is used in the country select above
countryList = (
await fetch(
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year = "2021"
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foodCodeString = "01%2C02%2C03%2C04%2C05%2C07%2C08%2C09%2C10%2C11%2C12%2C13%2C15%2C16%2C17%2C19%2C20"
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multiyearString = "2021%2C2020%2C2019%2C2018%2C2017"
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// ToDo add country_code function here
// this returns the id of the text value chosen for countries
countryCode = Object.values(countryList.results)
.filter((item) => item.text == countrySelect)
.map((item) =>
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rawImportData = fetch(
).then((response) => response.json())
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importData = rawImportData.dataset.filter((item) => {
return item.ptTitle !== "World";
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rawExportData = fetch(
).then((response) => response.json())
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exportData = rawExportData.dataset.filter((item) => {
return item.ptTitle !== "World";
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yoyImportData = fetch(
).then((response) => response.json())
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yoyExportData = fetch(
).then((response) => response.json())
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joinedImpExp = Promise.all([importData, exportData]).then((values) => {
let data = values[0].concat(values[1]);
return data;
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var data = [
type: "treemap",
labels: combinedArray,
parents: parentFilled,
values: valuefilled,
// textinfo: "label+percent parent",
domain: { x: [0, 1] },
// outsidetextfont: { size: 20, color: "#377eb8" },
marker: { line: { width: 0.1 } },
pathbar: { visible: true }
var layout = {
annotations: [
showarrow: false,
text: "branchvalues: <b>remainder</b>",
x: 0.25,
xanchor: "center",
y: 1.1,
yanchor: "bottom"

const div = DOM.element("div");
Plotly.newPlot(div, data);
return div;

// I would like to do this in Plotly to make it look nicer
// Treemap(exportData.dataset, {
// path: (d) => d.ptTitle + "/" + d.cmdDescE, // e.g. flare/animate/Easing
// label: (d) => d.cmdDescE,
// group: (d) => d.cmdDescE, // for color; e.g. animate
// value: (d) => d?.TradeValue, // area of each rect
// title: (d, n) => [, n.value.toLocaleString()].join("\n"),
// width,
// height: 500
// })
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labeltest = => {
return item.cmdDescE;
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uniqueValues = [ Set( => item))]
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combinedArray = labeltest.concat(uniqueValues)
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parenttest = => {
return item.ptTitle;
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parentFilled = parenttest.concat(Array(129).fill(""))
Insert cell
valuestest = => {
return item.TradeValue;
Insert cell
valuefilled = valuestest.concat(Array(129).fill(1))
Insert cell
viewof table = Inputs.table([parentFilled, combinedArray, valuefilled])
Insert cell

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