Feb 21, 2019
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
z = require('')
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
rainAmounts = [
Insert cell
rainDates = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, i) => - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * i)
Insert cell
Insert cell
rainfall = {
let rainDF = []
for (var i=0; i<rainAmounts.length; i++) {
rainDF.push({precipitation: rainAmounts[i], date: rainDates[i]})
return rainDF
Insert cell
Insert cell
daySeries = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"]
Insert cell
z.addCol("day", daySeries, rainfall)
Insert cell
Insert cell
columns = Object.keys(rainfall[0])
Insert cell
Insert cell
shape = ({rows: rainfall.length, columns:Object.keys(rainfall[0]).length})
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
migrationUrl = ""
Insert cell
migration = d3.csv(migrationUrl)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
z.head(5, migration)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
({rows: migration.length, columns:Object.keys(migration[0]).length})
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
firstRow = Object.values(migration[0])
Insert cell
lastRow = Object.values(migration[migration.length-1])
Insert cell
randomRow = Object.values(migration[Math.floor(Math.random() * migration.length)])
Insert cell
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migrationColumns = Object.keys(migration[0])
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numericalColumns = migrationColumns.slice(0, migrationColumns.length-4)
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migrationParsed = z.parseNums(numericalColumns, migration)
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z.head(5, migrationParsed)
Insert cell
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countryName = z.getCol('Country Name', migrationParsed)
Insert cell
Insert cell
z.describe(z.getCol('1962', migrationParsed))
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z.valueCounts(z.getCol('Indicator Code', migrationParsed))
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
minReturn: z.min(dailyReturns).toFixed(5),
maxReturn: z.max(dailyReturns).toFixed(5),
meanDailyReturn: z.mean(dailyReturns).toFixed(5),
medianDailyReturn: z.median(dailyReturns).toFixed(5),
dailyVolatility: z.std(dailyReturns).toFixed(5)
Insert cell
Insert cell
data: {values: dataRolling},
width: 700,
height: 350,
mark: {type: "line", strokeWidth: .9},
encoding: {
x: {field: "Date", type: "temporal"},
y: {field: "rollingVolatility", type: "quantitative", scale: {type:'linear'}}
Insert cell
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Insert cell
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dates = z.deriveCol(r=>Date.parse(r.Date), dataWithReturns)
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dataDates = z.addCol('DateStamp', dates, dataWithReturns)
Insert cell
days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday']
Insert cell
daysOfWeek = z.deriveCol(x=>days[(new Date(x.DateStamp)).getDay()], dataDates)
Insert cell
dataDays = z.addCol('Day', daysOfWeek, dataDates)
Insert cell
dataGrouped = z.groupBy(x=>x.Day, dataDays)
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
dataPiped = z.pipe(
z.parseNums(['Open','High','Low','Close', 'Adj Close', 'Volume']),
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
data = d3.csv("")
Insert cell
dataParsed = z.parseNums(['Open','High','Low','Close', 'Adj Close', 'Volume'], data)
Insert cell
vegalite = require("@observablehq/vega-lite")
Insert cell
Insert cell
prices = z.getCol('Close', dataParsed)
Insert cell
dailyReturns = z.pctChange(prices)
Insert cell
dataWithReturns = z.addCol('DailyReturns', dailyReturns, dataParsed)

Insert cell
dataSorted = z.sortByCol('DailyReturns', 'asc', dataWithReturns)
Insert cell
rollingVolatility = z.rolling(z.std, 252, dailyReturns)
Insert cell
rollingMean = z.rolling(z.mean, 252, dailyReturns)
Insert cell
dataRolling = z.pipe([
z.addCol('rollingVolatility', rollingVolatility),
z.addCol('rollingMean', rollingMean),
Insert cell
annualisedVolatility = z.deriveCol((x=>x.rollingVolatility * Math.sqrt(252)), dataRolling)
Insert cell

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