Nov 19, 2020
2 stars
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mapWidth = width
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chartWidth = width
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tableWidth = width
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mapTooltipContent = d =>
`${stateFipsToName.get(}<br> ${disease} prevalence: ${d3.format(".2f")(
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mapData = diseaseToData.get(disease).map(d => ({
id: stateNameToFips.get(d.locationdesc),
value: d3.mean(
.filter(([key, value]) => key !== "locationdesc")
.map(([key, value]) => value)
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mapColorScale = d3
.domain(d3.extent(mapData, d => d.value))
.range(["#f0f9e8", "#bae4bc", "#7bccc4", "#43a2ca", "#0868ac"])
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mapHeight = (width * 2) / 3
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mapPadding = 24
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getDiseaseStateTable = fips => {
const stateName = statesGeoByFips.get(fips);
const diseaseData = diseaseToData
.find(d => d.locationdesc === stateName);
const data = Object.keys(diseaseData)
.map(key => ({ name: key, value: diseaseData[key] }));

const table = d3.create("table");
const header = table.append("thead");
const body = table.append("tbody");

.data(["Race/Ethnicity", `Prevalence of ${disease}`])
.text(d => d);


function renderRow({ name, value }) {
const row =;
const valueCell = row
.html(isValue(value) ? `${value}%` : "<em>no data</em>");

function isValue(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== "";

return table.node();
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selectStateOptions = allStatesFips
.map(({ name, fips }) => ({
label: name,
value: fips
.sort((a, b) => +a.value - +b.value)
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diseaseToData = new Map([
["Asthma", dataAsthma],
["COPD", dataCopd],
["Diabetes", dataDiabetes]
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import { View } from "@mbostock/synchronized-views"
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import { select, autoSelect } from "@jashkenas/inputs"
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import { legend } from "@d3/color-legend"
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import { html, svg } from "@observablehq/htl"
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import { Tooltip } from "534d662eaa9b53f1"
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import { drawChoroplethMap } from "@clhenrick/reusable-county-choropleth-map"
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import { pivotbyRaceTable as pivotbyRaceCopd } with {
copdQ as questionPicker
} from "@clhenrick/het-data-intake-u-s-chronic-disease-indicators-cdi-brfss"
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import { pivotbyRaceTable as pivotbyRaceAsthma } with {
asthmaQ as questionPicker
} from "@clhenrick/het-data-intake-u-s-chronic-disease-indicators-cdi-brfss"
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import { pivotbyRaceTable as pivotbyRaceDiabetes } with {
diabetesQ as questionPicker
} from "@clhenrick/het-data-intake-u-s-chronic-disease-indicators-cdi-brfss"
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// import { table as table1, viewof valueTypePicker as vtp1 } with {
// state1 as selectedFips
// } from "@clhenrick/acs-race-ethnicity-characteristics-by-state"
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// import { table as table2, viewof valueTypePicker as vtp2 } with {
// state2 as selectedFips
// } from "@clhenrick/acs-race-ethnicity-characteristics-by-state"
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import { drawRowChart } from "@clhenrick/reusable-row-chart"
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import { allStatesFips } from "@clhenrick/acs-race-ethnicity-characteristics-by-state"
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import {
} from "@clhenrick/reusable-choropleth-map"
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d3 = require("d3@6")
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