Apr 25, 2023
1 fork
7 stars
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samplePlot = unitChart(disability, {
group: d => d["Group"],
value: "Total",

width: 600,
height: 300
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sampleTextPlot = unitChart(sampleData, {
group: "kind",
value: "total",
mark: "text",
text: (group) => livestockEmoji[group],
fontSize: 24 // Optional
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livestockEmoji = ({
"Heifers/Goat": "🐐",
Buffalo: "🐃",
Pig: "🐖",
Rabbit: "🐇",
Sheep: "🐑",
Cow: "🐄"
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// Icons from
images = ({
Others: await FileAttachment("others.svg").url(),
"Water and snow": await FileAttachment("water.svg").url(),
Croplands: await FileAttachment("cropland.svg").url(),
"Forest and grasslands": await FileAttachment("forest.svg").url(),
"Built-up": await FileAttachment("building@2.svg").url()
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function unitChart(
// Required

// Optional
width = 640,
height = 400,
margin = 10,
scheme = schemeCategory10,
formatLabel = (d) => `${accessor(group)(d)} (${d.__ratio.toFixed(1)}%)`,

cellPadding = 0.0333,

mark = "square", // "circle" | "text" | "image"
showLegend = true,
legendCellSize = width / 32,

// Options for text mark
text = (d) => d,
fontSize, // (number in px) Can be used set font size of text marks

// Options for image marq

src = function () {
throw "src not not passed in the options";
} = {}
) {
const getValue = accessor(value);
const getGroup = accessor(group);
const w = width;
const h = height ?? (showLegend ? (w * 2) / 3 : w);

marginTop = marginTop ?? margin;
marginRight = marginRight ?? margin;
marginBottom = marginBottom ?? margin;
marginLeft = marginLeft ?? margin;

const svg = d3
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, w, h])
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.style("display", "block")
.style("background", "white")
.style("height", "auto")
.style("height", "intrinsic")
.style("max-width", "100%");

if (height) {"width", w).style("height", h);

const boundedWidth = w - marginLeft - marginRight;
const boundedHeight = h - marginTop - marginBottom;
const plotSize = boundedWidth < boundedHeight ? boundedWidth : boundedHeight;

const scale = d3
.range([0, plotSize])

const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(scheme).domain(d3.range(data.length));

let dataCopy = [].sort((a, b) => getValue(b) - getValue(a));
const total = computeTotal(dataCopy, getValue);
dataCopy = computeRatio(dataCopy, getValue, total);

const plotData = computePlotData(dataCopy, getGroup);
const groups = [ Set( =>];

const cellSize = scale.bandwidth();
const halfCellSize = cellSize / 2;
const plot = svg
.attr("transform", `translate(${marginLeft},${marginTop})`);

const cells = plot
.attr("fill", (d) => (d.index === -1 ? "#ddd" : color(d.index)));

if (mark === "circle") {
.attr("cx", (d) => scale(d.x) + halfCellSize)
.attr("cy", (d) => scale(d.y) + halfCellSize)
.attr("r", halfCellSize);
} else if (mark === "text") {
.text((c) => text(
.attr("x", (d) => scale(d.x) + halfCellSize)
.attr("y", (d) => scale(d.y) + halfCellSize)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dominant-baseline", "middle")
.attr("font-size", `${fontSize || cellSize * 0.5}px`);
} else if (mark === "image") {
.attr("x", (d) => scale(d.x))
.attr("y", (d) => scale(d.y))
.attr("width", cellSize)
.attr("height", cellSize)
.attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin")
.attr("href", (d) => src(;
} else {
.attr("x", (d) => scale(d.x))
.attr("y", (d) => scale(d.y))
.attr("width", cellSize)
.attr("height", cellSize);

if (showLegend) {
const legend = svg
(d, i) => `translate(${marginLeft + cellSize + plotSize},${marginTop})`
.data(dataCopy.filter((d) => groups.includes(getGroup(d))))
.attr("class", "legend")
.attr("transform", (d, i) => `translate(0,${i * legendCellSize * 1.5})`);

if (mark === "text") {
.text((d) => text(getGroup(d)))
.attr("x", legendCellSize / 2) // 2
.attr("y", legendCellSize / 2) // 2
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dominant-baseline", "middle")
.attr("font-size", `${legendCellSize * 1.1}px`); // this controls the icon size; let's make it larger - and make corresponding text larger
} else if (mark === "image") {
.attr("width", legendCellSize)
.attr("height", legendCellSize)
.attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin")
.attr("href", (d) => src(getGroup(d)));
} else {
.attr("width", legendCellSize)
.attr("height", legendCellSize)
.attr("rx", (d) => (mark === "circle" ? legendCellSize : 0))
.attr("fill", (d, i) => color(i));
.attr("x", legendCellSize * 1.5) //1.25
.attr("y", legendCellSize * 0.5) //0.5
.attr("dominant-baseline", "middle")
.style("font-family", fontFamily)
.style("font-size", `${legendCellSize * 0.8}px`);
return svg.node();
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fontFamily = `-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "avenir next", avenir, helvetica, "helvetica neue", ubuntu, roboto, noto, "segoe ui", arial, sans-serif`
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function computePlotData(chartData, getGroup) {
const data = => ({ ...d, cells: Math.round(d.__ratio) }));

const ratioTotal = computeTotal(data, accessor("__ratio"));

const waffle = [];
let dataIndex = 0;
let cellIndex = 1;

// One empty cell will be extra
// So add it to the to a candidate group
let hasExtraCell = ratioTotal < 100;
let candidateGroup;
let extraCellAdded = false;
if (hasExtraCell) {
candidateGroup = data
.map((d) => ({ ...d, diff: Math.abs(d.__ratio - d.cells) }))
.sort((a, b) => b.diff - a.diff);

candidateGroup = getGroup(candidateGroup[0]);
for (let y = 0; y < 10; y++)
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
// if (hasExtraCell && x == 0 && y == 0) continue;

if (!data[dataIndex]) {
waffle.push({ x, y, group: "Undefined", index: -1 });

const group = getGroup(data[dataIndex]);

waffle.push({ x, y, group, index: dataIndex });
if (hasExtraCell && !extraCellAdded && candidateGroup === group) {
cellIndex--; // Do one extra pass, which will add one extra cell in this group
extraCellAdded = true;
if (cellIndex > data[dataIndex].cells) {
cellIndex = 1;

return waffle;
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computeRatio = (arr, accessor, total) => => ({
__ratio: (accessor(d) / total) * 100
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computeTotal = (arr, fn) => arr.reduce((sum, d) => sum + fn(d), 0)
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// Data from district profile of Palpa, Nepal
sampleData = [
total: 72973,
kind: "Cow"
total: 86696,
kind: "Buffalo"
total: 233716,
kind: "Heifers/Goat"
total: 2674,
kind: "Sheep"
total: 70896,
kind: "Pig"
total: 888,
kind: "Rabbit"
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