Aug 11, 2020
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
d = {
const sweepFlag = determinant < 0 ? 1 : 0;
const anchorIn = alongSegment(points[1], points[0], distanceToTangentPoint);
const anchorOut = alongSegment(points[1], points[2], distanceToTangentPoint);

return `
M${points[0].x} ${points[0].y}
L${anchorIn.x} ${anchorIn.y}
A${radiusToUse} ${radiusToUse} 0 0 ${sweepFlag} ${anchorOut.x} ${anchorOut.y}
L${points[2].x} ${points[2].y}
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
curveCircleCorners = {

* Point type definition
* @typedef {Object} Point
* @property {number} x - horizontal position in a canvas or SVG element
* @property {number} y - vertical position in a canvas or SVG element
* CircleCorners type definition
* @typedef {Object} CircleCorners
* @property {function} areaStart - triggered when ...
* @property {function} areaEnd - triggered when ...
* @property {function} lineStart - triggered when before the first datum in a line
* @property {function} lineEnd - triggered when after the last datum in a line
* @property {function} point - triggered for each point in an array of data defining a line
* @property {object} _context - 2d context of an HTML canvas element (or equivalant SVG drawing space)
* @property {string} _context._ draw commands to be applied to the d attribute of a path element
* @property {number} _radius - corner radius to apply to each line segment intersection
* @property {number} [_line] - state variable for ...
* @property {number} [_point] - state variable for how many points are saved as properties (vert & prev)
* @property {Point} [_prev] - the point preceding the vertex; either the first point of a line or an "out" anchor
* @property {Point} [_vert] - vertex currently being drawn; the curve will not actually touch this point
function CircleCorners(context, radius) {
this._context = context;
this._radius = radius;
* @func alongSegment
* @desc locatates a point a certain disatance away, in the direction of a known position
* @param {Point} from - origin of a ray (or vector)
* @param {Point} from - second point defining the direction of the ray (or vector)
* @param {number} distanceAlong - distance away that the output point should be, along the ray
* @return {Point} a new point, the specified direction and distance from `from`
function alongSegment(from, toward, distanceAlong) {
const rayAngle = Math.atan2(from.y - toward.y, from.x - toward.x);

return {
x: from.x - distanceAlong * Math.cos(rayAngle),
y: from.y - distanceAlong * Math.sin(rayAngle)
* @func arcPast
* @desc ...
* @param {Object} that - context of the current draw command
* @param {number} x - ...
* @param {number} y - ...
function arcPast(that, x, y) {
// TO DO: Allow that._radius to be a number or an array of numbers (one for each point, with first and last ignored)
const angle = Math.abs(
Math.atan2(that._vert.y - that._prev.y, that._vert.x - that._prev.x) -
Math.atan2(that._vert.y - y, that._vert.x - x)
const acuteAngle = angle > Math.PI ? 2*Math.PI - angle : angle;
const shortestRay = Math.min(
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(that._vert.x - that._prev.x, 2) + Math.pow(that._vert.y - that._prev.y, 2)),
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(that._vert.x - x , 2) + Math.pow(that._vert.y - y , 2))
const radius = Math.min( that._radius, shortestRay * Math.tan(acuteAngle/2) );
const anchorDistance = Math.abs(radius / Math.tan(acuteAngle/2));
const determinant = (that._vert.x - that._prev.x)*(that._vert.y - y)
- (that._vert.x - x )*(that._vert.y - that._prev.y);
const sweepFlag = determinant < 0 ? 1 : 0;
const aIn = alongSegment(that._vert, that._prev, anchorDistance);
const aOut = alongSegment(that._vert, {x, y}, anchorDistance);

// that._context.arcTo() doesn't work properly, so we'll modify the string directly
that._context._ += ` L${aIn.x} ${aIn.y} A${radius} ${radius} 0 0 ${sweepFlag} ${aOut.x} ${aOut.y}`;
that._prev = aOut;
that._vert = { x, y };

CircleCorners.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._prev = { x: NaN, y: NaN };
this._vert = { x: NaN, y: NaN };
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
// No more points, so draw a straight line to the end
this._context.lineTo(this._vert.x, this._vert.y);
// proceed
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0:
this._point = 1;
case 1:
this._point = 2;
if (this._line) {
this._context.lineTo(this._vert.x, this._vert.y);
} else {
this._context.moveTo(this._vert.x, this._vert.y);
arcPast(this, x, y);
this._prev = this._vert;
this._vert = { x, y };

return (function custom(radius) {

function circleCorners(context) {
return new CircleCorners(context, radius);

circleCorners.radius = function(radius) {
return custom(+radius);

return circleCorners;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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